Monday, February 28, 2011

Long Distant Relationships: 3 Tips On Dealing With The Pitfalls

The strain of a long distance relationship will eventually lead to a lack of communication, eventually cheating and then lying about the cheating. While psychologists suggest being "committed to the commitment", trying to rescue a relationship that has its commitment hanging by a thread will always fail.The commitment takes turns being redefined and will eventually morph into an echo in one's mind asking, "What will save my relationship?"

Here are three suggestions that might help.
Stay in a steady flow of communication. Streamline variety into it with as many new and creative ways you can think of. This means you have to be thinking of a new way or thing to communicate every day. You don't want to have to "win back" your boyfriend or girlfriend because then it will be too late. You have to be sure that there is a continuous flow of contact. Gifts left on the doorstep through the mail such as flowers with "I miss you" messages attached are more effective than texting or emailing which gets stale real soon.Do Not Cheat. Do not think about cheating. Do not even look at others as possible future prospects "just in case" something might go wrong. If you do, then you will soon be wondering what to do to get your now "ex" back. Just the thought of cheating will eventually lead to the act.Don't lie about anything. You will get caught in your lies. For some reason when people are separated by great distance, they feel like they have more license to stretch the truth, or tell little white lies. The fact that you were flirting with someone and not letting your partner know about it will be the beginning of the downfall. You would be better off telling the truth about how you are beginning to look at others and that the long distance thing is loosing its savor. Do not let the other hang in limbo while you start cultivating a backup relationship.

Mostly these are just tips about common decency. If you apply the same rules that you did when you were geographically close to each other, you might consider that as a good guideline for saving the relationship.

It might be wishful thinking to think that you might be together again. Once the wish dies out, be decent to your poor significant other and don't act like there is still a burning flame.

This article has been viewed 66 time(s).
Article Submitted On: January 17, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Have Memorable Valentine's Date With Your Long-Distance Partner

Maintaining a long-distance relationship can be incredibly challenging, especially during holidays like Valentine's Day. These days, it's more common than ever for people to get themselves into long-distance relationships because Americans are much more mobile than they've ever been before. Often, people who have different careers in different places may meet one another and decide that a long-distance relationship is worth the effort, and fortunately, it's much easier to stay in contact these days than it has been in the past. Since wireless internet has become so commonplace, it's incredibly easy to contact your partner at nearly any point of the day, which helps people stay close emotionally even if they're physically thousands of miles away from one another.

The best way to spend Valentine's Day together with your partner if you're miles away from one another is to set up an online date. Thanks to programs like Skype or Google Video, you can call one another online for free, and as long as you both have microphones and video cameras, you'll be able to see and hear one another. It's absolutely the best way to feel as though you're in the same room with one another. During your online date, you can hang out as your normally would. If you've got a laptop and wireless internet service throughout your house, you can take your computer into your kitchen and cook a meal together over Skype or Google Video. After that, you'll obviously want to sit down in front of your computers and eat together. It may seem awkward at first, but this is one of the best ways to achieve some sense of normalcy in your long-distance relationship. After dinner, you can both watch a movie together. You can either both physically rent a movie in your area and then watch it on your TV, or you can use one of the many online video services to watch on your computer. Instant video programs like Netflix, Amazon and iTunes make it much easier for you and your date to watch movies together, and if you've got a fast and reliable internet service like 4G, then you won't have to worry about running into any download or streaming problems.

In addition to spending time with your date online, you can use your wireless internet access to purchase them a gift or two online. No matter what kind of things your partner is interested in, there are thousands of different online stores that you can easily shop from, and when you purchase something online you can it shipped directly to your sweetheart. If you feel like your partner already has plenty of stuff and you can't think of a meaningful present to give them, you can easily purchase flowers or gift baskets online. Shopping for your valentine is easy if you've got fast 4G internet service, and it will only take you a few minutes to make your purchase. Thanks to the internet, it's easy for you and your long-distance partner to have a wonderful Valentine's day this year.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How to Have a Good Long Distance Relationship With an EX

Most men and woman after they break up, still want to be very good friends with their ex, I don't mind this approach because it may eradicate any resentment they may have after a break...

However how good of a friend they want to be should be entirely up to them, I would suggest being just good friends and talk to each other from time to time, even doing it long distance. There may be an opportunity for them to get back together or there may not.

Since it's a long distance relationship or friendship, you almost have to be a little realistic about whether you can get back together or not, because it will not be that easy.

Nevertheless you can at least be friends and talk on the phone and share some things. But to have a good long distance relationship or a friendship after a break up, you pretty much have to trust each other and be somewhat honest with each other.

Most mistakes that I see women make is that, they let their emotions run wild and get angry, when the guy says he's going to call and doesn't call, so she tries to find a way to get even with him.

Most mistakes that guys make is that they say they will do something, like call her even at specific time, but they don't do it, and that's not good either.

However I really want to address the mistake that women make because it seems to be a little bit more serious, not letting your emotions get the best of you, to the point where you're angry and start insulting the guy to try to get even. In some friendships it might work, because some guys are very strange and sometimes need a woman to scream at him. Nevertheless, for the most part, it probably will not work.

The reason why this will not work is that, most guys want to be admired and not be screamed at. They want to be the hero that a woman praises all the time. So ladies if you want a good friendship or relationship especially a long distance one, you need to keep it cool and praise the guy for the good things that he's doing.

