Friday, June 24, 2011

Helpful Tips for Surviving Away From Family and Friends

Living abroad, whether to study, work, volunteer, or just experience life in a foreign land is undoubtedly an enriching endeavour. Encountering new cultures, languages, food, and friends is all exciting but you still might find yourself dialing internationally to connect with those you miss.

Keeping in touch with friends and family is a good thing, and you shouldn't be discouraged from keeping loved ones updated, but it's easy to feel detached whilst spending time abroad. As an expat myself, I can definitely offer some tips to feel connected in a foreign country.

1. Study the local language as often as possible - This includes studying language books, listening to recorded lessons in the language of your adoptive country, and practicing your skills in public. There are many language programmes available online if you don't have time to attend a classroom-based course. Try to learn the names of the foods so that you can practice interacting in restaurants and supermarkets.

2. Join a group for expats - While it's not a good idea to only mix socially with expats, it's nice to have a group of people who share common concerns and experiences relating to your new country. There are many expat groups in major cities around the world that can be found through an internet search. While many expat groups are 'online only' forums you should be able to find a group that meets regularly in the 'real world'. Such groups will make you feel less alone and you're likely to meet new friends from an array of countries.

3. Immerse yourself in local culture - Try new food, attend local festivals (even if you don't understand the language!), travel around your host country in order to learn more about society, and visit local historical museums.

4. Call home even if you have to dial internationally - Email and instant messaging are great ways to keep in touch with loved ones back home but nothing beats good old-fashioned on-to-one personal international calls.

5. Visit your native country's embassy - Embassies aren't just the places you go to if your passport has been stolen! They are great resources which have been put in place to assist expats with everything from finding a doctor who speaks your language to social networking. Keep in mind, however, that not all embassies are created equal - some will offer more services than others.

Adapting to life in a new country can be exciting yet challenging. The key to settling in comfortably lies in a balance between keeping in touch with loved ones abroad and assimilating as best as possible to your new surroundings. If you follow these tried and tested tips you'll adapt to your new surroundings without the urge to make expensive international calls home every night!

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Article Source:

Marie Field - EzineArticles Expert Author

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