Friday, May 27, 2011

Is Long Distance Relationship Possible to Live Through?

Having a long distance relationship is stressful at times, it requires patience. When you have decided that you're going to keep it in place and that you'll be there for each other no matter how far apart you're, then you should congratulate yourself for being mature enough to handle it and all that comes with it.

There are many turns and twists and you must practice to be patient while you wait for your time to be together once again. You may spend a great deal of time missing your beloved and thinking about what that beloved person is doing each moment of the day. You'll have to go through moments in your life that are memorable.

You'll spend time stressing over the list of "what if's." Like I said, having a long distance relationship is never an easy task. Remember that if you're both able to work through the difficult obstacles, then you'll find the happiness that you deserve. When you're able to finally reunite, all of the pain and struggle will fade away. The pain that you experienced when you said good bye will always be there as well.

For couples that are involved in long distance relationships, every single minute of time spent with their love is stunning. There are several people that are living wonderful lives together after spending time in long distance relationships. There are certain things that must be considered when building on a healthy long distance relationships. They are:

1. Having Mutual Feelings: The most important thing is that both parties involved in this kind of relationships must have feelings that are mutual. That is the basic requirement. If both parties are not willing to commit completely, then they're just living a lie and it will not work in the end.

2. Strong Commitment: Love must also be paired with a strong commitment. Both parties must be committed to one another so that love can bond them together of the miles that separate them so that they can work through the obstacles that may arise.

3. Having Great Faith And Trust: They must also have a great deal of faith and trust in the relationship, and this is the most important factor of them all. They may find themselves worrying because they're so far apart. One partner may begin to be depressed about what the other partner is doing, and this is not healthy. If they can trust each other and if they have faith in their relationship, then the long distance relationships will be worth the effort.

4. Being Mature: Maturity is the last factor to consider. Both partners must be mature to deal with being in long distance relationships. When one or both of the parties are childish in their thoughts and behavior, then the relationships will not work. They'll simply drive each other crazy.

While long distance relationships have been compared to dreams, those that have gone through it can tell you some of their very own stories. The majority of them have proven that it is possible to overcome the difficult times that come along. As the old phrase goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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Article Source:

Joshua Nyamache - EzineArticles Expert Author

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