Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to Connect With Long Distant Family Members

How can a person really connect with long distant family members? There are many of us out there that have many family members all over the world. In fact there are many of us that have quite a few different members of our families living in quite a few different countries. No matter how close they are it can become increasingly difficult to maintain a long distant relationship. It is hard work but as we all know anything worth working for is always worth it. This is especially true when it comes to family.

So step one that you need to take is to make sure that you are in regular contact with these people that you want to connect with. You must phone them, Skype them, or email them, whatever you like but you must do so at least once a month. Once a month is the least amount of time that you need to really be able to keep the fire going between you and your family. It is a great way for you to be able to share stories and going on's without you feeling like its a massive burden on you. You must really try to do this once a week.

Step number two is to make sure that you pay them a visit at least once every few years. Having phone or Skype conversations is great but it only works out for a temporary basis. You both need to make a great effort toward really visiting each other so that you can keep that connection alive. Nothing is like being visited by the family that you love.

The next step after this is to make sure that you remember you family on all the special occasions. This means that if you have an uncle in a country who has a birthday in September then you should really make the effort to give them a phone call and wish them a happy birthday. These are small things but if you really focus your attention you can keep the connection alive.

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