Friday, April 29, 2011

Long Distance Relationship - 5 Simple Ways to Succeed

"Failure" - the word that comes into the minds of many when they hear about a long distance relationship. It's true that many long distance relationship end in failure. However, failure is not imminent. I have survived a long distance relationship, and I have personally witness many successful long distance relationship. How did we do it? Here are 5 simple ways to help your long distance relationship be as successful as ours.

1) Communication

Communication is the key to a successful relationship. Since your partner and you are far away from each other, the best way to feel connected is to communicate with your partner. With the aid of modern online communication software like Skype and MSN Messenger, it won't cost you a lot. You don't have to call your partner for hours daily. Just a simple email about your day or about how you miss them is all it takes. This would certainly bridge the distance gap and make their day.

2) Hobby

Have a common hobby. Despite the miles that separate you and your partner, when engaging on the hobby, both of you will feel connected with each other. A hobby would also create a common topic. Always asking each other "how is your day?" may result in a boring, mundane conversation. When conversations get boring, you or your partner may not look forward to it. Potentially leading to a communication breakdown.

3) Blog

An interesting way to share your thoughts and feelings with your partner. Adding pictures and videos to the blog entry would make it more lively and interesting. Create a personnel blog where only both of you have access to. This way, you can share how you truly feel about your partner with privacy. Blogging is better than writing a nice long email, because the blog would have an archive. It can help refresh your memory about your relationship, and also serve as a refuge at times when you really miss your partner but they are unable to be reached.

4) Surprises

The best method to keep your relationship interesting. Send a bouquet of flowers to your partner's school / workplace. Send a hand-written card. Or surprise him/her with a simple jewelery on your anniversary. You get my point? Being away from each other does not mean that your relationship would be dull, and that all occasions would go uncelebrated. Go online and get the contact details of their local florist! Or get your partner's friend to secretly help you get a present for him/her. Accompanied with a hand-written card that is mailed over. That would certainly make his/her day.

5) Truthful and Open

Needless to say, trust is essential for your relationship. To facilitate trust, both parties must be open to each other. No lies about their feelings for each other. No lies about the company they are with. A friendly relationship with a person of the opposite gender, if kept a secret, may be misunderstood as a clandestine affair. This would result in friction, misunderstanding and the lost of trust. Adversely affecting your relationship.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Alive

If they tell you that long distance relationship does not work is maybe because it doesn't work for them. Long distance relationship works for some people and to others do not. As I can say, it really works for me.

There are major keys to keep a long distance relationship going.

Trust and Faith -If you have faith that it will work, then it will be fine, just continue. If trust is not an issue, time will. For the first couple of months, it would be very bumpy and is hard to keep especially when you miss each other.

Physical Contact is important but in a long distance relationship. If it is just 2 to 3 hours away, then make an effort to travel. Make the alternate rule. If you have time, go to her/his place, If the other have, then maybe he/she can go to your place. Or if this doesn't work, then meet the half way. This can be beneficial to both of you because you get to spend more time to each other.

But then again, what if this doesn't work? The reason is when you are far because one of you must work abroad? Communication will play a major role.

A long distance relationship can work when you have great communication. Minimum of twice a day would do. There lots of ways make contact. A couple of text messages, e-mails, chat and even snail mail. A simple note saying I love you would do.

Blogging is also a great way to have communication. Online blogging is like making an online diary about your self or what you are doing or anything that you want to share to your love one abroad. You can even put pictures and videos so that your love one will be updated. You could both do this. You can start by registering at This is the easiest way to start a blog.

Long distance relationship takes a lot of work. Think of it as positive and don't lose hope. Take in consideration your feelings. If you truly love each other, it will definitely work. I am now married and have our 9 months old daughter. After a month of relationship, my wife traveled abroad and works for a year. And when she returns, we get married. It works for me, how about you?

Monday, April 25, 2011

So Close, So Far - Tips to Maintain Your Long Distance Relationships

Everybody knows that keeping a relationship is so hard, not to mention adding hundreds of miles on top of one which will add much more strain.

Imagine the continuous spending of airplane tickets or gas, the increasing moments of silence when making phone calls and those embarrassing emails, text messages and IMs without reply. You may start asking yourself, "How much could you know the person about his or her day?"

How long will you go to make the tough and sweet relationship work? In fact, it could stay much longer than you imagine if the following things are done.

