Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is It Love? Or a Sex Holiday?

One of the most common fears that I have been told of when it comes to relationships between western men and Filipinas is the persistent doubtfulness that comes with meeting a strange man for the first time after he travels half way round the world to see you. Those months of "getting to know you" talk on the Internet and over the telephone just doesn't come close to preparing a woman for the eventual encounter with the man whom she has been dating online. And with the countless rumours of western men going to Asia for only "one thing", it is natural and quite right for any woman about to meet her online boyfriend for the first time, to feel nervous and perhaps even a little scared.

Let's face it, there are men out there who will happily try and promise a world of riches and a care free life in their pursuit to seduce a lady they met online! Although they are the minority, they are out there. So how can a Filipina spot these men from the genuine suitor? There are no fast answers! You will have to trust your instincts with this man, so if he somehow is off putting to you then better to break off the relationship than worry about not acting nice.

There may be some tell tale signs for a man only interested in sex. In your online talks he might move the conversation beyond your respected families and talk about sexual matters, in an attempt to see how you react. He might even ask to play intimate games over the internet, whilst paying little attention to your needs. He might even sound like a seasoned traveler to the Philippines, knowing a little Tagalog or Visayan whilst at the same time playing ignorant to Filipino culture and customs. All of these could be tell tale signs, or simply signs of a man inexperienced with speaking to ladies. Again, trust your instincts!

The most important part is finally meeting him at the airport. Those first moments together in person will speak far more than the time you spent talking online!

Take a friend or relative with you, you don't need to be alone with him if you are still unsure (at least, not at first). then once you have gotten to know a little more about him then it will become easier to trust him more and more. You might also want to have the "sex talk" with him long before he arrives to the Philippines, expressing your feelings on the matter and advising him whether or not you are waiting until marriage before you do such a thing. At least then he knows how to react with you and his western mindset will be tempered with the culture shock of being in a more conservative and less hedonistic culture.

Above all, honesty is key. If you make it clear from early on your goals and what you seek out of a relationship, then it will make things easier for you both. And if he is the kind of man only looking for "one thing", then he will have moved on without causing you too much pain.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to Establish Ground Rules for Your Long Distance Relationship

The best piece of long distance relationship advice I can give is establish ground rules in the beginning. I think the fundamental differences between a long distance relationship and a standard relationship is such that participants need to be more proactive at the onset in establishing a "framework" to build the relationship in. The "framework" I am speaking of is truly the foundation that your relationship will be built upon. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your long distance relationship. A good way to start though is to establish a set of ground rules that you and your partner agree upon and think will be a solid foundation on which your relationship will build.

Establishing ground rules is something you will want to do at the onset of your relationship. This will eliminate any surprises that can have some major consequences.

To date or not to date that is the question- You both have to agree on this. You will want to discuss whether you can see other people or if this is going to be a monogamous relationship. If you do agree on an open relationship then you will also need to discuss the ground rules of those other relationships. There has to be a clear line that can't be crossed.

Chatterbox- You don't get to see each other or be physically with each other so you have communicate often. Setting up ground rules about communication will be very helpful to your relationship. You should discuss how often to communicate, the methods of communication and set up a schedule for communication. Discuss the different ways you may want to communicate. Today you can use the telephone, instant messaging, email and many other options thanks to technology. If you lose the communication then your relationship will suffer, so it is important that this is a major focus of your relationship

Visiting each other- You will want to try to have regular visits with your long distance love. This is an area that could be a challenge, but you both need to commit to visits. You should discuss how to handle things is there is an issue and someone will miss a scheduled visit. You don't want anyone to end up with hard feelings if a visit needs to be rescheduled.

I hope the above will help you in finding a "where to start" in your long distance love. The most important piece of long distance relationship advice I can give is to really stress at the onset of where you are, where you want to be, and how you're going to get there. By setting ground rules at the very beginning I think your relationship will be able to achieve happiness in a more efficient manner.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Top 5 Long Distance Relationship Ideas That Really Work

Long distance relationships are difficult, but they can work if you know how to handle things.

I personally know first hand about the difficulties, since I have had 2 long-lasting ones in my lifetime.

The first lasted for 3 years, and my partner at the time was in Europe (while I lived in California)! It was difficult to keep things interesting. Most of the time, we would only talk via email. We didn't even get to talk on the phone very often because we had different cell phone carriers. We really needed some long distance relationship ideas.

Our relationship lasted quite some time, and it was difficult to not consider dating other people, but I stayed faithful to my partner and didn't pursue anyone else.

After meeting several times in person, and having a fair share of arguments, we eventually decided to split.

I was disgusted, I was convinced that I would never allow myself to be in another long distance relationship ever again.

However, after relocating for school and trying to meet new people in new surroundings, I had no success finding the right person.

I decided to use an Internet dating site and eventually met my special someone, except that they were a 2 hour drive from me.

I wondered about the distance for a moment, but decided that it was so much closer than Europe and eventually met my current partner in person and we have been together for 2 and a half years now (1 year apart, and the rest together). I set the limit from the start.

I wasn't going to date someone extremely far away. I wouldn't have been opposed to it if one of us was committed to moving, but I wanted to keep things simple for myself. This was my long distance relationship idea that I kept in mind that really worked for me.

So, in the end, it's not impossible to meet someone far away and make it work, you just have to have perseverance and dedication.

The following are the 5 best long distance relationship ideas that I have found to really stand the test of time:

1. Don't date someone too far away (the farther away the other person is, the more difficult it is to meet him/her and make it work.

