Monday, April 18, 2011

I Am Going To University, Will My Relationship Survive?

Leaving for university is a challenging time in the life of any young person. Colleges and universities are often long distances from home, and this can make regular visiting difficult. If you are trying to sustain a relationship in these trying circumstances, things can become very hard. This article will be examining these types of long distance relationships, and aiming to help you make decisions surrounding them.

Firstly, it is important that you both accept that university is going to be a new chapter in the life of the person attending, a new chapter that will undoubtedly change them. This, combined with the sense of exclusion felt by the person left behind can sometimes signal the end of the relationship. A good way of overcoming this sense of exclusion is to invite your partner to have a look around the university at least once, preferably more than once. This should serve to alleviate any sense of threat they may be feeling.

It will not, however, remove it completely. Unfortunately, there is no way that your partner can be completely involved with your new life at university. The fact is, it boils down to trust, and if you do not have trust then your relationship was not going anywhere anyway.

A good way to look at these periods of separation is to see them as tests of your relationship. Tests that you have to pass in much the same way as you have to pass your exams at university. It will not be easy, but if you really want to pass, then you will put in the work and your relationship will flourish.

Lastly, it is important to remember that you are young, and that your relationship may have run its course. Many relationships do survive the rigours of one half being away having a life changing experience, but many do not. If you find that you are growing apart now that you are at university, it may be that you should say goodbye to your childhood and look forward to your future.

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