1. Communicate at regular intervals

It is undoubted that communication is the most significant part in any relationship. If you and your partner keep in touch with each other frequently, then nothing will break it. Do not conceal anything from your partner. Even if you have different ideas on some issues, just let him know.

2. Do something together

Make sure that you two could do some things together, in spite of the long distance between you two. Make a phone call and get his or her schedule. If he plans to go out for shopping in a particular time then you do it too. This method will make you feel a bit closer.

3. Don't control your relationship

Don't ask your partner whom he will talk to or when to meet. Don't call him repeatedly to ask what time he will back home. Don't make him feel that he has being controlled.

4. Live your own life

Both of you are separate individuals. One of the critical elements to surviving a long-distance relationship is to maintain your own life, interests and friendships when your partner is not aside you. Maintaining a long-distance relationship brings a magnificent benefit that a physically close relationship doesn't: you could both carry on growing and enriching your life independently while still being in a partnership. If your relationship is handles properly, each of you could become quite well-developed and productive, and will have more to dispose the relationship to the end.

5. Keep it sexy and spicy.

Time together is short, when you do company with each other, utilize your ability as much advantage as possible to get lovey-dovey with each other. Send an email and tell him that you had got a set of marvelous sexy lingerie and then just let your roommates know that your partner is coming and keep the Do Not Disturb sign up!

The achievement of your long-distance relationship usually depends on you and your partners' efforts. Some people could do it, while some other could not. The relationship will always end up with what you make and what you choose to do.

Summary: You can make a long-distance relationship thrive. Before you give up on fanning the flames of your long-distance romance, consider employing these strategies to keep your long-distance love hot.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Advice - 3 Ways to Build Trust

I think we can all agree that trust in a standard relationship is crucial, but in a long distance relationship it can become the single most important factor in determining long term success. My long distance love advice is fairly unassuming: I have a pretty open approach to Trust in my relationship as I knew early on that all of the effort and love I put in could be destroyed by a single moment of mistrust. I built trust in the beginning stages and I think its important to share all the ways I did...

Three great ways to build trust from the beginning of you long distance relationship are:

Reliability. If you say you're going to call at 9pm call at 9pm. If you say your going to travel to see your partner the second weekend in May you had better clear your schedule to go see your partner the second weekend in May. Be very careful with your promises. Make sure you have free time to call your partner or have planned out other promises you make. Punctuality and being reliable are incredibly important. Your partner needs to know that you are dedicated and will always do what you say you will do.

Communication. Speak openly about building trust. It isn't a bad thing to tell you partner up front that, "I think building trust will be one of the most important parts of our relationship.". I have openly told my partner that ex's have called me or texted me and then said, "I just wanted you to know that it isn't an issue and you're the only thing on my mind". Routine communication will build strong bound between you and your partner.

Be expressive. Being expressive will let your partner know what is on your mind. Your thoughts and feelings should be openly shared with your partner. The more expressive you are the more in tune your partner will be with where you are at in your relationship and the less they will worry. So let you partner know how you are feeling. Be open. Let them know your ups and downs. It will lead to better communication as well as a more loving and trusting relationship.

I really hope this will help in your LDR's. I can't stress how important the trust part of your relationship will be. I think it is best to get out in front and get all of this out of the way early. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Keep a Long Distance Love Alive

Whether you are using online dating to meet and flirt with someone attractive or are more interested in building a lasting relationship of love, romance or marriage, you and your partner will need to know how to keep a long distance love alive.

Relationships are hard work whether in a dating situation or not.This is especially true when you add the factor of a long distance between the two of you. Things can become even more complicated. However, with the use of the internet the distance is bridged a bit better. Worldwide online dating is becoming more popular.

Long distance relationships can be challenging whether you are a single looking for someone special or single parents miles away from one another connecting on a more intimate level. These types of relationships take a bit more work when it comes to communication, understanding and compromise more so than traditional relationships. Some people do not think it will work. However, this is true of many local relationships as well.

However, with some well thought out planning and a little extra effort on both parts, long distance romances can work. There are of course, benefits of having such a relationship, since you know that you are lucky to have someone on the other end of the line who is willing to go the distance with you. This prevents you from feeling all alone in the world without a companion.

Your long distance relationships should involve two people though miles apart find interest in one another and deeply care about each other. Love can grow in such situations. However, it is the type of relationship that can test the level of love from either of the couple. Using the only tools available to you which are your word you can keep the lines of communication open. You can create the type of relationship you want to build and then work to maintain it.