For the guy, you need to learn more about keeping your word, especially in a long distant friendship or relationship. Keeping your word may mean everything to her, because you guys are so far away and can't see each other face to face.

Koffi Amouzouvi is the author of "How to find Love and Keep it for as long as you can!" This will be absolutely "Critical to Your Success", whether you're single, in a relationship or married! If You want to get more info on this NEW phenomenal concept, visit this web site:

It will change your Entire Perspective of how You think about Love and Relationships forever, whether You're single, in a relationship or married! This Type of Knowledge is Powerful, So Access it ASAP!

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Dating a Woman From China

Chinese girls are some of the most beautiful women in the world. They are petite, healthy, honest and have values that men from around the world want in a wife. Here are a few tips when dating a woman from China.

1) Ask a lot of questions After you have met your online love it's important to ask lots of questions to get to know her better. She will appreciate your questions because you are showing an interest in her and her life. How many brothers or sisters does she have? Do they get along well? This may give you a clue to what her likes and dislikes are without asking her directly. Tell her about your daily routine so she can get a feel for what life may be like when you get together.

2) Make time for her schedule Remember that in North America there is 12 hours difference from your time to hers. It is a good idea to plan the best time to call so you are not calling to early in the morning. I had the habit of doing this and my wife is not a morning person. I did adjust my routine so that she was considered. When I first met Yuxia, she was working 2 jobs so it was tough to get her at home.

3) Vary the type of communication Make things interesting by using different types of communication. In the beginning of our relationship, Meimei and I used to email each other a lot. I found out later that she was actually paying a translator to translate our emails at $10.00 per email. I was emailing her every day. So she was investing $300 a month to talk to me those first few months. After I went to meet her in July of 2006, we started talking on Yahoo Messenger with web cam and voice. That was nice to actually see her. I was able to teach her English this way too. It's also cheaper because all you need is an internet connection and a computer. Also don't forget to include a hand written letter. You'll need it when she goes for her visa interview. Save all communication too for proof of relationship.

4) About sending gifts on special occasions A good idea is to do some research and find out about the holidays in China. Send her some gifts on her special days and she will remember it forever. Some important holidays are Chinese New Year, Spring Festival, Mid Autumn Festival. I sent my Meimei flowers on Valentines Day. No one ever sent her flowers before.

She later thought that I had wasted my money though because the flowers were wilted after a week.

So basically try and make the process as natural as possible, knowing that some day your efforts will be rewarded Things will not always go smoothly, but if you prepare while she is away, it will make her transition and yours a lot easier.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Text Flirting: Sexting Helps Her Understand Her Needs and Fears

One of the best parts of text flirting is that people are willing to say things over text that they would not say in person. This is an advantage to us seducers, because we can push ourselves to be a little more direct, a little more dominant, and a little more sexual than we might be willing to be in person. Once we start getting positive reactions to these new efforts, it gives us more confidence to embody them in person and can help us transform to more dominant and sexual men (always good).

Recently, however, I had the brainstorm that this also plays a role in the way that we decipher those hard-to-read women. An incredible thing happened with a girl that I would love to share with you.

She was one of those women that was very frank. She did not speak very often, though everything she said was valuable. That is a rare quality in LA and, as one of my good friends said after I recounted our incredible first date to him, "How does it feel to date a girl that says very little and means what she says?"

Incredible, is how it felt, but it was also very slow-going. If I was to judge our relationship based on our body language, I would say she sorta liked me. Technical terms, of course. If I was to judge our relationship based only on the words she said, I would say she barely tolerated me. However, if I was to judge our relationship based solely on what went on in her eyes when we looked at each other, I could confidently tell you we were both hopelessly infatuated with each other.

You see the position I was in. Tough.

I was in this constant vortex, bouncing between did she really hate me or did she really like me. She had so many other guys around her, vying for her attention (as all high-value women do), that I really did not know if she was just an incredible attractive woman that hooked every guy with her incredible ability to speak love with her eyes, or if I really did make a connection and she just had a tough exterior (from every douche bag trying to get in her pants). I had to figure it out and, when she texted me one night (an indicator of interest), I found the opportunity.

We texted for a while about mutual likes and dislikes for a bit (a must before delving into qualification), and then I told her how interesting it was that the impression I get when I look in her eyes is completely different from what she says to me. I told her that I thought she was cold-as-ice to me and she, much to my surprise, laid it right down on the line for me.

She explained simply that I hadn't opened up to her enough for her to open up to me (ironic, because I thought it was the other way around!), and that she was very interested in me, but she didn't know if it was safe inside my world, yet.

This was amazing and an incredible explanation for me. I'm one of a very select group of men in the world that have the pleasure of understanding most of what women are thinking, but sometimes we still get caught up and forget that, sometimes, the most simple way to find out is to ask her! Text allows us her the distance that acts as a buffer zone, so (in most cases) she won't be afraid that we'll take advantage of it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that big relationship discussions should be held over text and I'm CERTAINLY not saying that it is a good way to find out things that you can use to manipulate a woman. What I want you to consider is that the same distance (buffer zone) that allows you the confidence to try things you're a bit afraid of, can help her to feel more comfortable to ease into the more personal and relationship-oriented discussions at the beginning of a courtship. This text buffer-zone can be a great way to help understand where she's coming from when interacting with you.

Remember that, even though beautiful women have more social experience and more experience dealing with the ups and downs of courtships, they are often still nervous about a man's intentions. It is our job, much like every aspect of the seduction, to make sure that she's comfortable and that she knows we have her best intentions at heart (because, you do - RIGHT??).

