Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Save a Long Distance Relationship: Love Across the Seas

There are a couple of ways on how to save a long distance relationship. To maintain love from across the miles has its own risks and challenges. It takes patience and a lot of creativity to make the partnership a success.

Time and distance do make the heart grow fonder. If you can have it your way, a virtual relationship should be out of the picture. But being in the same continent just isn't in the cards for now.

So how do you do it? Here's how:

Define Your Expectations

Define your terms ahead of time. Do you expect exclusivity or do you want to keep it casual? Talk about what you need and require from each other.

Setting the perimeter of the relationship will save you both a lot of headaches. In short, lay down all the ground rules.

Take Time to Communicate

How to save a long distance relationship amidst a big disparity in time zones requires commitment. But in this age, technology helps bridge that gap. You can email, chat, SMS or call them so they're just an arm's length away.

Set up a regular schedule when you'll get in touch to maximize the costs. If you wouldn't be able to make it, give your partner a heads up.

Split the Costs

Be mindful of the expenses incurred to keep the relationship going. Do it equitably. It wouldn't be fair to let the higher earner foot the bill all the time.

When spending time together, alternate who visits whom. At times, it'd be a good idea to meet somewhere else halfway.

As a couple, you should be able to discuss money matters openly. Otherwise, it will be an uphill battle to maintain a long-term relationship.

Spend Quality Time Together

Make the most of the time you have together. Plan your activities ahead of time but leave some room for spontaneity. Finding out how to save a long distance relationship may involve some trial and error. Know what works best for you and stick with it.

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