The hardest part is dealing with the distance between you. However, there are some things you can do together. For instance, you can play cards and other online games together. You can both rent the same movie and start it at the same time, while talking on the phone and discussing it or discussing it later by phone or email. You can create a list of things to do together as well as making and sending each other gifts or posting cards and sending e-Cards to one another.

Communication is the most important factor in making a long distance relationship successful. You both need to feel like you are a part of each others life. You can do this by using emails, webcams and digital camera photos. There is a measure of intimacy and seduction in hearing the voice of the one you care for. No communication means, no relationship whether you are talking with family and friends or searching for foreign brides.

You and your partner can make long distance relationships work by committing yourselves to it. Whether it is by hand written letters, emails or telephone you need to commit to communicating. This is the key to making any relationship work.

Any relationship is on the verge of crumbling if there is no honesty or trust. When you consider an online long distance relationship, you and your partner must be committed to keeping promises even if you are miles apart.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I Am Going To University, Will My Relationship Survive?

Leaving for university is a challenging time in the life of any young person. Colleges and universities are often long distances from home, and this can make regular visiting difficult. If you are trying to sustain a relationship in these trying circumstances, things can become very hard. This article will be examining these types of long distance relationships, and aiming to help you make decisions surrounding them.

Firstly, it is important that you both accept that university is going to be a new chapter in the life of the person attending, a new chapter that will undoubtedly change them. This, combined with the sense of exclusion felt by the person left behind can sometimes signal the end of the relationship. A good way of overcoming this sense of exclusion is to invite your partner to have a look around the university at least once, preferably more than once. This should serve to alleviate any sense of threat they may be feeling.

It will not, however, remove it completely. Unfortunately, there is no way that your partner can be completely involved with your new life at university. The fact is, it boils down to trust, and if you do not have trust then your relationship was not going anywhere anyway.

A good way to look at these periods of separation is to see them as tests of your relationship. Tests that you have to pass in much the same way as you have to pass your exams at university. It will not be easy, but if you really want to pass, then you will put in the work and your relationship will flourish.

Lastly, it is important to remember that you are young, and that your relationship may have run its course. Many relationships do survive the rigours of one half being away having a life changing experience, but many do not. If you find that you are growing apart now that you are at university, it may be that you should say goodbye to your childhood and look forward to your future.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Is Long Distance Like the Movie 'Going the Distance'?

So what is a long-distance relationship? You might experience it during your transition to high school to college. Maybe when you're dating a junior when you're a senior in high school. Then you have to go to college and deal with a relationship with a high school kid. It is a hard thing to deal with, you might have put your trust somewhere else while you are away. You then start worrying or blaming whatever happens, maybe when you don't call back or when they don't text back. Sometimes long-distance can lead to disaster.

But sometimes, it's the best thing that can happen in your lifetime. When you have complete trust in someone you like or even love, it's the best feeling. You know why? You have nothing to worry about when you are away from them because you know and they know, that nothing will happen. They won't lose feelings or either will you, it's great to have complete trust.

Don't be discouraged when you have fights. All couples have fights and have decisions to make, having it long-distance is just harder. So find a system you both can use, maybe take turns visiting each other or something. Just make a plan and everything will be okay.

There are both bad and good things in a relationship, just because you are having a long-distance, don't think ahead of yourself. You know what you can do and what they can do so go with your feeling. But know what is to come, it gets lonely that you know you have someone that isn't there. Think about it for a second and make sure what you are getting yourself into. I don't mean think really fast, you should see the options and all the other things then when you know it's right, go with what you want. Have fun!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to Survive Long-Distance Relationships

A long-distance relationship is hard. A lot of couples end up breaking apart within six months from the separation. However, that should not deter you from pursuing it, especially if you know that there are also ways to make it succeed.

It's All about Communication

It doesn't matter if it's a long-distance relationship or not. You cannot allow the communication lines to crash. Otherwise, you will start to feel that you're already growing apart. In communication you allow yourself to be known more by your partner in the same way you will have a better idea about his personality. You can also express your emotions, whether positive or negative, and get rid of any assumptions. It's how you learn how to trust a person.

Thanks to technology there are already so many ways on how to stay connected. You have e-mails, mobile phones, instant messengers, and e-cards. You can also go old-fashioned with snail mails and telegrams.