Voted the Best New Pick Up Artist of 2010, ABCs Of Attraction's Instructor Gareth Jones is known worldwide as a life-changing in-field coach and as the master of phone and text game from his iGame: From Text To Sex program. He can be reached for live coaching or media interviews at 1-888-689-4263.

Referred to by several students as "One of the best decisions of my life", Gareth's coaching polishes your game and brings your skills to a James Bond level of suave.

Go to his blog "The Gareth Jones" for his free ebook on phone seduction, text flirgin, sexting, and online Facebook dating!

Article Source:

Gareth R. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Love and Long Distance - Sending Your Love Over Miles

Do you believe that love and long distances don't mix? Would you prefer to have your man right there at your side rather than deal with a long distance relationship? Have circumstances given you no choice and you now have to figure out how love and long distance can work for you?

Granted this is a very complicated situation to be in and it's not every couple who makes it through. Time apart is hard on a romance, not to mention how difficult it is to trust that partner who is so many miles away. If you want to make a go of it, here are a few things to consider if you want your love and this long distance relationship to survive.

Set Limits Well in Advance

Should you see other people? Will the temptations be too hard to overcome? Will trusting him be impossible so you may as well give him some freedom? Or, are you both adamant that you remain faithful and true? Do you know your love is so solid and unshakable that it can easily survive weeks and even months apart?

With a common understanding that has you both agreeing to the same limits, it will make your time apart easier.

Solid Scheduled Visits

There's something rather powerful about anticipating your next hook up. As the day approaches and you know you'll be seeing each other again soon, the anticipation can reach almost paralyzing proportions. Some will even say that the anticipation is greater than the actual encounter. Spice up that desire to see each other even more by dropping teasing hints from a distance.

Though varying obligations may have you seriously reorganizing your schedule from time to time, it's important to make every attempt to make those visits to one another as often as possible. Too many cancelled dates can ultimately kill the anticipation as he realizes that you're not always up to your word. Long distance relationships need real work to survive.

Play Up the Absences

Back in the day, a long distance relationship was difficult to manage. There was virtually no way to keep in contact with that loved one so far away. Hand written letters were the order of the day, but the length of time between sending off your letter and receiving his response would certainly have left you going nuts.

Today, everything is instant and easy. Send him a teasing email or a naughty text. Hook up to Skype and let him see the woman he fell in love with. Or you can even send an interesting picture of yourself.

While playing it up can be fun, just make sure you don't turn this game into a means of harassing him. You don't want to send him an email or text every other minute and you certainly don't want to criticize or complain because he doesn't instantly respond.

Love and long distance can make for a very exciting time in your life. Play with it instead of sobbing through your loneliness.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5 Advices On How To Keep Your Long Distance Relationship

There it comes a day in the life of us we need to face some things up front. The distance of a loved one is undoubtedly one of the worst scenarios you can imagine for our love lives. You get full of doubt, you do not know if this will or will not work, you need to adapt to some dramatic changes and uncertainty that will always roll. After all, are the distance relationships worth it? Can we have hope on them? Obviously, the only person who can answer whether it is worth investing or not it is you. Because, at first, and this I can assure you, this is not one of the easiest things that we face in our lives. I say this from experience, be someone in love with a person who lives 300 miles away is tense.

Fortunately, one of the worst problems today is related to whom the distance is partially solved - communication - and you can have daily contact at almost no cost. The internet is very handy for those who are physically far but want to connect as much time as possible. MSN, Facebook, Fotolog, Twitter and other sites help a lot in these hours. Anxiety, which often hurts, may even help those hours. The goal here is to organize some tips for you to do well, let?s see a few of them:

1. Do not let jealousy intrude. Never!
Everything you and your partner need these times is less reason to fight. As it may seem strange, there is no need for you to really want to control every step of the partner, and from time to time you will have to be flexible enough to understand a trip to the pub with friends. The first thing that should be part of a long-distance relationship is trust, and let your partner go out angry at you can be a dangerous flashpoint. Avoid excessive jealousy and silly fights, rely more on your partner and your relationship will be preserved.

2. Take the distance to talk. About EVERYTHING!
As basically what's left for you is the virtual contact, make sure you discuss everything with your partner. Create some kind of joke where one asks a question about something and the other responds in earnest, after changing the answer. If the relationship is serious and neither has anything to hide, this time to talk is "required" to serve more than just talk about anything and get even more homesick. Discovering new things and occupy the mind is one of the best remedies for the distance.

3. Fear of betrayal. And now?!
Just like I said, the largest base of long-distance relationship is trust. The betrayal can happen for those who live together and for those who live far away, there's no avoiding in many cases. However, confidence is the key, and even if both are in this together, this is a fear that you can exclude from your mind. It's always harder to trust blindly, but bear with me: would someone sustain a long-distance relationship if did not like the person? I think not.

4. Learn to deal with the moment of departure
Definitely the worst moment in the life of two lovers is the hour of departure. Knowing it might take a while to see each other again is a major cardiac testing. However, it is a necessary evil, as life goes on and you need to return to regular activities. Do not make the farewell a bad act, try to face it better. As difficult as it is, the next time you two meet all that love and missed moments will make you both enjoy the most of every second together. Remember that love knows no borders. Time will take care of you two together as soon as possible, it is always important to remember that.

