Wednesday, March 9, 2011

5 Tips for Help for Long Distance Relationships

Hello everyone. I want to talk to you today about long distance relationships and helping them to work.

I am currently in a long term relationship for several years after having spent the first year with my partner as a long distance relationship.

At first, I would have said "no" to the thought of having another long distance relationship. I had had one in the past and it simply did not work for me.

I also heard the problems that other people had with making their far away loves commit to more than just a phone call. There seemed to me that there was a definite need for help for long distance relationships if they were ever to proceed successfully.

The fact of the matter is that you have to work at these relationships in order for them to blossom into something more.

This article is meant to help those of us that have met somebody special that is further away than the next town. Sometimes our partners are in different states, countries, or even continents. But relationship success can still happen. Here are my top 5 tips for helping to make long distance relationships last:

1. Be aware of your priorities.

Will you have enough time for the commitment? Know that it will take time out of your day to contact your partner. The more the better (as long as it doesn't negatively take away from your normal responsibilities; such as being a parent, or fulfilling your work duties)

2. Look at whether you want the same things?

Are you both committed to making it work? Are you going to be monogamous? There are several factors to take into consideration. These answers may not be apparent at first, but as the relationship continues, you will eventually want to address these issues.

3. Know that all relationships take time and effort.

If you really want to make it work, your relationship must receive a good amount of time and effort on both your and your partner's part. This effort must be mutual; I can't stress that enough. If one of you spends all day sending love letters and the other only makes time for 30 minutes of reading them and very little writing back to you, then it will lead to definite resentments.

4. Ask others you know that have had a successful long distance relationship.

What did they do? How did they make it work? How long were they apart before coming together. Sometimes our friends have a lot of wisdom to share about their own long distance relationships. They can definitely help you and guide you toward success.

5. Assess whether or not one of you is willing to move.

Inevitably, one of you will want to move as the relationship becomes more serious. Physical closeness is so very important. While long distance relationships can go on for years with little to no physical closeness, it is so much more satisfying to have your partner there with you in the same room.
For more great help for long distance relationships that really works, please see my resource box below.

For more long distance relationship ideas, please visit my website, which will link you to Dr. Leslie Karsner's page that offers more FREE tips for your long distance relationship, as well as an OPTIONAL FREE MEMBERSHIP to "Go Romance eZine!", please Click here!

Article Source:

Anthony E Miner - EzineArticles Expert Author

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