2. Make sure to consistently contact your partner. This can be via email/instant messages/phone calls/etc. The more intimate the form of contact, the better the lasting results.

3. If both of you decide that you really want to stay together for the long haul, make sure to communicate this to each other. You want to make sure that you are both on the same page with your relationship.

4. Don't let things get stale. Keep things interesting. Do new things to make the relationship feel brand new.

5. Make your partner feel special. A great idea is poetry/candy/a special dinner together in a romantic restaurant/etc.

For more great long distance relationship ideas that work, please see my resource box below.

For more long distance relationship ideas, please visit my website, which will link you to Dr. Leslie Karsner's page that offers more FREE tips for your long distance relationship, as well as an OPTIONAL FREE MEMBERSHIP to "Go Romance eZine!", please Click Here!

Article Source:

Anthony E Miner - EzineArticles Expert Author

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Can I Maintain Healthy Long Distance Relationship

Maintaining a long distance relationship is a challenge and making it work is a harder challenge. Most long distance relationships fail to work as this type of relationship involves much complication and asks for more trust, compromise and understanding. Moreover, as the couple lives apart from each other physically they cannot be for each other in times of need. This construes the biggest hurdle for this kind of relationship. However, there are cases where long distance relationship has worked successfully for two mature individuals and they had their own story that kept the relationship alive.

Here are some essential tips for you if you and your sweetheart are committed to such a kind of relationship. First let me cover the pitfalls that destroy any type of relationship and for relationships that are maintained over a distance they matter more.

1. Insecurity: This kind of relationship requires long levels of trust and you need to believe in your partner in terms of words. So if you struggle with insecure feelings and cannot trust what you cannot see you should not indulge is such a relationship.

2. Suspicion- An extension of insecurity is suspicion. Mostly this is an innate characteristic which is fluxed by imagination and do not have any reasonable explanation. So if you do not have confidence in a partner whom you cannot see all the time you are not a person to have such a relationship.

3. Faithfulness- My partner cannot see what in I am doing so I can have a 'fling' with someone for some time. Temptation is quite casual in long distance relationship. If you cannot extend faith to your partner who cannot see you either why should you ask for such a relationship?

If you are really forward to have a long distance relationship this are the three hurdles which you must cope up with to make it work out. Question yourself and reply yourself honestly, you will know what you are actually looking for.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Saving A Long Distance Relationship - The 5 Keys To A Successful Long Distance Relationship

I'm here to answer all of your questions about saving a long distance relationship. Are you in a stressful long distance relationship? Are things not quite going as you both planned? Is it getting harder and harder to trust one another? All of these things are common when it comes to trying to make a long distance relationship work. If you answered yes to all those questions then you definitely came to the right place. I am going to give you five keys to saving a long distance relationship. You have to really care for someone to even start a relationship from miles away or remain in a relationship when it's going to become long distance. I'm sure this article is going to better your situation and enhance the passion between you too even if it's from many miles away.

Key #1

Making time to talk every day is the most important thing you can do for you long distance relationship. You have to set time aside every single day to talk to your partner. Even if it's just for an hour; it's crucial to keep the closeness of the relationship going. Don't pick a time when you're on your way somewhere or have any kinds of distractions. All a distracted environment will do is make your partner feel unimportant and ignored. Not being able to be close to one another is hard on both of you so it's very essential to insure that there is no confusion about what your priorities are

Key #2

Over communicating is another good practice when you are in a long distance relationship. It's hard to trust in the fact that your love isn't out there creeping behind your back. Communicating the little details will help eliminate this problem drastically. Make sure you know each others schedules and all the little daily routines that you both due. A simple text once you've left work and got home goes a long way. Sharing your frustration about the traffic or an issue at work is just as important as the major things that go on in your life whether its losing your job or the loss of a loved one. You have to treat all conversations as you would if you were living under the same roof.

Key #3

Just because you aren't in the same state doesn't mean you can't go on romantic dates from time to time. Set up times to watch the same movie and discuss it over the phone with one another. Find an online game you too can play together; it's amazing how much fun it can be. The advances in technology are infinite, there's Skype, AIM, texts, picture messaging, and the list goes on. There are all these different ways to communicate and even see one another. Web chat dates are awesome it makes you feel so much closer to them and gives you the opportunity to talk face to face. This keeps having the "out of sight, out of mind" mentality completely out of the picture. This way if there are any feelings floating around about the eye to eye contact the long distance dates will definitely help in saving a long distance relationship.

Key #4

In high school it was always nice to get a note from that special someone or even just from a best friend. Adapt that system and make it your own. Email has made it so easy to be lazy and make us forget that we know how to use a pen and paper. Write them a letter telling them why you love them and what saving a long distance relationship like yours means to you. Seeing your hand writing and smelling your scent on the paper will immediately make them feel right next to you. It creates a sort of excitement waiting for them to get the letter and then anticipating the reply in the mail. It's wonderful what the different forms of communication will do for how you feel about each other as well as the closeness you feel.

Key #5

Last but certainly not least; saving a long distance relationship takes an optimistic mind. You cannot get negative and spend time repeating over and over that you miss each other and how hard this is. You have to remind each other how much you love each other and how this long distance is worth it. Tell them that you'll see each other soon. Also make sure you're making plans to see one another. Southwest Airlines is very affordable so there is always a way to make it work. Show them that you're going to do whatever it takes to make your long distance relationship survive.