5. Love conquers all!
That what you have to focus on. Every relationship has its moments of adversity and it is important to remember what unites them. The love between you is greater than the distance that separates you, certainly, and against this argument there is nothing that might discredit the relationship.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Trust

Handling a relationship and keeping it going smooth all your life is a difficult task and when you attach long distance with the relationship, it becomes all the more difficult to manage it. Dating someone who lives miles away from you is not easy as it seems. You miss your partner whenever you are happy or sad. You miss telling him interesting stories and most important you don't know if your partner is loyal to you and what he is doing behind your back.

Sometimes during the initial stages of the relationship, the bond is so strong that you can easily trust your partner if he is sitting miles away. But often due to something that happened in the past, your trust in your partner is not that strong and you find it difficult to trust him when he is staying away from you.

What can you do to build trust in a long distance relationship? Here are some tips to help you make your bond stronger while you stay apart.

Make regular calls to each other: Fix a time for call each day. Make sure you call up your partner at that time. You can even fix days when you should call and when your partner must call. If you follow the timings, you would be sure of receiving the call of your partner.

Talk to him about your entire day and ask him about his: When you are not staying in the same country, you don't know the routine of your partner. Share your personal routine and details about what all happened today. Sharing such small details keeps you connected with each other and you feel closer to each other. Also you do not miss sharing minute details with your partner.

Talk about people in your life: You must have made new friends or colleagues. Both the partners must include the names of all those related with their lives in their conversation. Even if you feel that your partner would feel insecure, you must speak about it because it will make your partner trust you even more. The more honest you are, the more your partner will trust you.

Give random calls and messages: On days when you cannot talk at specified time, give your partner a call to inform about the same. Also making random calls once a week and messaging during the day will make your partner feel that you are thinking about him. This is a good way of developing more trust in your relationship.

Meet each other over the weekend: Make plans of visiting each other over the weekend or spending vacations together. This helps strengthen the bond and also eliminates any doubt of you spending more time with some one else.

Do not cheat: It is important to not think about cheating on your partner simply because he/she isn't there to check on you. It is also about your integrity. Think about you being cheated by your partner in the same way. Even if you have to make a new partner, break-up with the current one first to go ahead with the new one. Do not indulge in first dating the second one and then telling the fist one about break-up.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Distance and Love - How to Balance the Two

Did your boyfriend just go abroad for work? Do you miss him everyday? How do you deal with the distance and love? Many people say that long distance relationship doesn't work. It is because there are too many temptations around and that physical presence is always essential in a relationship. But, how is it that there are love stories (true stories) where two people who are miles and miles away from each other were able to fall in love with each other despite the distance?

The thing the keeps relationship strong is communication. Physical presence may be needed but it is still communication that strengthens the bond between two individuals. The reason why many long distance relationships fail because there is lack of communication between the people involved. If you want to keep your love, try the tips below that will help keep your relationship and balance distance and love.

Drop him a Line Everyday

You don't really need to call him all the time to check if he is okay. Even if it is just a single "take care, I love you" message, it is enough to let him know that you are there for him. You can ask questions but do not nag him all the time because it might annoy him. And, always put this in mind: do not message or call him during work hours. You will definitely not get any answers from him.

Update from time to time

Give him updates thru email on the recent activities you have been doing and some relevant information. Do not talk to him about what happened to your day everyday because it will just bore him. Just some relevant facts like: "I shopped with your mom today" or "I had a good conversation with your classmate in college and we were talking about you" and many other not-the-usual events.

Surprise him once in a while

Send him a video where you, his friends and family are giving him personal messages just to check out on him. This will truly make him happy because he is remembered by everyone despite the distance. This too will encourage him to balance distance and love and he might give you a surprise in return.

Send him Snail Mail

Although technology is very advanced these days and you can already use the electronic mail to send cards and personal messages, nothing beats the power of a message written on paper. It is because there is effort given in writing a letter. Do not worry if the mail takes times to arrive as long as it arrives in his hands. These too, will surprise him and will make him realize that he is always very important to you because you have taken time to write to him in paper. This is one good way to make distance and love work.

Visit Him

If you can afford, if it is possible and if you can get a vacation leave to visit him, do it. You can make it a surprise visit or you can inform him that you have a vacation and you can come to him. It's much better if he can take a leave from work even for a short while so you two can spend time together but it is not necessary. Just as long as you two can see each other, it is already enough to keep distance and love working.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, February 18, 2011

Keep Up With a Long-Distance Family With Satellite Internet

People who grow up in North Carolina tend to be a geographically mobile bunch. Many will stay in state to go to some of North Carolina's great universities, like University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and Duke. But, after that, many will leave the state in order to pursue their careers, go explore the world and travel, or follow loved ones around the country and across the globe. This means that many North Carolina families are forced to maintain long-distance relationships with their loved ones, whether they like it or not! But luckily, in the age of satellite Internet, this is easier to do than ever. There are so many electronic and digital ways to communicate across distances that suddenly 1000 miles feels like 100. Here are some of the best ways to communicate with loved ones via satellite Internet.

1. Use video messaging services

One of the greatest inventions in the age of satellite Internet is video messaging services like Skype and Gchat video. Users are able to connect to people and see them face-to-face, just like the business video conference calls that you might be familiar with from movies! But now, all you need is a computer with a microphone (just about all computers come standard with mics these days) and a webcam, and you are good to go! This can create a more intimate conversation, almost as if you were sitting across from each other and talking face to face.

