Saturday, April 23, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Advice - 3 Ways to Build Trust

I think we can all agree that trust in a standard relationship is crucial, but in a long distance relationship it can become the single most important factor in determining long term success. My long distance love advice is fairly unassuming: I have a pretty open approach to Trust in my relationship as I knew early on that all of the effort and love I put in could be destroyed by a single moment of mistrust. I built trust in the beginning stages and I think its important to share all the ways I did...

Three great ways to build trust from the beginning of you long distance relationship are:

Reliability. If you say you're going to call at 9pm call at 9pm. If you say your going to travel to see your partner the second weekend in May you had better clear your schedule to go see your partner the second weekend in May. Be very careful with your promises. Make sure you have free time to call your partner or have planned out other promises you make. Punctuality and being reliable are incredibly important. Your partner needs to know that you are dedicated and will always do what you say you will do.

Communication. Speak openly about building trust. It isn't a bad thing to tell you partner up front that, "I think building trust will be one of the most important parts of our relationship.". I have openly told my partner that ex's have called me or texted me and then said, "I just wanted you to know that it isn't an issue and you're the only thing on my mind". Routine communication will build strong bound between you and your partner.

Be expressive. Being expressive will let your partner know what is on your mind. Your thoughts and feelings should be openly shared with your partner. The more expressive you are the more in tune your partner will be with where you are at in your relationship and the less they will worry. So let you partner know how you are feeling. Be open. Let them know your ups and downs. It will lead to better communication as well as a more loving and trusting relationship.

I really hope this will help in your LDR's. I can't stress how important the trust part of your relationship will be. I think it is best to get out in front and get all of this out of the way early. Let me know what you think in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great ways to build trust to long distance relationship. To have long distance relationship is not easy. But in order to have successful long distance relationship, you should give your full love and trust to your partner.

    relationships advice