The 5 keys mentioned above are very effective and will work wonders for anyone interested in saving a long distance relationship. But some situations may call for more unconventional tactics that are guaranteed to work. But these secrets are proven to work so well at saving a long distance relationship that they have been labeled as controversial and even dangerous if used by individuals with ill intentions. So before I share with you the secret weapon let me first say that this is NOT for stalkers, ex convicts, people with severe mental problems or other crazies, cuckoos or whack jobs. If you do not fit into one of the above categories then I invite you to consider the statement below.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Save a Long Distance Relationship: Love Across the Seas

There are a couple of ways on how to save a long distance relationship. To maintain love from across the miles has its own risks and challenges. It takes patience and a lot of creativity to make the partnership a success.

Time and distance do make the heart grow fonder. If you can have it your way, a virtual relationship should be out of the picture. But being in the same continent just isn't in the cards for now.

So how do you do it? Here's how:

Define Your Expectations

Define your terms ahead of time. Do you expect exclusivity or do you want to keep it casual? Talk about what you need and require from each other.

Setting the perimeter of the relationship will save you both a lot of headaches. In short, lay down all the ground rules.

Take Time to Communicate

How to save a long distance relationship amidst a big disparity in time zones requires commitment. But in this age, technology helps bridge that gap. You can email, chat, SMS or call them so they're just an arm's length away.

Set up a regular schedule when you'll get in touch to maximize the costs. If you wouldn't be able to make it, give your partner a heads up.

Split the Costs

Be mindful of the expenses incurred to keep the relationship going. Do it equitably. It wouldn't be fair to let the higher earner foot the bill all the time.

When spending time together, alternate who visits whom. At times, it'd be a good idea to meet somewhere else halfway.

As a couple, you should be able to discuss money matters openly. Otherwise, it will be an uphill battle to maintain a long-term relationship.

Spend Quality Time Together

Make the most of the time you have together. Plan your activities ahead of time but leave some room for spontaneity. Finding out how to save a long distance relationship may involve some trial and error. Know what works best for you and stick with it.

How To Keep Your Long Distance Relationship Exciting

So you surrendered to loneliness, silence and communication via electronic devices in your quest to maintain your long distance relationship. It wasn't an easy choice and you're still struggling to swallow the fact. Wondering what your loved one is doing on a minute by minute basis, who they're with, if they are thinking about you etc... Don't give in to the insanity. As unimaginable as it may sound, long distance relationships have a success rate and all you have to do is commit to the fun in making them work.

1. The master-key to keeping your long distance relationship exciting is to keep in touch however and whenever you can. Be it emails or text messages; use these mediums to constantly remind each other of your love and commitment to each other and to the relationship. You can send e-cards just as regularly or photographs of what's going on with you on the home front. For the super romantics, take up writing long, juicy love letters to each other. Hey. Don't knock it till you try it. You can have some additional fun with the letters by creating different scenarios e.g. you're stuck on an island and the letter is a message in a bottle. Use that imagination you have been blessed with!

2. Learn to put a lid on your feelings of uncertainty. And feelings of uncertainty will abound. If you haven't heard from them in a couple of days, don't go imagining that they are out there trawling the streets looking for your replacement. Just take a deep breath and remind yourself who your loved one is and the promises they made to you before they left. Be careful though if your periods of communication start too gradually decrease and you slowly get estranged from each other. You know that just don't know them anymore, you don't want to get there.

3. Be honest with yourselves. If you're depressed by the move, as much as you don't want to add to their pile of guilt, at least let them know of your struggles to cope with their absence. If you are falling out of love with the person, be upfront about it. There is no point in pretending to be the perfect mate when your heart has decided otherwise.

4. When you're loved one left, so did your pettiness. Don't burden them with the small stuff. If you were left to manage the home front then do so without bothering your loved one with all the details. They don't need to know how you got rid of the ants in the kitchen during your weekly 5 minute phone call.

5. Pick a hobby that you can both enjoy from both ends. This way when you get to talk, you have more to say than how much you're missing each other. You also get to share your common interests, reminding you both why you are together in the first place. Start with small things like TV shows or a book.

6. Surprise them by showing up on their doorstep. Words are not always enough and your arriving at their door could just be the pick-me-up they have been afraid to ask for.

7. Before your loved one arrives, spruce up the house and yourself. Stock the fridge or mow the lawn. This way you will have more time to spend together instead of engaging in petty errands and chores. Keep up your appearance and whatever new ventures you got into during their absence. The combination will keep your loved one constantly surprised and they'll take back some poignant memories with them.

8. When you loved one leaves, hide love notes in their luggage or thoughtful gifts. This way, whenever they come across each one, you will be on their minds. Call ahead and have flowers or treats waiting for them.

9. Create lists on why you love and appreciate each other and swap them once a week. This way, you maintain the flame of the relationship and remind each other why you are still together. The lists will also be a source of comfort during your loneliest hours.

10. The internet has allowed a milliard of possibilities to come to life and virtual dates are one of them. Go on one regularly so as to diminish the longing for them. If you follow these tips then even though you miss your loved one you will still feel the shared connection and you will be able to stroke the fires even when you are far away.

Friday, March 18, 2011

How to Maintain a Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationships are very hard to maintain. Not only will you have to contend with the feeling of doubt and jealousy, you will have to deal with the distance and the time you can actually spend with your loved one. There will be a lot of issues that you need to deal with before you start off a long distance relationship. Here are ways on how you can maintain a long lasting long distance relationship.