2. Email, email, email!

This is one of the quickest ways to communicate with loved ones using satellite Internet. When you have some downtime at work, or when you are unwinding at the end of the day before going to bed, you can simply fire off a few thoughts to that long-distance family member, updating him or her with the happenings in your own life. Or, if you want, you can craft lengthier, more detailed correspondences. It is up to you!

3. Join picture-sharing websites

There are endless ways to share pictures online, and you would be wise to take advantage of at least one of them. Social networking websites like Facebook allow users to publish photos for all of their friends to see. But if you are wary about making the information public to this many people, there are other websites that you can use. Your child can post an album of his newborn daughter, for example, and then invite select people to view it through email.

4. Instant message your loved ones!

Instant messages were once just the provenance of teens who wanted to keep up with their school friends in the evening hours instead of focusing on their homework. But now it has become mainstream for satellite Internet users of all stripes. This is a reliable, fast, and free way to communicate with people across long-distances. The only disadvantage appears if your typing skills are less than stellar. You may find that the amount of time that it takes you to get out your thoughts can be a bit frustrating!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Make Long Distance Relationships Work - Was the Airport the Last Time You Said "I Love You"?

There are many relationships where the last time they shared a "I Love You" was at the airport or train station. There are thousands of people in couples wanting to know how to make long distance relationships work.

Distance can be a huge issue that can destroy a relationship. Long distance relationships MOST DEFINITELY work, and it just takes commitment from both partners to make it work. If both partner really want to make their relationship work, distance is an obstacle that can be easily overcome.

There are many factors that force a relationship into a long distance one. Job commitment, school, or obligations to the military. Those in the military make huge commitments. I know someone whose husband served overseas for 4 years. 4 years away from his family in service to his country.

This is absolutely true and so many people are going through it. The only way to make relationships like this work is by effective communication and being spontaneous for your partner who is away. When you're thousands of miles apart from each other, its easy to feel separated from each other.

It takes trust, communication, and commitment to make long distance relationships work. You have to trust your partner to be faithful, you have to have a strong line of communication, and you have to be committed in these types of relationship.

With all the technology today, you can pick up a cell phone and have a video chat with someone who is country away. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace have been used for years as a way for people staying in touch with each other.

These sites are perfect for people in long distance relationships. Hundreds of marines keep a Facebook profile to stay in touch with their families. In a long distance relationship the two of you should talk to each other at least 3 times a week.

Letting each other know what's going on in your lives. The sweetest thing to do if you want to know how to make long distance relationships work is to send gifts, family pictures (or private) to your partner overseas, to make sure they feel in touch with you. Do everything you can to stay connected with your partner.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Hardship of Long Distance Relationship

Do you believe in long distance relationship? Or have you ever experience committing in these kind of relationship? It seem can be daunting and hard at first because you're too far away from each other. But you can consider the distance as a test in your relationship. As i always say, every relationship has it's up and down. But remember that in the beginning of the relationship it always start with honesty, trust and of course communication.

So how to survive in a long distance relationship? Providing extra amount of effort, time and understanding both partners can overcome all the trials. There are lot of ways to make the relationship successful. Managing a long distance to a normal relationship is not similar in all aspects. In a long distance relationship both partners should be free from jealousy and doubt. Plus a regular communication should always be present.

Communication doesn't need to be a Cellphone calls everyday, there are lot of ways to communicate to your partner. If you have Laptop and internet connection, you can chat using yahoo messenger or Skype. Don't forget to talk about your plans and future together. See the days, months and years being together.

At some point, long distance relationship can make both partners stronger. Don't let the distance ruined the relationship. If you both love each other and both of you are happy then there's no reason to end the relationship. It doesn't matter how long the distance, because the love and trust matters most.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Do Long Term Relationships Work?

Long Term Relationships? Do they work?

To quote the great philosopher Chris Rock "Yeah, you can do it. You can drive a car with your feet if you want to, that don't make it a good idea."

Long term relationships (LTRs) generally work in one place: your mind. In reality, not so much. Really, you're just preventing the inevitable. If you're in LA and she's in NYC, do you really think it's going to work? Sure, you can travel to see each other, but at around $2-300 a pop, those trips are going to be few and far between.

At some point, someone in the relationship is going to feel lonely or neglected or just plain want to be with someone they can spend time with on a regular basis, you MR/MS LTR, are not that person.

This means someone will initiate the break up. You won't see it coming, it'll hurt like hell. Better to part when they move away, to save everyone involved some pain.

Not the answer you want to hear? Well, I wanted to be a starting quarterback in the NFL. But I am slow and white and horribly uncoordinated. I didn't want to hear that either, but that didn't mean it wasn't the truth.

Sometimes, the right thing to do and the easy thing to do are the same thing. Not in this case. Basically the right thing to do, from the long term perspective is just end it on a good note, as bittersweet as it may be and move on.

The easy thing to do is stick your head in the sand. And see if the situation magically gets better on its own. Try that one if you want and let me know how it works for you.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How to Make Long Distance Relationships Work

The first step in how to make how to make long distance relationships work is first deciding if the person is worth it. This may sound somewhat mean but once you get into one you will quickly realize how important this is. Long distance relationships are very difficult and require a lot of work to make them work. It would suck to devote countless hours, weeks, and months to a person who isn't even living in the same city or country as you only to decide that she/he wasn't worth it in the first place.

