Monday, February 7, 2011

Tips On Surviving A Long Distance Relationship

These days it is certainly not uncommon to find people being involved in long distance relationships. Due to the fact that there are now many digital tools that we can use such as mobile phones, chat rooms, and e-mail in order to stay in contact, it is far more easy to maintain a relationship even when you don't see them throughout the week. Here are a few tips that should help you survive a long distance relationship.

It is first very important that you are willing to actually commit to your relationship. As such, you both need to sit down and to discuss how things are going to work. If you don't have this discussion and you go into things without really knowing where you stand then it is going to make it a lot more difficult to commit. This makes things like cheating more likely someone is likely to end up being hurt.

Always set dates to the next time that you are going to see your partner. By setting dates you know exactly when you will see them and this will make it a lot easier to bear being away from them. You will also be able to build up a head of excitement when you know that you will be seeing them soon.

Every single day you should have some form of contact. If you cannot call them or have any direct spoken contact then do at least seven the text order something to let them know that you are always thinking of them.

Go that extra mile every so often. Instead of sending a basic text, right out a card or send them a letter with some heartfelt messages inside. If you find something that she may like when you're out shopping, buy it and send it to her. This is an excellent way of maintaining some of the romance within your relationship.

As mentioned you should always be trying to be in contact each and every single day. If you are unable to call them text or do something similar. If you do have time to call, however, make sure that you do this every day. Ask them how they are getting along and how their day has been. They will certainly appreciate the sentiment. It is also possible to even see them when you are talking to them these days with things like Skype.

Every so often try to surprise them. For example, if you know that they are having a quiet weekend then you might want to pretend that you need to work over the weekend or you are busy doing something else. You can then turn up at their door and surprise them. This is a romantic gesture that will not be forgotten.

Whenever you are having a hard time and are missing them try to remember that absence next the heart grow fonder. All of this will add up to a far more memorable experiences whenever you go to see one another.

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