Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Love and Long Distance - Sending Your Love Over Miles

Do you believe that love and long distances don't mix? Would you prefer to have your man right there at your side rather than deal with a long distance relationship? Have circumstances given you no choice and you now have to figure out how love and long distance can work for you?

Granted this is a very complicated situation to be in and it's not every couple who makes it through. Time apart is hard on a romance, not to mention how difficult it is to trust that partner who is so many miles away. If you want to make a go of it, here are a few things to consider if you want your love and this long distance relationship to survive.

Set Limits Well in Advance

Should you see other people? Will the temptations be too hard to overcome? Will trusting him be impossible so you may as well give him some freedom? Or, are you both adamant that you remain faithful and true? Do you know your love is so solid and unshakable that it can easily survive weeks and even months apart?

With a common understanding that has you both agreeing to the same limits, it will make your time apart easier.

Solid Scheduled Visits

There's something rather powerful about anticipating your next hook up. As the day approaches and you know you'll be seeing each other again soon, the anticipation can reach almost paralyzing proportions. Some will even say that the anticipation is greater than the actual encounter. Spice up that desire to see each other even more by dropping teasing hints from a distance.

Though varying obligations may have you seriously reorganizing your schedule from time to time, it's important to make every attempt to make those visits to one another as often as possible. Too many cancelled dates can ultimately kill the anticipation as he realizes that you're not always up to your word. Long distance relationships need real work to survive.

Play Up the Absences

Back in the day, a long distance relationship was difficult to manage. There was virtually no way to keep in contact with that loved one so far away. Hand written letters were the order of the day, but the length of time between sending off your letter and receiving his response would certainly have left you going nuts.

Today, everything is instant and easy. Send him a teasing email or a naughty text. Hook up to Skype and let him see the woman he fell in love with. Or you can even send an interesting picture of yourself.

While playing it up can be fun, just make sure you don't turn this game into a means of harassing him. You don't want to send him an email or text every other minute and you certainly don't want to criticize or complain because he doesn't instantly respond.

Love and long distance can make for a very exciting time in your life. Play with it instead of sobbing through your loneliness.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

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