If you want to give it a go, the most important part in how to make long distance relationships work is going to be communication. When 2 people are living away from each other, it becomes hard to realize that one is in relationship. You almost have to tell yourself after awhile or your mind almost forgets because it feels single. You will crave having someone next to you with real live communication but it can't happen. The next best thing is going to be video-chat with services such as Skype and Fring. This brings much more intimacy to the relationship than a normal phone does and allows you to see each other, blow each other kisses, or have some great video phone sex. Whatever works!

Set a schedule for at least once a week but preferably a lot more than that. Try doing it when your in a happy mood and in a quiet area. Know that call quality using VoIP software is not always great and the video is not always perfect.

Another key aspect to long distance relationship is sorting out times when you can meet face-to-face. Week or longer vacations to spend with each other and also set a date when you plan for one of you to move closer to each other so its no longer long distance. This can't go on forever!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Do Long Distance Relationships Work? Four Factors To Consider

Have you ever been apart from a loved one and wondered, "Do long distance relationships work?" Are you struggling with the decision to continue or end a relationship because of geographic distance? What are the odds that such a relationship can really work? In this age of increased technology; e.g., online dating, Facebook, and increased job turnover, more people in relationships are living apart than ever before. There are many factors that influence the relative success of such a relationship. Here are a few to consider:

Did the relationship start out long distance?

If a couple has always lived apart, there are not as many adjustments to be made as there would be if they had been in the same household for several years and then suddenly were separated. For couples who become separated due to a job, schooling, etc., relationship rules suddenly need major changes, and this can upset the delicate balance. On the other hand, partners who have had the opportunity to live together already may have forged stronger bonds of intimacy that will help them withstand the separation. So, do long distance relationships work? So far, it's a toss-up.

How often can the couple meet face-to-face?

Being separated on weekdays is one thing, when you have long weekends together. Such an arrangement can even bring zest to a relationship where familiarity has bred, if not contempt, a little boredom. But separations for months on end can become damaging to the fabric of the relationship. Partners may tend to former closer relationships with others in their new orbit or to become so independent of each other that co-existence under one roof becomes a land mine. Do long distance relationships work? The vote is: not as likely if separations are long.

For how long will be relationship be long distance?

Applying the same logic, a short-term arrangement of long distance dating or marriage can be an interesting challenge, and even breathe new life into the relationship's routine. If the relationship lasts for years, partners may have two separate lives and experience difficulty staying in the same orbit. Do long distance relationships work? Short-term, yes. Long-term: consider the warning signs.

What are the levels of trust and independence?

Each partner's personality influences the relative success of a long distance relationship. A suspicious or dependent mate will really struggle with physical separation. On the other hand, couples who have high degrees of trust, coupled with an enjoyment of time alone and independence, may actually thrive in such a relationship. Do long distance relationships work? With compatible personalities, the answer may be yes.

As you can see, there is no clear answer to the question: do long distance relationships work? A complex set of factors influences the success or failure of any relationship. If you are facing a potential long distance relationship in your life, consider: the history of your relationship, the length and type of separation, your own personality and that of your partner. A thoughtful analysis of these factors may help you decide if you are ready to pursue or maintain a relationship with a far-away loved one.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Saturday, February 12, 2011

4 Steps to Having Multiple Long Distance Relationships With Girls in Different Cities

So, you want to be a baller, huh?

Confidently laying back into your brown leather chair, the jacket of your Armani three-piece slung over the arm, resting under your elbow, which is seemingly inseparably attached to your vodka martini (shaken, not stirred, of course). Maybe you've got a Romeo y Julieta throwing streaks of Cuban smoke out in the other hand while you smirk at the giggling cocktail waitress with a foggy-eyed James Bond smirk. If there's anyone that can understand that confidence and atmosphere, it is definitely me.

Part of my job has me jetting back and forth between cities and continents. I've fallen into love with countries and into love with several women. The constant pace has resulted in something interesting that I never thought would happen to me. I have a girl I can call on in almost every major city in the US and a few across the world. The list isn't endless, but it's pretty damn long.

I really care about these girls.

These women make my life better and add to it every single day, even if I can't see them as often as we'd both like. They are all gorgeous, intelligent and wonderful women that know that I'm a busy man and that I travel around a lot. They know we're not dating exclusively and don't demand anything other than my attention when I can give them time and, even though spirits are low when we have to part, we both look forward to the passionate reunion that will happen in the future.

There's nothing quite like sex with someone you've been talking dirty to over the phone for three months and if there is, email me the link because I want to buy 100 of them.

"How do you do this, Asian Playboy?" You ask. Well, it's tricky, but allow me to explain.

The trouble a lot of guys run into on their quest to be either the world's best PUA, a confident lover, or just someone that isn't afraid to talk to women at the bar, comes from what they do after seducing a woman. Now, personally, I don't like the word 'seduce' because it implies deception and we're not trying to trick women into sleeping with us, we're trying to build strong, passionate relationships and, therefore, the game doesn't stop once you've basted her babymaker.

Sure, we all have those moments when we're horny in a club and we just really want to try that fox in the little red number on for size and now we have the skills to do it, but the spice of pickup comes from those women that set fire to our very soul and that we (maybe in a different time) wouldn't mind settling down with.

Unfortunately, sometimes these women are destined to be a far off paradise and, once we leave Florida or Seattle or Boston or New York, it won't be months until we're back. In the past, we've resigned these women to the abyss, which we throw our regrets and missed opportunities into, hoping they'll come out the other side to join us once again, but now we take our fate and our sexual future into our own hands by completing some of the easiest, yet most important steps we can take in order to secure that these women will keep you tucked in the little category that all women have hidden, no matter how delicate or prudish they seem to be.

