Sunday, May 8, 2011

Top 3 Tips to Consider When Buying Long Distance Relationships Reading Books

How many of you have bought a long distance relationships reading book? I'm in the business of helping people and have a degree myself. I've read many books on relationships and know many different techniques.

So, the question is, what books are worth reading? Well, I'm here to help you to decide.

Not all of the books in the bookstore are valid. Quite in fact, some of them are downright false!

I'm writing this article to help you decide which books to buy and to help you to watch out for the bad ones that are only out to get your money.

I will not provide names of books here; this article is meant to help you gain a general knowledge of what books are worth your time.

So, without beating around the bush any further, here are my top 3 tips when buying long distance relationships book:

Tip 1: Who wrote the book? Do they have at least a Master's Degree or Doctorate? A doctorate has several different incarnations. The most memorable one is Ph.D. I myself have a Psy.D., others have Ed.D.. There are several different ones. First and foremost just look to see if they have any credentials whatsoever.

Now, I'm not trying to say that all authors that lack initials behind their names are hacks. Some of them have little formal education, but several years of experience. Well, experience gives you knowledge too, which is something to consider.

Tip 2: Read the author's bio page to find out what their specialty is. For the purpose of this article, we would want them to specialize in long distance relationships. They could even have been in several ones themselves, and would be able to give you some insight into making long distance relationships easier for you.

Tip 3: Know that books will not solve all of your problems. They may help us in our relationships and other self-help areas, but they are not the end-all method. There is always formal counseling, etc. Don't rule out all of your options. Then again, sometimes education is key to relationship success.

Okay, I hope these tips help you when buying long distance relationships reading books.

For additional reading, please check out my resource box below.

For more help hen Buying Long Distance Relationships Reading Books, please visit my website, which will link you to Dr. Leslie Karsner's page that offers more FREE tips for your long distance relationship, as well as an OPTIONAL FREE MEMBERSHIP to "Go Romance eZine!", please Click Here!

Article Source:

Anthony E Miner - EzineArticles Expert Author

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