Determine the Rules

A relationship with no rules is not a good relationship at all. Remember you want to get rid of assumptions. You don't want your partner to think it's okay for you if he tries to date other girls when you're not around. On the other hand, you don't want him to think that you can just decide on major things without seeking his advice.

Take time to develop the rules, and make sure that you can do them face to face. This way, you can get instant reactions, and all the guidelines are understood and fully agreed by both parties. What should you cover? As many things as you can. Are you allowed to see other people or not? How often should you see each other? When should you call each other?

Don't Remove the Romance

It's during the long-distance relationship that you should allow the romance to continue to bloom. You can still go on dates. You can take dinners together through a webcam. Surprise your partner with a greeting card or a singing telegram. Watch movies and then compare notes later on. Whisper sweet nothings. Leave a message on the answering machines-do anything to keep the passion alive.

Take care of yourself.

Guys are often attracted to women who are independent and confident. Prove to them that you are not clingy by taking care of yourself. Besides, having a great body and state of mind is the best way to surprise him when he sees you again.

You can also boost your level of confidence by utilizing subliminal messages. You can also use these subliminal messages to increase your trust and love for your partner even when he's not around. Some of these subliminal messages can be the following:

I put my trust to my partner.

I can conquer the distance.

Distance doesn't define my love and trust.

These subliminal messages can remove any worry or uncertainty you may be feeling about your relationship. They can get rid of the negative emotions and replace them with optimism.

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to Source Christmas Cards for Filipinos Abroad

Yuletide, the season of joy and goodwill, friends and family. Some may need just a few or only one; others will have plans that require sourcing hundreds of Christmas Cards for bulk sending or reselling. Therefore, how people source their cards at Christmas varies widely. If you have a special order in mind here are some ways to source your Christmas Cards that you may not know of:

Bulk /Retail Centers

There are bulk /retail centers for greeting cards distribution. The centers will distribute on retail basis to small buyers and sell in bulk to major users who buy for resell or direct use. Bulk distributors can offer a better price than most and it's easy to grab a bargain through this method. Greeting card manufacturers looking to ramp up their sales numbers just before Christmas may open this kind of outlet, as well, so keep an eye out for them.

Fax and Phone

Orders can be made to greeting card producers through phone calls detailing the type and quantity of greeting cards required. It is, generally, not possible to procure custom cards in this way but it is a way to facilitate direct contact with the producers.


Email can be sent with details of order and any custom message where needed. If not for convenience reasons, it will just be a matter of payment details and total order made.

No matter the mode of order used for procuring your cards, what remains important is that you are able to receive what you ordered in time for Christmas.

Online Stores

This is the best method. Christmas Cards can also be procured online, from web stores. Advantages of this source include the avenue to pick custom designs and the freedom to determine your own messages on the cards. Sites often provide templates for the shoppers to, conveniently, choose from when customizing their order. Orders are delivered to your mailing address, you provide to the site at the time of placing the order.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saving a Long Distance Relationship: Man Vs Distance

Saving a long distance relationship is tough. You can't follow the usual tactics of winning back an ex because of distance and sometimes language and culture.

Here are some tested ways to help you save your relationship:

Step 1- Give Her Space

You need to give your ex (or soon to be ex) between 2 - 4 weeks of no contact. The time will vary, depending on your situation, but it has to be longer than 2 weeks. This also means that if she initiates contact with you before the 2 weeks are up, you can't reply. You'll have to wait for her to contact you a second time.

Now the key is that you have to wait for her to initiate contact with you. If she doesn't contact you after 4 weeks, you have to be even more patient and wait it out for 2 months.

If you still haven't heard from her after 2 months, skip to Step 5

Step 2- So She Contacted You

With long distance relationships, she either contacted you through email, phone, text, or left you a note through instant messenger. (By the way, you should have deleted her from all of your social networks).

If she calls, answer the phone and sound positive. Explain to her that it's so good to hear from her and that everything is good with you but you have to run and you'll call her back in a couple of days.

Just modify it if she initiated contact with you through other mediums. Remember to keep it short..really short, and tell her that you'll contact her back in a few days.