I like to call this category "No matter what's going on in my life, I'll be sleeping with him when he comes back."

Step 1: Call her when you leave.

Whether you've slept with her the night before (we call know to call women the next day to tell them we had a great time with them the night before, right?) or you haven't seen her in three days, call the girl from the airport. This is the time to be romantic. Wax poetic on how interesting she is and how great it is that you two met and have grown close and how she will be the reason you return.

Then drop these five little words that will forever cement in her mind how amazing you... "I'm glad I found you." You wouldn't think so, but these five little words can melt a woman's heart when she's bidding adieu to her lover.

Step 2: Text her when you get in.

A simple "Landed safe. It's cold here without you!" or "Just arrived. Would prefer it is I was just leaving" will spike that romance once again, and give her the pang of reality now that you're actually far away. It also opens the door to her to continue to chat with you via text.

Now, if you're in a different country, you obviously can't text, so just shoot her a little email when take off your traveling shoes and settle into the home office. Nothing dramatic, but again, keeping the door open for further interaction requires so little effort and energy on your part.

Step 3: Call her AT LEAST once a week for the next month.

This is good to maintain a regular presence and keep the romance alive. After the first month, you can text/talk to her less frequently, but more than a two-week gap will create distance that takes time to make up. For cross-country romances, I recommend an email letter at least once per week and one arranged phone call once a month. You can make it seem like some sort of illict rendezvous, a promise that she simply can't broke, or any other kind of future projection.

Step 4: Be romantic AND sexual in EVERY call.

In articles, I will discuss the aspects of talking dirty to women over the phone, text, and email more in depth. This not only turns them on (obviously) but it builds a bond and keeps their fire burning for you.

You want them on the brink of climax at the very thought of you ALL the time. Above all, be interested in these women. Let them affect you and climb into your daily thoughts and tell them when they do. It will make them feel good and think fondly of you. Avoid telling them about other girls and fantasize about being together.

Though there may be tears of frustration at times, when you return, they will want nothing but to climb into your arms and make sweet love to you and, like I said, this is one of the most beautiful feelings there is.

Stay smooth.

About the Author:

JT "the Asian Playboy" Tran is a top relationship expert and Asian Dating Coach having been featured on major network television interviews like ABC and other national media. He can be reached for live coaching or media interviews at 1-888-689-4263.

Download his 60 minute advanced audio training guide "Exposing the Myth Behind Why Asian Guys Can't Date White Girls", a free copy of "Enter the PUA" ebook and 4 week ecourse all for FREE by signing up to his newsletter at

Tran has trained Fortune 500 professionals, corporate executives, political activists and actors alike on how to improve their confidence over one weekend. He is also the CEO of the ABCs of Attraction, a world renown indie pickup artist company. Finally, Tran has been voted the World's Greatest Asian Pick Up Artist on two separate continents (North America and Australia) as well as 2009's Top 10 Pick Up Artists in the World.

Article Source:

JT Tran - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, February 11, 2011

5 Ways to Stop Distant Love Failures

Some of you may disagree with me thinking that Love is temporary madness which erupts like madness and subsides there after, but when you are in love you think it to be the most passionate movement in your life. Sometimes when we are more concentrated on our career times come when we have to relocate to different places and these places won't have your loved ones. If you move away you leave back the fruitful memories of your love and try harder to keep in touch with your love and slowly you form a distant love with your romantic attitudes. Most of the cases which I came across were of Distant Love failures; yes I am a heart break kid myself. Since then I have formulated a strategy which can be helpful to stop these distant love failures.

Communication: plays a vital role in keeping touch with your love, and after looking at the technological advancements you can get in touch with your love within seconds from any corner of the world (Exception zero equator and Bermuda triangle). Find a suitable mean of communication may it be Internet through social networking or via mobile. When you are free enough communicate just find suitable time frame considering the different time zones.

Space: always provide space to your partner never get possessive and doubtful that she is all alone and will do anything wrong. If you love her/him you should have faith in her. You can track her activities via any social networking if you find any exceptions discuss them freely don't be Uncle Sam.

Mutual trust: when you are away from each other you have all the freedom to do whatever you want, but don't misuse this freedom which can affect your relationship. Many Distant love failures are due to lack in mutual trust, instead utilize this time for the mistakes you have done in the past with your partner. Confess for the mistakes and guarantee they will not happen again which will make the bond stronger. You left each other due to mutual trust you shared so don't hamper it and expect the same from your partner.

Surprises: always surprise your partner with new inventive methods like send a surprise gift, ask your friend to deliver flowers, remember the dates related to your relationship and surprise her/him with some cherish-able moments. If possible write letters or cards with interesting message which make their day more promising.

Forget and forgive: this is somewhat critical errand but when you confess for your misdoing and you get a same reply from other side always have a policy to forgive and forget this will help keep relationship healthy rather than distant love failures. Never ask for explanations and never invade each others private space.

This all things will help you create a healthy relationship rather than distant love failures. Always understand "set your love free if it comes back it was meant for you and if doesn't then it was never yours"..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Tips - Love From Miles Away

Is college or your career bringing you far from your man and you need long distance relationship tips to make this work? Would you have preferred to stay close to him, but your obligations are important to you and good long distance relationship tips will get you through? Have you seen plenty of friends split up due to a long distance relationship and you don't want to see that happen to you?

