Saturday, March 5, 2011

3 Important Factors for Long Distance Relationship Motivation

Long distance relationships take a lot of patience and effort, but they are not impossible to make last.

I've heard several of my friends say that they are talking to people across the country but have yet to meet that special someone.

So how do you tell if these relationships will really last?

The true test of time is long distance relationship motivation.

If you aren't motivated to make it work, then it won't.

Which brings me to my first Step for long distance relationship motivation.

1. Recognize what is sparking your interested in and passion for your special someone who is miles away. Is it their humor? Their sensitivity? Their honesty? It could be so many different factors.

Everybody is different, so some of these personality qualities will not be appreciated by some, while they make or break the relationship for other individuals.

Ok, so now that I've talked about remembering interests, let's move on to the next important motivation factor.

2. Always make time for each other.

I can't stress this enough. If you and your partner do not take the time to talk, email, instant message, text, meet in person, etc, then your relationship will face difficulties.

It is important for each of you to feel appreciated, and the best way for the two of you to do that is to make time for each other.

Lastly, lets look at the final factor I want to mention for long distance relationship motivation.

3. Be honest with each other about what each of you wants out of the relationship, including plans for the future.

Are you both going to continue the relationship for several years? Or, is there a point in time in the future when the two of you will settle down with each other and move in with each other (or at least closer to each other).

In conclusion, make sure to remember that there are countless couples, including me and my partner that have made long distance relationships work for them. All you have to do is find the motivating factors that lead you both toward making things work, and making them last.

For more great long distance relationship ideas that work, please see my resource box below.

For more long distance relationship ideas, please visit my website, which will link you to Dr. Leslie Karsner's page that offers more FREE tips for your long distance relationship, as well as an OPTIONAL FREE MEMBERSHIP to "Go Romance eZine!", please Click Here!

Article Source:

Anthony E Miner - EzineArticles Expert Author

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