Try to send gifts to each other. This will lighten up the mood and sets up a perfect way to have a conversation over at the phone or over the internet. The more you try to make it as a surprise the more you become closer to your partner.

Always give time to dwell onto the computer and talk to your partner over Skype or Yahoo messenger. This is one of the best ways for the two of you to share some bonding moments together.

And while you two are online, you can actually play games that both of you can play in real time. This way, your conversations will not be boring and you two can have something to talk about or even discuss about.

Try to set up a time that both of you can actually get online and talk. Most long distance relationship suffer from both distance and time all because they have different areas. So, try to squeeze in a schedule that is both beneficial for the two of you and stick with it.

Try to talk on a more personal level with your partner. This way, you will get to know your partner a bit better. Ask around for his family or does his mother talk to him while he is away from home.

Do try to take good care of yourself while you are out there alone without your partner. With long distance relationships, you begin to think that since your partner is not there, there will be no means that you will have make yourself look beautiful when in fact you have to.

People think that when you are apart from your loved one, you begin to feel that it is not worth staying inside a relationship at times because of all the hassle. Turn this note into a positive one and make your time off with your loved one as a means of getting to know yourself a bit more.

How To Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work - 3 Key Components For Long Distance Relationships

There are many challenges to a long distance relationship. When you and your sweetheart are separated by distance it is hard to stay loyal and committed to your relationship. But if you are determined to making your long distance relationship work, these three tips will give you the necessary knowledge you need to make your relationship last.

Be sure to check out the resource I will give you at the end of this article, but first just to get you started on the right path I want to share with you the three components that are absolutely necessary for your relationship in order to make it work.


Communication is an integral component in any relationship, not just a long distance one. However, it becomes a key component to maintaining a relationship when you are apart. This is because out of sight out of mind, as the saying goes.

When communication stops, a relationship will die. There isn't a relationship when communication is cut off.


With the number of available singles in your town it may be tempting to agree to go on a date with somebody else when you are not together with your partner. You may feel that you are just agreeing to go out as friends, and to kill time or to keep entertained.

However, before you agree to accept a date invitation think about how you would feel if your long distance partner did the same?

Even if your date is an innocent meeting, this can trigger jealousy and mistrust. Staying emotionally loyal to your partner is the key to maintaining a successful long distance relationship. Don't take a date invitation if you think that your partner would not appreciate if they found out about it.


It takes a lot of patience to get through the time when you and your partner are separated by distance. One of you may be away for work or school, and you both may have a clear idea of when you can be together again. In certain circumstances you may however not even have an idea of when you will be together again. If one of you took a job in a far away city or a different state, or is traveling overseas for work, you may have a very vague idea of when you will be together again.

Commitment of both partners is necessary to get you both through the difficult time of separation.

To learn how you can obtain all three components necessary for a long distance relationship, and how to encourage your partner to stay in communication, loyal and committed to you as well as you are to him visit long distance relationship!

If your relationship is important to you, and you want to keep your partner loyal and committed, on the next page I will provide you with the amazing tools for your relationship so Click Here Now!

Article Source:

Elaine Model - EzineArticles Expert Author

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top 3 Tips for Making Long Distance Relationships Easier

Hello Everyone!

Today I'm going to talk about making long distance relationships easier.

How many of you have actually been in a long distance relationship? I certainly have, and let me tell you that they are no walk in the park.

They take time and dedication, and for the most part a lot of commitment on your part (and hopefully your partner's too!)

As someone who has been in multiple long distance relationships, I can tell you that each one is uniquely different.

The following are my best tips to you to consider as you meet new love interests across the Internet highway. They should definitely help toward making long distance relationships easier for you:

1. Make sure that are not only cute, but have substance too.

This will make the long distance relationship a whole lot easier, because you will have someone to talk to. Of course, we all want to be dating a looker, but if you really want the relationship to last, you will want the person to have a great personality too. And their personality all depends on your own personal interests too.

Should they be funny? Sarcastic? Daring? There are so many different combinations. Also, keep in mind that some people who make look hot in their profile have absolutely no personality whatsoever. The only thing you can do is begin the conversation and see where it goes.

2. Make time for each other.

I can't stress this enough. If the two of you are not committed to daily communication (email, phone calls, etc), it will be very difficult to make the relationship last. So, when you find yourself wasting away your time watching tv, or waiting in a busy doctor's office, give your person a ring. It will show that you really care about them.

3. Finally, talk with your partner rather early about what you both want in a relationship.

Do you only want to stay platonic and more on a friendly basis? Or, do you both want to delve further into love and possibly a long term relationship?

Most importantly, make sure what you both want out of the relationship. If only one wants a long term relationship, it could lead to a great level of dependency (the partner who wants the relationship will go to great lengths to get the other person to change his/her mind and maybe even become resentful if the love and infatuation are not reciprocated.

I hope this helped all of you. Good luck, and just remember that love may just be a click away!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Interesting

Love, most people would admit, conquers all. It is that feeling of flurry butterflies in the depth of your stomach that hits and refuses to let go. Love makes many people miserable and so also does it makes you want to jump for joy. Love is something some individuals do to keep active and full of life and it is also brings a feeling of contentment and security when the timing is right. Love knows no bounds so it doesn't know how to measure width and kilometers so I would say it does work no matter where the love-birds are. It is of little or no importance who you fall in love with or where the object of your affection resides. I am believer of true love and I believe it has no hindrances.