Relationships are hard enough when you're right there at each other's side. When you put hundreds or even thousands of miles between a man and a woman it can be virtually impossible. But as difficult as it is, there are plenty of couples who manage to succeed, and many even thrive. Read the following long distance relationship tips to see how you can give your romance a winning chance.

Open Communication

Whether you're going to use the phone, texting, emails or webcam, it's important that you stay in touch. Technology today affords you plenty of choices that make you feel like you're right there with him.

Try to keep each exchange as fun and upbeat as you can. While it's normal to want to express just how badly you miss him and want to see him again, avoid those tedious lines of questioning about what he's doing and who he's doing it with just to ensure he's being faithful.


Trust becomes the biggest issue in a long distance relationship and you'll probably be tempted to enquire about his fidelity. If he's true to you, he can grow tired of your constant badgering and may start to slowly wean off communication.

If he is cheating, there's a good chance he'll lie. Sad but true. When trust becomes that big an issue and you're going crazy wondering what he's up to every weekend, you need to have a good talk with him to find out where his head is on the matter.

Put a Hold

When a relationship is relatively young and new and the na?ve couple is split apart by obligations, many will opt to simply put the relationship on hold. This takes a great deal of maturity and it can be painful, but it can turn out to be a more healthy choice than constantly pinning.

Know where your heart really is and try as honestly as you can to gauge his. Is he really in it for the long haul? Would it be easier to simply go your own way and reconnect if and when the time is right?

Keep Your Word

When only a few-hours drive separates you, it can be easy making that trip to see one another. But when it's a plane ride or a day long drive, it can make things more complicated. It's important in either situation to schedule hook ups that are frequent and solid.

If either of you is constantly reneging on your promise to be there for the other, it can cause friction and growing mistrust.

Long distance relationships aren't easy. Be realistic before you even attempt it and be mature about it if you decide to give it a go.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

3 Signs You Are Ready for A Long Distance Relationship

A long distance relationship very often can take a toll on the couple if not handled with care. The partners tend to be more sensitive with their own feelings and negative emotions are easily felt and much too often, being amplified more than a relationship without the distance factor. Before you enter into one, you can use the following signs as a benchmark to consider if you are prepared for such a relationship.

I Love My Creator and Myself

You can be in control of a lot of things, but having that love for our Creator and self would help to navigate your feelings away from dependence, expectations and sad/angry feelings. When you develop that love, you would be assured of less worry and the strong positivity that everything happens for the best, and our Creator would know what's best for us in any given situation, hence prepare us for any ripples or waves in the relationship..

I Am My Own Person

A relationship is not about 'completing' the other, it is about 'complementing' the other. You are still a living person with your own life before this relationship, and it is because of your identity and character that your partner is attracted to you. So even when he or she is away, life still goes on as usual,

I Am Mature - Respect, Commitment and Trust

You have this mutual respect for each other's space, committed to do your best for each other and trust each other. Respect and commitment can easily be formed, but trust is something that you will have to build throughout the journey in the relationship.

I Am Forgiving

This is a very important sign to point whether you're ready or not for the relationship because without forgiveness, trust cannot be built, respect destroyed and you become less committed to the person just because of a mere mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. You make mistakes and sometimes so would he/she. Without forgiveness, you cannot move on when things get a little rough and this can be detrimental in the long run.

Raihana, also known as Hanna in the blogosphere, is a Certified Master Coach in Behaviour and happily married to a Moroccan. They survived a long distance relationship and now Raihana uses her experience to help others improve their relationships, especially long-distance, sharing her experience and lessons learned from her own journey. You can download her FREE report, The 5-Letter Word That Saved My Long Distance Relationship at

Article Source:

Raihana M Zaman - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tips On Surviving A Long Distance Relationship

These days it is certainly not uncommon to find people being involved in long distance relationships. Due to the fact that there are now many digital tools that we can use such as mobile phones, chat rooms, and e-mail in order to stay in contact, it is far more easy to maintain a relationship even when you don't see them throughout the week. Here are a few tips that should help you survive a long distance relationship.

It is first very important that you are willing to actually commit to your relationship. As such, you both need to sit down and to discuss how things are going to work. If you don't have this discussion and you go into things without really knowing where you stand then it is going to make it a lot more difficult to commit. This makes things like cheating more likely someone is likely to end up being hurt.

Always set dates to the next time that you are going to see your partner. By setting dates you know exactly when you will see them and this will make it a lot easier to bear being away from them. You will also be able to build up a head of excitement when you know that you will be seeing them soon.

Every single day you should have some form of contact. If you cannot call them or have any direct spoken contact then do at least seven the text order something to let them know that you are always thinking of them.

Go that extra mile every so often. Instead of sending a basic text, right out a card or send them a letter with some heartfelt messages inside. If you find something that she may like when you're out shopping, buy it and send it to her. This is an excellent way of maintaining some of the romance within your relationship.

As mentioned you should always be trying to be in contact each and every single day. If you are unable to call them text or do something similar. If you do have time to call, however, make sure that you do this every day. Ask them how they are getting along and how their day has been. They will certainly appreciate the sentiment. It is also possible to even see them when you are talking to them these days with things like Skype.

Every so often try to surprise them. For example, if you know that they are having a quiet weekend then you might want to pretend that you need to work over the weekend or you are busy doing something else. You can then turn up at their door and surprise them. This is a romantic gesture that will not be forgotten.

Whenever you are having a hard time and are missing them try to remember that absence next the heart grow fonder. All of this will add up to a far more memorable experiences whenever you go to see one another.