Step 3- Wait It Out... Again

Yes, wait it out for her to contact you again. This is a critical tipping point. If she does contact you, at least you have an idea that she is still thinking about you. If she doesn't contact you within 3 months, skip to Step 5

Step 4- Like Good Old Times

If you're ex has contacted you a second time, set up some time for you to chat, either by phone or instant messenger. Act like your breakup NEVER happened and try to remember the vibe you had when you both first felt sparks with each other. This is the vibe you want to try to recreate again.

If this doesn't rekindle your relationship, go back to Step 1 and repeat the process.

Step 5- One Last Shot

So if nothing is working, you can try out this trick. Send your ex a gift on a special day such as her birthday, graduation, promotion, or holiday. Not just any gift, but something unique and simple that only you know that she will like.

Think out of the box and try to remember back from old conversations.

Did she talk about favorite author, fashion accessory or travel destination that she wishes to go someday. If so, send her a book for her birthday on this travel destination.

If she has a favorite dish, think about a cookbook or specialized cooking class. These are just some examples that I have seen work. The rest is up to you.

Do not give it to her in person, make sure you mail it or have a delivery service get it to her. If you found out that she did receive it, go back to step 1 and wait it out again for at least 2 weeks.

This is just one of the many techniques to winning back your lost love.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Issues to Consider When Beginning a Long Distance Relationship

Long distance dating relationships and long distance marriages are increasingly common. However, physical distance poses certain risks to these relationships. In my more than thirty years of experience as a psychotherapist, I've concluded that these risks vary in quality and meaning depending on the stage of the relationship.

Among dating couples, the greatest risk posed by physical distance is the honeymoon quality that characterizes their periods of togetherness. These relationships are frequently passionate and intense due to the constant cycle of separation and reunion. The limited exposure to one another often results in the partners having an idealized experience of on another, i.e. they see each other when they're at their best.

In my experience, the greatest risk associated with long distance dating is that a couple will decide to marry during the honeymoon phase. When this happens, neither has sufficient knowledge of the other, because they haven't experienced one another across a spectrum of life experiences.

When long distance daters get engaged, one partner usually relocates to the same city as the other. This often sets off a period of adjustment because they have greater exposure to on another. The honeymoon phase usually gives way to a more realistic phase. If the partners decide to move in together, their involvement with each other is amplified. Certain issues need to be addressed including: division of household responsibilities, detailed discussions and decisions about finances, the development of a shared social life, and perhaps greater involvement with or separation from one or both partner's family of origin.

A couple's ability to problem-solve together usually becomes more apparent during this more realistic stage of the relationship. If they experience difficulties, one of three responses tends to prevail: they seek premarital counseling, they continue with plans to marry despite the problems, or the relationship dissolves. In my experience, many premarital couples move forward with plans to marry despite the fact that they are experiencing significant problems. The greatest risk among couples who move from long distance dating to getting engaged is that the excitement about their marriage plans take precedence over learning how to successfully negotiate the problems they encounter in this realistic stage of the relationship.

Long distance marriages typically occur after a couple has lived together for some period of time. The separation is usually due to one partner's career. Physical distance places several unique stresses on a marriage. First of all, the bulk of household and child care responsibilities fall to one partner. This partner may grow resentful or envy the freedom and seeming glamour of the commuting partner's life. They may also feel insecure if their partner is going to be working closely with members of the opposite sex.

Spouses in long distance marriages often feel lonely, especially because they've grown accustomed to living together. While the lure of sexual novelty is no different for married couples living apart than it is for those living together, physical distance may make these marriages more susceptible to infidelity. The distance makes it easier to hide an affair. There may also be a greater likelihood of one partner falling in love since it's virtually impossible to sustain emotional intimacy in a relationship during extended periods of absence.

In order for long distance romantic relationships of any kind to work, a couple needs to communicate with one another frequently and make plans to see each other regularly. The more frequent the visits and the longer the time they spend with each other - the better. Also, prior to marriage, a couple should plan to live in the same city if at all possible. Most importantly, they need to move from the honeymoon phase into the realistic phase of relationship and be sure they are able to successfully navigate the real life problems that emerge during this stage.

For married couples who live apart - the same holds true. Frequent contact by phone and in person is essential to keeping a marriage alive. It is the day-in, day-out quality of marriage that leads to emotional depth and intimacy. While absence can make the heart grow fonder, it can also result in indifference.

Copyright, Johanna Nauraine, 2010.