The first step to a journey of a thousand miles is that decision to even embark on that journey. You must have weighed the pros and cons so why should anything hold you back? It is good to trust in something even if it is who you choose to love and stick to it. A relationship between couples that lives miles apart should make n difference to that of the love-birds that you wake up to see everyday.

A long distance relationship does have its own disadvantages, no dispute but these disadvantages should be an eye-opener to ways to do it right. All relationships have their shortcomings whether it is long distance or not. The only thing little difference is the empty bed when necessary. All couples should respect their commitment, their trust, their communication, and the honesty they share and above all an unchanging love. You see the true beauty of love when you are in a long distance relationship. Every meeting is a renewal of partnership and trust and love. Here are a few tips to ways at which to keep the fire burning.

1) Always remember to have something to look forward to in your partner. It keeps you alive and true to yourself and him/her. It might his/her smile. Look into the mirror and see him/her smiling at you. It is all in the head, the power of imagination. Adults are also allowed to daydream.
2) Do not be afraid to tell him you love a hundred times every day.
3) Have sex even if the only thing you are clutching is the pillow between your things and the phone glued to your eras.
4) Ignore gossips and laugh in their faces.
5) Lastly, have a picture handy for when you have the urge to kiss him/her.

A long distance relationship is an eye-opener for those involved. They get immune to the pains (loneliness) and gains (love at fist sight all over again) of commitment and devotion. All long distance love should have their chance to flourish.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Ideas: How to Make the Relationship Stronger

Are you getting worried these days about your relationship? Do you feel that you have been neglecting it long enough and now it's already suffering? Are you thinking of several long distance relationship ideas that you can apply to your relationship to make it stronger again?

There are a lot of long distance relationship ideas that couples can apply especially if their long distance relationship is already heading for a downfall. There are instances when small problems are not addressed right away and become major issues and it's already too late to do something about it. The relationship suffers as well as the couples when it could have been prevented had the couples tried hard enough to make it work by considering some of the long distance relationship ideas out there. If you want to make your relationship stronger this time, then considering the following ideas can help big time.

1. Develop A Strong Constant Communication: Distance can be a problem and if the couples are not able to overcome it then everything will fall apart. It is important that couples in long distance relationships know the importance of communication to make the relationship stronger. You can call, send a text message or email, or even use the old snail mail style to communicate with your partner. As long as you take advantage of constant communication as one of the long distance relationship ideas then you and relationship will not have to deal with problems becoming major issues.

2. Surprise Him With A Visit: Do you want to surprise your partner by visiting him? Then do it and he will surely appreciate it. A surprise visit can provide you time to spend with your partner and do anything you want to do together. If he lives too far away then you can make surprise visits every month or every other month. If he lives nearer then weekly surprise visits can be fun. He'll anticipate your visits and this will make him happy. Visits as one of the long distance relationship ideas can help a lot.

3. Go On A Vacation Regularly: It does not matter if he leaves far away, you can still plan on having vacations on a regular basis. Go on a trip every month or when your schedules permit. A week's vacation can be great however if you don't have the luxury of time then even a 3-day vacation for the two of you can already be fun if you know how to enjoy the time you spend together. Plan a romantic get-away. Go to places you've never been to before. Make the trip worth remembering. With vacations as one of your long distance relationship ideas, you will be able to make your relationship work out just fine.

4. Send Him Gifts: Guys love receiving gifts too. If your guy is into comics and sports magazines then you can send him the latest editions or back issues he's missing. This gesture will surely make him smile and think of you. If he likes your baking recipes then you can bake him one and have it delivered to him. Sending gifts as one of your long distance relationship ideas will make him think of you more often.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, March 14, 2011

Long Distance Relationships Advice: How to Make the Relationship Work

Do the obstacles of long distance affair make you think twice before pursuing it? Are you worried that the distance might make his love for you waver? Are you thinking of how you are going to make the feelings you have for each other stronger despite the distance?

Being in a relationship where you will be away from the person that you love is such a risky path to choose. Many people who are in this situation find it difficult to let their relationship blossom. Doubts, fears, and insecurities are the main issues that always affect and push the relationship to destruction. However you can overcome these trials if you are guided with a long distance relationships advice that will serve as your source of enlightenment and strength during tough times. If you are thinking of effective long distance relationships advice that you can apply in battling the distance, the following will surely help you.

1. Understand the Relationship You Will Be Involved In: A long distance relationships advice that you should consider before you decide in getting involved in a relationship is having a clear understanding of what you are getting yourself into. Ask yourself of the needs that the relationship requires and if you will be able to provide them. When you are confident that you will be able to face the hardships and responsibilities that it entails then you can pursue this relationship. Having the courage and the determination will make you persistent in making things work out for you and your partner.

2. Keep Communication On Top of your Priorities: In a relationship in which your partner will be away from you, communication will be your pillar. This long distance relationships advice will enable you to know how each of you is feeling and will erase negative thoughts from clouding the feelings that you have for each other. You can keep good communication by making it a point to talk to each other daily in whatever method is available, may it be text messaging, calling, or video chat. In this way you will not feel the distance that's hindering you from being together, thus emptiness and depression are erased.

3. Don't Let Distance Be An Issue In your Relationship: When you are in this type of relationship, which will put you in a difficult situation of being away from each other, you must not let the distance put a strain in your love for him. You must have faith and trust in each other. Instead of embracing negative thoughts, you should think of ideas that will keep your relationship enticing and fun. Keeping this long distance relationships advice in mind will enable you to defeat the distance that's separating you from him.

