Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Hardship of Long Distance Relationship

Do you believe in long distance relationship? Or have you ever experience committing in these kind of relationship? It seem can be daunting and hard at first because you're too far away from each other. But you can consider the distance as a test in your relationship. As i always say, every relationship has it's up and down. But remember that in the beginning of the relationship it always start with honesty, trust and of course communication.

So how to survive in a long distance relationship? Providing extra amount of effort, time and understanding both partners can overcome all the trials. There are lot of ways to make the relationship successful. Managing a long distance to a normal relationship is not similar in all aspects. In a long distance relationship both partners should be free from jealousy and doubt. Plus a regular communication should always be present.

Communication doesn't need to be a Cellphone calls everyday, there are lot of ways to communicate to your partner. If you have Laptop and internet connection, you can chat using yahoo messenger or Skype. Don't forget to talk about your plans and future together. See the days, months and years being together.

At some point, long distance relationship can make both partners stronger. Don't let the distance ruined the relationship. If you both love each other and both of you are happy then there's no reason to end the relationship. It doesn't matter how long the distance, because the love and trust matters most.

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