Friday, July 1, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Ideas - Make Your Relationship Work!

Is your boyfriend or partner millions of miles away? Do you wish to keep your relationship with stronger? Do you think that long distance relationships don't work? Well, think twice before concluding. Long distance relationships do work. It may seem hard to stay connected but it can actually work. Despite the limitation like phone calls, emails and tests, many couples have managed to survive long distance relationships. Here are some long distance relationship ideas that you can follow.

1. Write hand-written love letters.

Writing emails is so easy. Make an effort to write letters with your pen. It's much more romantic and your partner would surely appreciate it. You can write some cheesy comments and write your heart out. As he sees your handwriting, he will surely miss you too. Show him your sensitive side. Ever watched the movie, Dear John? The movie evolved on writing love letters. You can get your inspiration from that movie.

2. Watch a movie simultaneously.

That's what Elle Woods and her partner did in the movie Legally Blonde 2. They watched the movie simultaneously even if they were miles apart. It's the next best thing to actually seeing the movie together. Set a date night, prepare the popcorn and soda. Jump into your bed and turn the DVD player and TV on.

3. Send him some surprises.

Just because he is miles away doesn't mean that you can't surprise him. You can send him flowers to his workplace. There are so many websites that delivers flowers. If you want, you can send a package to him. Put inside the box his favorite things. You can put in his favorite chocolates, movie, book and perfume. You'll surely surprise him with this.

4. Get digital.

You can send him digital photo albums, scrapbooks, post cards, photos and e-cards. There's a website that offers a program that you can download for free. It allows you to create different things from the photos that you have. You can make a slide show, digital scrapbook, e-cards and such. Once you're done with your project, you can send it by email to your partner. Don't worry because there are plenty of designs and layouts that you can use.

5. Get a webcam.

You can do a lot of things if you have a webcam. You can chat with your guy and you get to see his face and what he's doing. It's the best way to stay connected with your man you don't have to worry about your phone call bills!

6. Have a star gazing date.

Just because you guys are miles away doesn't mean that you don't get to have a date. If you want something romantic, head outside and bring a bottle of wine and your telephone. Setup a blanket or sleeping bag on the ground. Tell your partner to do likewise. Lie down and call him up. You can talk about anything under the stars and it feels like he's just beside you. It's a romantic date that you can do any evening.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Beak Up With Your Long-Distance Girlfriend or Boyfriend

I love being in love and having someone dependable in my corner. However, it seems so much easier to be supportive when you are farther away. You love talking about them and you love the the time together when they come visit you. Now listen you need to break-up right away and not take this any longer. You know it and you've thought about it before and that hard part is when is the right time to do it. Here is how to do it and then why this is the right thing to do.

I Need help Breaking up With your Long-Distance Girlfriend/Boyfriend

Get your strategy tight, very tight. Think about your X-in-the-making behavior and use it against them. Pick a date to do this and start creating your list of why this relationship needs to end. You do not even have to worry about them popping by your place. The long distance is your advantage point. Don't take any calls or text from them at all until you have finally decided you are ending it (very important)!

Set aside a block of time with them and set aside a generous amount of time to have this talk. If they do not answer, then leave a message with a specific time and date. Whatever time you pick make it a time that offers a lot of privacy. Don't answer any communication from them at all before then. They will call at the given time. When it is time for the call don't have any distractions at all. Do it in a quiet place with good reception and bring your list with you.

Pack their stuff in a box, kindly and gently because that is the least you could do. After all, you're a good person but you've got to move on. Do not wait until the next visit to break-up, not after they've spent money to see you.

The Reasons Why You are Breaking Up:

You've cheated and the truth is so have they. Even if you don't want that picture in your head its true. You've done it long-term with some or one and you still enjoy them.

You're really only in it because you feel obligated. Do you really want to know who it feels to be the one who let a relationship carry on only to watch them move to year and start over (Oh, they are moving to you right, you're not taking any chances).

It just easier to be in a long-distance relationship isn't it. You get to be dependable, sweet, loving, and there, without the pressure of a person who is "really there".