4. Have Faith in Love: A good long distance relationships advice that you can hang on to in time when your relationship is being put to a test is having faith in love. When the love that you have for him is true then it can brave any obstacles that will try to block its way. When challenges come, you should not let it affect the relationship easily. Remember that you have gone this far and giving up the love and relationship is not the right thing to do if you love each other.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Some Basic Tips On Surviving A Long Distance Relationship

These days it is becoming more and more common for people to have long-distance relationships. With e-mail, chat rooms, mobile phones, Skype, and all sorts of other digital tools at our disposal it is easier than ever to stay in contact with our partner even when they are on the other side of the country. Here are some tips on how to survive and flourish in a long-distance relationship.

The first thing that you should do is to really sit down and discuss things. You both need to be willing to commit to your relationship if you wanted to work. If you don't really talk about things and you go into it half-heartedly then it is likely that things are going to break down and someone will end up getting hurt.

Set a date for the next time that you are going to meet up with your partner. If you know exactly when you are going to meet them then it is going to make the time between your next rendezvous more bearable. It will also help to build up the excitement knowing that you will be seeing them at the weekend for several days.

Always try to have at least some form of contact each and every day of the week. Even if it just means sending a few texts back and forward, you will still be having a personal contact with them. It is certainly good idea to let your partner know that you are thinking of them even when you are not with them.

Every so often try to go that extra mile. Write a letter to send to her or send her a card instead. You may even want to consider purchasing her a gift and sending it in the post. Write some really touching and intimate words that are going to make her heart melt. This is a great way of keeping some of the romance alive even when you are not in direct contact.

If you can you should also try to actually talk to your partner every single day for a least a few minutes. As mentioned, it is always a good idea to have some form of contact each day. The best form of contact that you will have available will be talking to them directly. Find out how their day has gone and how they are feeling. These days you can also use such things as Instant Messenger or Skype. Using Skype will even allow you to see their face when you chat, making everything more bearable.

Surprise them as often as you possibly can. If you know that they are going to be having a quiet weekend in then it might be a good idea for you to pretend that you have to work and then turn up at their door anyway. There are going to see this as a very romantic gesture and will be absolutely delighted to see you.

All in all, remember that absence makes the heart grow fonder. As long as you are always in each other's thoughts then every time you see each other it is going to be just that little bit more special.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How to Make Long Distance Relationships Work - Secrets Finally Revealed

Is your loved one a hundred miles away from you? Do you think that distance could be one of the reasons that could possibly break you up? Do you want to know how to make long distance relationships work? Long distance relationships or otherwise known as LDRs are one of the most challenging relationships that ever existed. One could not imagine the loneliness a person could feel being apart from the one he or she loves. It is difficult to be together with someone who is miles and miles away.

Let's face it. It takes guts to be in that kind of relationship. There are a lot of sacrifices that a couple has to endure. It takes a lot of patience too. Before jumping into this kind of situation, think twice because you might end up hurting the guy and yourself if you fail in this challenge. Here are some ways on how to make long distance relationships work.

Tip #1: Remain faithful

You will be tempted to resort to other people to make you happy. It may be your workmate, your guy friend, the guy you hang out with in the gym or anyone else. You might be tempted to sleep with other men as well. There is also a big chance that you will fall for someone else just because your guy isn't around. Keep on your chastity belt. It isn't worth it to spend your time with other men. Your guy loves you very much and in return, you should also be faithful.

Tip #2: Have a constant communication

Thankfully, technology has indeed involved and it does come with a lot of perks. Technology has given you your mobile phone, laptop and such. Moreover, there are so many applications like Skype, Facebook and other applications that can help you constantly communicate with your guy. You don't have to worry about your mail lost in the post office. You can send him an email or a text message to ask how he is doing. Both of you can be updated frequently. Make it a point to communicate with him at least once a day. After all, it takes less than a minute to send a text message to your loved one.

Tip #3: Be spontaneous

You don't have to fly all the way to his place just so you can say that you are spontaneous. Send him some surprises. There are a lot of surprises you can think of. You can begin with surprising him by sending him two tickets to see his favorite game. You can tell him that he can bring along his buddy with him. Moreover, you can send him gifts every now and then to make him feel loved. Also, if you can afford it, you can fly to him. Surprise him with that and he will surely love it. If you think you are financially short, you can come up with something that won't even cost you a thing. You can make a video telling him why you miss him so much. Make an electronic scrapbook and send it in his email.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:*
Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, March 11, 2011

Courting A Russian Heart

Have you ever dreamed of courting and falling in love with a Russian girl? Well, with their goddess-like beauty and grace, who wouldn't, right? But before jumping into conclusions that Russians can be easily wooed, think again. In order to make her fall in love, you have to put your best foot forward and court her. Yes, this may seem a bit old fashioned but Russian women are really used to customary gestures of gentlemen trying to please them.

Russian women cannot be easily fooled by sweet-tongued men. These are ladies who are worthy of respect and honor. In order to court a Russian heart, one must be courageous enough to face the possibilities of rejection. As mentioned, Russian women are respectable ladies who expect to be courted the old fashioned way. But there's no need for you to fly to Russia to court the woman of your dreams because nowadays these women are open to the idea of online Russian dating.

Because of the development of online Russian dating, you can now browse through the hundreds of true Russian women profiles screened by dating agencies and online introductions services and get to contact the women of your dreams online. But do not expect that each of your correspondents reciprocate the feelings you have, four or five letters aren't enough for you to establish a relationship, don't you think?