REPRINT RIGHTS Statement: This article is free for republishing by visitors provided the Author Bio and Copyright is retained and the link remains active.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things to Consider Before Agreeing to Take Part in a Long Distance Relationship

There are certain things that we have to accept losing when we move. Being able to eat at your favorite restaurant or meeting friends at a local hangout may be missed but it will not affect your entire life. If you are in a good relationship however, you may not be ready to let it go just because you are moving away. Most people will tell you that a long distance relationship is nearly impossible to maintain. In most cases, this is true but it may be possible to maintain a long distance relationship as long as you are willing to work for it.

Depending on how long you have been in a relationship you may have a hard time getting your significant other to agree to being apart for so long. Older relationships are a lot easier to maintain over a long distance because you have already had a chance to build a bond, which makes it easier to come to a reasonable agreement with your partner. Newer relationships are harder to keep over a long distance because it may be easier to get to know someone else in person than a person that you barely see.

In order for a long distance relationship to work, both parties have to come to a reasonable agreement that works for everyone involved. You have to clearly state what you want out of your relationship in order to decide what action to take. This is where the advantage goes to newer couples. Since there are usually no attachments at the beginning of most relationships, it's easier to be flexible with what you want. Most people in this situation choose to have an open relationship during the time that they are apart. One of the biggest setbacks to these type of relationships is the fact the eventually someone will want to move on and abandon their distant partner. For older relationships, this is completely out of the question because knowing that your partner may be spending time another person is too much for some.

A great deal of understanding is required in a long distance relationship. If a couple is prone to petty arguments like what type of out of state movers to use or whether or not to use moving company insurance the relationship may not last too long. What may start as simple missed call can lead to feelings of abandonment and betrayal. The fact that you do not see each other regularly can bring about many conflicts. You should make time during every conversation to voice any issues that may put a wedge between you. This will make it easier to handle small misunderstandings.

When you get a chance to see your significant other you should avoid trying to make everything perfect and just enjoy your time together. Trying to plan the perfect weekend can put a lot of pressure on a relationship and can get in the way of the quality time you both need. As long as both parties are aware of each other's expectations during a long distance relationship, it is entirely possible to maintain a bond until you are reunited.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Long Distance Relationships Advice: How to Break the Distance

Are you scared that your long distance relationship might not work? Are you worried that his feelings might wane due to distance? Are you thinking of better ways to defy the distance?

Being in a long distance love affair is never easy for your main challenge is making the relationship survive amidst the difficulties that are entangled with this type of relationship. Opposite from the common relationships, long distance relationship demands more understanding, trust, faith, patience, love, effort, and sacrifices that will help you in conquering the numerous trials that will test the strength of your relationship.

Getting long distance relationships advice will give you a clearer vision of what journey you will be going into and will serve as your guide in dealing with the hardships gracefully.

The following are some helpful ways that you can apply to make your relationship work.

1. Be clear about the Relationship: A helpful long distance relationships advice that you should first consider is to know what kind of relationship you will be getting into before you make a final decision. Think of the consequences that you will have to deal with once you enter a long distance relationship and ask yourself if you are ready to take the path.

2. Maintain a Good Communication: A very significant long distance relationships advice that you should always keep in mind is that good communication is the best foundation of any relationship. It prevents doubts and negative thoughts from clouding your relationship.

3. Keep a Positive Outlook: Another long distance relationships advice that proves to be an effective weapon in bridging the distance that physically separates you from your special someone is by having a positive outlook on the relationship. When you begin a relationship with faith and confidence, your love will be able to surpass any hardship that will try to break your relationship.

4. Make Surprises: A good long distance relationships advice you can apply to make your relationship exciting is by making surprises for your special someone. Sending gifts, cards and even letters; (yes! even at this fast paced world receiving snail mail is still very touching.). Making an extra effort will strongly send a message of how you treasure and love your partner.

5. Trust your Partner: Being away from the person that you love can be very difficult especially if you do not know the people that he will be mingling with. However you have to trust your partner in order to avoid jealousy and unnecessary arguments that can deeply damage your relationship. Being suspicious of your partner's actions and decisions can push your partner away from you rather than bring you closer. It is best to trust each other so that both of you will have peace of mind and can think of a bright future for your relationship. This long distance relationships advice can aid you in building a strong relationship.

A happy and strong relationship will demand a lot from you and might sometimes get rough, but always keep in mind that things will get better as long as you believe and trust in each other's love.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author