Monday, February 28, 2011

Long Distant Relationships: 3 Tips On Dealing With The Pitfalls

The strain of a long distance relationship will eventually lead to a lack of communication, eventually cheating and then lying about the cheating. While psychologists suggest being "committed to the commitment", trying to rescue a relationship that has its commitment hanging by a thread will always fail.The commitment takes turns being redefined and will eventually morph into an echo in one's mind asking, "What will save my relationship?"

Here are three suggestions that might help.
Stay in a steady flow of communication. Streamline variety into it with as many new and creative ways you can think of. This means you have to be thinking of a new way or thing to communicate every day. You don't want to have to "win back" your boyfriend or girlfriend because then it will be too late. You have to be sure that there is a continuous flow of contact. Gifts left on the doorstep through the mail such as flowers with "I miss you" messages attached are more effective than texting or emailing which gets stale real soon.Do Not Cheat. Do not think about cheating. Do not even look at others as possible future prospects "just in case" something might go wrong. If you do, then you will soon be wondering what to do to get your now "ex" back. Just the thought of cheating will eventually lead to the act.Don't lie about anything. You will get caught in your lies. For some reason when people are separated by great distance, they feel like they have more license to stretch the truth, or tell little white lies. The fact that you were flirting with someone and not letting your partner know about it will be the beginning of the downfall. You would be better off telling the truth about how you are beginning to look at others and that the long distance thing is loosing its savor. Do not let the other hang in limbo while you start cultivating a backup relationship.

Mostly these are just tips about common decency. If you apply the same rules that you did when you were geographically close to each other, you might consider that as a good guideline for saving the relationship.

It might be wishful thinking to think that you might be together again. Once the wish dies out, be decent to your poor significant other and don't act like there is still a burning flame.

This article has been viewed 66 time(s).
Article Submitted On: January 17, 2011

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