Sunday, March 27, 2011

Top 5 Long Distance Relationship Ideas That Really Work

Long distance relationships are difficult, but they can work if you know how to handle things.

I personally know first hand about the difficulties, since I have had 2 long-lasting ones in my lifetime.

The first lasted for 3 years, and my partner at the time was in Europe (while I lived in California)! It was difficult to keep things interesting. Most of the time, we would only talk via email. We didn't even get to talk on the phone very often because we had different cell phone carriers. We really needed some long distance relationship ideas.

Our relationship lasted quite some time, and it was difficult to not consider dating other people, but I stayed faithful to my partner and didn't pursue anyone else.

After meeting several times in person, and having a fair share of arguments, we eventually decided to split.

I was disgusted, I was convinced that I would never allow myself to be in another long distance relationship ever again.

However, after relocating for school and trying to meet new people in new surroundings, I had no success finding the right person.

I decided to use an Internet dating site and eventually met my special someone, except that they were a 2 hour drive from me.

I wondered about the distance for a moment, but decided that it was so much closer than Europe and eventually met my current partner in person and we have been together for 2 and a half years now (1 year apart, and the rest together). I set the limit from the start.

I wasn't going to date someone extremely far away. I wouldn't have been opposed to it if one of us was committed to moving, but I wanted to keep things simple for myself. This was my long distance relationship idea that I kept in mind that really worked for me.

So, in the end, it's not impossible to meet someone far away and make it work, you just have to have perseverance and dedication.

The following are the 5 best long distance relationship ideas that I have found to really stand the test of time:

1. Don't date someone too far away (the farther away the other person is, the more difficult it is to meet him/her and make it work.

2. Make sure to consistently contact your partner. This can be via email/instant messages/phone calls/etc. The more intimate the form of contact, the better the lasting results.

3. If both of you decide that you really want to stay together for the long haul, make sure to communicate this to each other. You want to make sure that you are both on the same page with your relationship.

4. Don't let things get stale. Keep things interesting. Do new things to make the relationship feel brand new.

5. Make your partner feel special. A great idea is poetry/candy/a special dinner together in a romantic restaurant/etc.

For more great long distance relationship ideas that work, please see my resource box below.

For more long distance relationship ideas, please visit my website, which will link you to Dr. Leslie Karsner's page that offers more FREE tips for your long distance relationship, as well as an OPTIONAL FREE MEMBERSHIP to "Go Romance eZine!", please Click Here!

Article Source:

Anthony E Miner - EzineArticles Expert Author

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