Just like in the real dating world, you have to get to know the Russian single woman you're courting online through the exchange of letters. The girl will eventually tell you if she too has feelings for you. Sometimes it would help you boost your courting abilities if you try to learn their language too and try to communicate with it. She'll be surprised that you have come a long way to learn her language and that means you're really into her.

Ukraine dating is also one way to look for your potential Russian soul mate. Ukraine is a country beside Russia who also share the same customs and practices with Russia. The women here also love to be courted the old fashioned way and they'd really expect you to do it. So what's a guy to do? Send her flowers! Yes, you can send flowers by purchasing them online and have a Russian flower shop handle the arrangement and the delivery. In a few days, you'll be receiving a letter from your potential Russian soul mate thanking you for your romantic gesture.

Why is there an immense downpour of Belarus brides in the online Russian dating industry? The answer is simple - marriage for them is an honor and having a family of their own is a milestone every women must partake in. Upon closely studying the statistics of Russian women and men, there seem to have more women in their country as compared to the number of men present. So in order to realize the dream of marriage, most Russian women opt to marry a foreigner and keep their honor fulfilled. Is this enough to make you want to court a Russian heart and marry one someday? There's no room for waiting because these single Russian women are all waiting for someone like you to sweep them off their feet.

Russian dating is now being brought to you close by some of the leading online introductions services and Russian dating agencies. Russian women outnumber the men population in their country and this is the reason why Ukraine dating is becoming extremely popular nowadays. If you have always dreamed about marrying a Russian girl, now's your chance to make it a reality.

Article Source:

Bernadette Guadiz - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

5 Tips for Help for Long Distance Relationships

Hello everyone. I want to talk to you today about long distance relationships and helping them to work.

I am currently in a long term relationship for several years after having spent the first year with my partner as a long distance relationship.

At first, I would have said "no" to the thought of having another long distance relationship. I had had one in the past and it simply did not work for me.

I also heard the problems that other people had with making their far away loves commit to more than just a phone call. There seemed to me that there was a definite need for help for long distance relationships if they were ever to proceed successfully.

The fact of the matter is that you have to work at these relationships in order for them to blossom into something more.

This article is meant to help those of us that have met somebody special that is further away than the next town. Sometimes our partners are in different states, countries, or even continents. But relationship success can still happen. Here are my top 5 tips for helping to make long distance relationships last:

1. Be aware of your priorities.

Will you have enough time for the commitment? Know that it will take time out of your day to contact your partner. The more the better (as long as it doesn't negatively take away from your normal responsibilities; such as being a parent, or fulfilling your work duties)

2. Look at whether you want the same things?

Are you both committed to making it work? Are you going to be monogamous? There are several factors to take into consideration. These answers may not be apparent at first, but as the relationship continues, you will eventually want to address these issues.

3. Know that all relationships take time and effort.

If you really want to make it work, your relationship must receive a good amount of time and effort on both your and your partner's part. This effort must be mutual; I can't stress that enough. If one of you spends all day sending love letters and the other only makes time for 30 minutes of reading them and very little writing back to you, then it will lead to definite resentments.

4. Ask others you know that have had a successful long distance relationship.

What did they do? How did they make it work? How long were they apart before coming together. Sometimes our friends have a lot of wisdom to share about their own long distance relationships. They can definitely help you and guide you toward success.

5. Assess whether or not one of you is willing to move.

Inevitably, one of you will want to move as the relationship becomes more serious. Physical closeness is so very important. While long distance relationships can go on for years with little to no physical closeness, it is so much more satisfying to have your partner there with you in the same room.
For more great help for long distance relationships that really works, please see my resource box below.

For more long distance relationship ideas, please visit my website, which will link you to Dr. Leslie Karsner's page that offers more FREE tips for your long distance relationship, as well as an OPTIONAL FREE MEMBERSHIP to "Go Romance eZine!", please Click here!

Article Source:

Anthony E Miner - EzineArticles Expert Author

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Activities That You Can Do In A Long Distance Relationship

Sometimes you will be in a long distance relationship and might start to really feel the distance. Find out what you can do that will help you stay closer by doing activities with each other.

Due to various circumstances like jobs or school, you might be separated from your romantic partner. You will have to be in a long distance relationship for some time. This can be a bit depressing especially at first. Eventually you will realize that there are things that can still be done with each other. Find out some activities that you can do while in a long distance relationship.

Play multiplayer games with each other. There are many games that you can play like card games, board games, and more on platforms like Yahoo Games. You can find thousands of these online. You can also play more complicated games like MMOs like World of Warcraft together.

Watch television shows with each other. Get on an instant messenger program and chat while the show is on. You can watch things on Hulu as your schedules might be off not being able to catch the show live.

Read the same book. You can read a chapter every week or every few days then talk about it. It gives you both a similar experience that you can share with each other despite the distance.

Use things like your web cam, mobile phones, and other types of technology to literally see each other. You can watch each other and chat. It's not like being in the same room but it does give you some connection.

Talk on the phone until you fall asleep. Wake up at the same time together. This can give you a feeling of closeness like being with the person.

Share YouTube clips with each other. Find things that you like and save them until your time with each other. Share songs and videos that you enjoy and talk about them as you view them.

The idea is to be doing common things. The more of these that you participate in, the easier it is to deal with the distance.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Can a Long Distance Relationship Survive?

