Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Interesting

Love, most people would admit, conquers all. It is that feeling of flurry butterflies in the depth of your stomach that hits and refuses to let go. Love makes many people miserable and so also does it makes you want to jump for joy. Love is something some individuals do to keep active and full of life and it is also brings a feeling of contentment and security when the timing is right. Love knows no bounds so it doesn't know how to measure width and kilometers so I would say it does work no matter where the love-birds are. It is of little or no importance who you fall in love with or where the object of your affection resides. I am believer of true love and I believe it has no hindrances.

The first step to a journey of a thousand miles is that decision to even embark on that journey. You must have weighed the pros and cons so why should anything hold you back? It is good to trust in something even if it is who you choose to love and stick to it. A relationship between couples that lives miles apart should make n difference to that of the love-birds that you wake up to see everyday.

A long distance relationship does have its own disadvantages, no dispute but these disadvantages should be an eye-opener to ways to do it right. All relationships have their shortcomings whether it is long distance or not. The only thing little difference is the empty bed when necessary. All couples should respect their commitment, their trust, their communication, and the honesty they share and above all an unchanging love. You see the true beauty of love when you are in a long distance relationship. Every meeting is a renewal of partnership and trust and love. Here are a few tips to ways at which to keep the fire burning.

1) Always remember to have something to look forward to in your partner. It keeps you alive and true to yourself and him/her. It might his/her smile. Look into the mirror and see him/her smiling at you. It is all in the head, the power of imagination. Adults are also allowed to daydream.
2) Do not be afraid to tell him you love a hundred times every day.
3) Have sex even if the only thing you are clutching is the pillow between your things and the phone glued to your eras.
4) Ignore gossips and laugh in their faces.
5) Lastly, have a picture handy for when you have the urge to kiss him/her.

A long distance relationship is an eye-opener for those involved. They get immune to the pains (loneliness) and gains (love at fist sight all over again) of commitment and devotion. All long distance love should have their chance to flourish.

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