Thursday, May 19, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Tips - Stay in Touch

While a long distant relationship is unsavory to most couples, many couples succeed at it every day. Anybody who has lived a military life knows this, and one of the first long distance relationship tips they offer is to stay in touch. They will tell you that it is not only possible, but that it has some distinct advantages over traditional relationships. Do you find yourself facing the prospect of being separated from your partner for long periods of time? Would you like some experience for the long distance relationship tips from couples who have prospered from such an arrangement? Then the following tips and advice will help you approach this growing issue between couples.

Trusting soul mates

One of the biggest concerns in long distance relationships is the issue of trust. The truth of the matter is that if the relationship is a strong one, the issue of trust would not be a concern. After all, if a partner is going to stray from a monogamous relationship, does it matter whether it is with the next door neighbor or co-worker 1000 miles away? The obvious answer is no, if your partner is not a trusting soul mate, it really doesn't matter the distance between you. All strong relations are built on the solid foundation of unwavering trust.

Open the lines of communication

Before the internet, with all of its "bells and whistles" of web cams and Skype, letter writing was the main source of communication in long distance relationships. The military learned early on that letters from love ones was as important to the troops as the ammunition they needed to carry into war. Letter writing is still one of the most important long distance relationship tips, and is a great way to communicate with your partner during long separations. Letter writing helps lonely partners reflect and think about the issues that bonds the relationship. The lines of communication are even better today with the internet, and any long distance relationship stands an even better chance when both partners have access to computers.

Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder

People who have been in a successful relationship for long periods of time all agree that every partnership needs a little separation from time to time. Some will argue that couples who see too much of each other is just as dangerous as long separations. As one military spouse who has been married for years once said to me, "I couldn't stand it if he was around all the time." The simple truth is that abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. When partners are reunited after a long period of time, the intimate relations they share are very intense and intoxicating. It is no great wonder that there is usually a rise in birth rates when soldiers return home from war.

Keep yourself busy

Some long distance relationship tips include keeping yourself busy while you're separated. Again this tip comes from the advice of military spouses that have an in-depth knowledge of surviving long separations. Without exception, they advise the "stay at home" partner to volunteer to their community or return to school to keep them from the "stinking thinking" that tends to depress people with a lot of time on their hands. Other long distance relationship tips include reminding yourself that there is light at the end of the tunnel and eventually your partner will return home, and you can enjoy each others time together more passionately.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

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