Saturday, June 18, 2011

Six Commandments Of A Successful Long Distance Relationship

Almost every one at one point or another has experienced a long distance relationship. Most people have come out it scarred, some for life. Very few people actually get to have a successful long distance relationship....have you ever wondered why it is so.

Well I'm here to tell you it is possible, I mean very possible to have a successful long distance relationship

Long distance relationships have a way of sneaking up on you sometimes....sometimes when you least expect it. It can occur for a lot reasons, for example you met someone in a chat room and before you know it you guys connected somehow and you hit it off from there, but by the time you two realized you were thousands of miles was already too were already in love.

Or it could be that you have just been promoted at work and it will require that you be moved to another city or another country entirely

So the question now is...WHAT DO YOU DO. Well I happen to have the answer to that question. Yes long distance relationships have advantages and disadvantages but that does not mean that it is entirely out of the options.

One of the advantages of a long distance relationship is it gives time to slowly open up the relationship, there is time to get to know one another, slowly build and develop a solid foundation. You don't to get be around the person all the time and see all their habits and routines that can get pretty repetitive

However, a major disadvantage of a long distance relationship is that there won't be the hugging and kissing, you may not be able to connect like you would want to because you don't have eye contact and you can't touch. At first it might be difficult but I promise you will find a balance, have genuine interest in each other and you are on your way to happiness.

Now here are a number of rules that can help you have a healthy long distance relationship

First things first, know what you both want, know where you are headed. Be sure to plan and make sure you both know what you want out of the relationship. It will make absolutely no sense if you both go into a relationship that you know deep down in your heart that you have no intention whatsoever of going anywhere with it. So be sure you both want the same thing.

Try as much as you can to see each least once every month, always make sure that you plan this ahead and be sure to include a lot of activities, visit lots of fun museums, parks, the movies, have a weekend at a fancy hotel and try as much as possible to make every second count because....believe does...and soon you will learn to look forward to these will live for these meetings.

Open your self up completely, write what you really feel in your emails, be sure not to leave anything out, use email communication to really express yourself, reason is that writing is more intense and it allows you to be more intimate, that way you can really bond, and of course don't forget to be honest, do not pretend to be who you are not, long distance relationships thrives only on honesty.

Be sure to have the latest modes of communication, get an email account if you do not already have one.

Get Skype, that way you can actually get to see each other and even see a movie together if you want.

You can also use the instant messenger system

You can also get a webcam if you do not have one

All these communication tools will make your relationship a lot less like what it seems...a long distance relationship where you don't get to see one another.

Be sure to send your partner something personal every once in a while, it could be a anything from a gift to a written letter, but send something that will prove to your partner that you truly exist and that your indeed a living breathing person, that way you both will feel more intimate

Of course people are going to tell you that long distance relationships are no good...

Don't you believe it. Have faith in yourself and have faith in your partner, believe in your heart that you can make it work.


  1. These are absolutely true! These may be the basic tips but should not be taken for granted as it will help a lot to make the relationship work out. One more thing, always be patient and understanding for your partner. Do not loose your cool when one is mad because this will be the root of fights that you never want to happen.

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