Oh and don't forget that just like you, she/he has a nice sexy bodied, shoulder to cry on and have their back. Just like you. If you don't believe me then send out a text or better yet call your local friend, they always answer your calls. So don't worry you've both got a few, local, willing and available, shoulders to curl-up under.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Deployment - Part 2 - Adjusting to Life on Your Own

By Keri E Smith Keri E Smith
Level: Basic PLUS

Keri Smith is a writer, mother of two, wife of an army soldier with a background in Human Resources and Recruitment. She writes her humorous ...

As I said in Part 1, I moved home to live with my parents during our first deployment. If you have thoughts about moving in with your family or even a friend, be forewarned...any drama they have in their lives WILL spill over in to yours. Do you need even more stress? Do you get along with this person even when you are in bad moods? These are valid questions to ask yourself. Don't let people talk you in to doing something you are unsure of. A year is a long time to be stuck somewhere. The second deployment, I stayed put, although this is when my dad moved in with me, which, as you will read, was a darn good thing. I had help when I needed it, but he stayed out of the way when I didn't. Plus, it was my house and my terms, which helped the control-freak that I am.

Communication: Make sure you and your spouse are prepared for the fact that you might be able to talk daily, or not for weeks at a time. It can make you a little crazy when you don't know if he is okay, but you need to stay calm and remember that no news is good news. I guarantee you that he is more upset at not being able to reach you. He's in the desert..not out bar-hopping. Chances are, he will have the opportunity to get in far less trouble than you would....not that you would. But you have to remember he will hear all kinds of stories about what is happening back home, as will you, and this may cause some tension. Cell phones are a bad idea and very dangerous. Use this as a time to get to know each other again. You are going to be doing a lot of talking, so you might discover some things you didn't know. We paid about $60 a month for Andy to have internet in his "room" and we talked on Yahoo IM webcam every night about 10pm. Another source is Skype. This was a nice option because then we could see each other. As it can make you crazy to NOT talk to each other, it can have the same effect if you talk TOO much. You run out of things to say about your day when you have already told him the day before. And it makes time go entirely too slow. Every three days is a good rule of thumb, if he is available. Don't ever discuss locations, etc...over the internet or the phone. Always assume that someone is listening in, and that someone might be a threat.

Speaking of threats...don't advertise the fact you are home alone by putting a Service Star Flag on your house. A yellow ribbon is general enough to blend in, yet not announcing to be robbed or attacked. Likewise, don't put the "Half my heart is in Iraq" bumper-stickers on your car for the same reason. We can support our soldiers in all the other things we do, but the most important thing you can do for your husband is be safe.

Have a talk with your husband about how to handle any bad news with the family or other friends while he is deployed. Does he want to know while he is gone, or wait until he comes home? We were tested with this several time. During the first deployment, I was in 4 car accidents and Taylor was hospitalized. During the second deployment, our dog killed our cat and I had to have the dog put to sleep. This was a horrific day, and had my dad not been there to shield me from seeing it, then the kids and I would have walked in to that scene after work/school. We also got news that Andy's stepfather was terminally ill and might not make it until he redeployed home. Make sure you have the information for the Red Cross, because chances are that you might very well have to get a message to him.

The last thing is that you want to stay as busy as possible during the deployment. Use this time to explore your interests. Is there somewhere you want to travel that he doesn't? Go visit a girlfriend or family member. Take a class or lesson. You can also look forward to your mid-way point, which is R&R for two weeks. This will be a fun break. Ask your spouse what they want to do...don't just plan a big party or trip. They may just want to sit on the sofa with you, and not do anything. You need to keep in mind, they may be a little jumpy. It's not a good idea to drink too much during this break either. Have an enjoyable time with him, and when he leaves to go back, know that you are almost done!

Keri Smith is a writer, mother of two, wife of an army soldier and full-time government employee. She writes her humorous blog, "The Glamorous Life of An Army Wife", telling her stories about raising children, giving tips to other military spouses, and general insights on motherhood and parenting a child with Asperger's Syndrome. She also contributes to DivineCaroline, and discusses her great loves, food and traveling.

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Article Submitted On: November 29, 2010