Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Long Distance Relationship: 5 Killer Tips To Making Yours Work

Long distance relationships can test the strength of even the most faithful relationship. It's hard enough that you have to deal with staying away from your partner for a long time -- but you also have to deal with deep loneliness and painful jealousy. Being able to keep the relationship passionate, loving and intimate though challenging, is ultimately very rewarding, because in the end, you can return to your partner and love them again!

One problem with long distance relationships is that you lose intimacy, because you don't do anything together anymore. Instead, what you find is that both people are talking about what they did in their respective locations, but you don't share any common experiences that allow you to bond, laugh, and reminisce.

Luckily, in this day and age, there's a lot you can do with your partner over skype or the phone. Here are three things you can do together so that you keep your intimacy strong in your long distance relationships.

1. Watch movies together. It's fun, it's something to do, and you spend less time miserably reflecting on how you miss each other and more time enjoy each other's company. Synchronize the same movie in both locations, and then have a video call going on skype to see each other's reactions...

2. Find a great book that the two of you would enjoy, and read it at the same time. This is great because you both will have a shared experience on a long term basis. This is different from watching movies together because after the movie is done you probably won't want to talk about what happened in the movie days later. When you read a book together, you can talk about the book again and again. You will feel like you are present in your partner's life even while you are in a long distance relationship.

3. Don't just talk, but DO something together when you talk. My girlfriend spent a year in Spain, and while she was away, she taught me Spanish over the phone!

4. Ofcourse, have masturbation sessions on video calls together. I'm joking... but no I'm totally serious ?

5. Frequently have honest and sincere to talks so that you know how each other is feeling during the whole long distance relationship. If one person feels jealous because of the fear of cheating, it's important to discuss it. This is also true for any other negative feelings about the long distance relationship. An open and honest discussion about the long distance relationship prevents you from getting closed off from your partner, and intimacy stays strong.

Caleb Clayton is a professional dating coach and social circle expert. He is the author of, "Social Circle Game: A Guide To Dating And Social Mastery," He consults guys one on one and helps them build a large social circle, make more friends, and date more women. Learn more about social circle game at http://www.thecollegecupids.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Caleb_Clayton

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