People these days are very mobile, and it is not uncommon for them to move for school, a job, or a military deployment. In addition, now that everyone is online, it is also quite common to meet someone over the Internet who lives far from your hometown. These factors have made long distance relationships quite common, but can long distance relationships survive? Learn how to decide if a long distance relationship is worth the trouble, and how you can make yours a success.

There is an old saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Some even say that familiarity breeds contempt. These sayings were probably written by someone in a long distance relationship! It is certainly true that there is something very special about the time spent with a loved one who you only get to see occasionally. In a long distance relationship, there is little of the day to day grind, so that when you do make the trip to see your sweetie, that time together tends to be spent doing fun and exciting things. That in turn makes the relationship seem very exciting.

To make up for the lack of daily or even weekly contact, it is important to keep in touch via phone calls, letters, and email. Long, romantic letters can be one of the best things about having a distant boyfriend or girlfriend, as a matter of fact. Without regular times to have long phone calls, the relationship will end up withering. Send little gifts to say "I was thinking of you", like a pair of pearl earrings you picked up while on a business trip or a travel guide to a place you want to visit together. Of course, it is very important to remember special occasions like birthdays, and to do your best to be there in person to give her a pair of pearl earrings or to give him a new set of golf clubs. To have any chance of nurturing a long distance relationship into something lasting, both people have to be willing to put in the work to stay connected. Otherwise there is no chance that the couple will stay together.

Trust is another vital element in maintaining a long distance romance. If you know that you are the jealous type, you may never be able to become comfortable with having your boyfriend or girlfriend (or spouse, for that matter) in a far off location. Their daily life will be filled with people that you do not know, and some of them are bound to be attractive members of the opposite sex. If you cannot trust your partner to remain faithful when they are far away, a long distance relationship is definitely not for you.

Living far apart can tend to make people grow apart. This is why extended deployments or living apart because of school or an out-of-state job can be so difficult on a marriage or relationship. When one half of the couple decides to take on a commitment which requires them to live in a different place than their mate, it can really take a toll. People get comfortable in their own separate lives, sometimes to the point where it no longer seems necessary to keep the other person as a part of their life. I have seen divorces happen when a married couple tries to make a go of it long distance.

For a long distance relationship to have a chance at succeeding, there has to be an end point in mind for the separation. If there is no chance that you will ever live in the same place, it is hard to stay motivated to put in the work required for a long distance relationship. It can get very lonely. The long distance romances that end up working out are those which hold the promise of one day being together all the time. With that goal in sight, it becomes easier to endure the hardships associated with trying to build and maintain a relationship with someone whom you rarely see.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Long Distance Couples: How to Overcome the Distance

Are you wondering how a relationship will work out with long distance couples? Are you worried that you might not be able to defeat the barrier? Are you searching for ways that will enable you to survive long distance relationship? Are you asking yourself if there is really a chance for long distance couples?

Although long distance relationship is very common these days, the problems that come with it are unchanging. Long distance couples face the same dilemmas and failures in making the relationship beat the challenges. For some, it is a path that is too risky to take while there are some couples who brave to take this path despite the consequences that they will be facing. If you are one of those who took this risky path then you should not fear for there is success at the end as long as you believe in your love.

If you want to tackle the difficulties that entangle this type of relationship, then the following tips can greatly help:

Tip # 1: Understand the Relationship: Before you decide to be in such type of relationship with someone, you must know what this relationship means. Being among the long distance couples need a lot of strength and courage to overcome the big challenge that you will have to deal with, which is the distance. When you have a clear understanding of what is waiting for you then you will be able to ponder and ask yourself if you have what it takes to pursue a different relationship path. This will determine the success of your relationship. It will prevent you from having regrets and disappointments in the end.

Tip # 2: Know your Expectations: To make this type of relationship work, you have to know what to expect from your partner and from your relationship. Before you make any decisions, you must let your partner know of how you are expecting him to handle the relationship and what you want to have out of the relationship. This will enable you to know if your goals match with your partner and if he is able to understand how you feel about becoming long distance couples in the future. Once you know how your partner feels and think about the relationship, you can decide if the relationship will be worth the risk and effort.

Tip # 3: Know How to Bridge the Gap: For this type of relationship to flourish, you and your partner must be able to think of ways that will help you to overcome the distance that will be separating you from each other. For instance you can open up with your partner on how frequent you should call and meet each other. Or you can also talk about the set-up that you like, which you believe will enable you to overcome the fact that your partner will not be beside you all the time. Being long distance couples need a strong assurance and big efforts from each other.

Tip # 4: Have Faith in your Relationship: This type of relationship is never an easy path to take. It will need a lot of courage and team work to handle trials successfully. However when you strongly believe in each other's love and sincerity then you can overcome any challenges thrown at you.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Saturday, March 5, 2011

3 Important Factors for Long Distance Relationship Motivation

Long distance relationships take a lot of patience and effort, but they are not impossible to make last.

I've heard several of my friends say that they are talking to people across the country but have yet to meet that special someone.

So how do you tell if these relationships will really last?

The true test of time is long distance relationship motivation.

If you aren't motivated to make it work, then it won't.

Which brings me to my first Step for long distance relationship motivation.

1. Recognize what is sparking your interested in and passion for your special someone who is miles away. Is it their humor? Their sensitivity? Their honesty? It could be so many different factors.

Everybody is different, so some of these personality qualities will not be appreciated by some, while they make or break the relationship for other individuals.

Ok, so now that I've talked about remembering interests, let's move on to the next important motivation factor.

2. Always make time for each other.

I can't stress this enough. If you and your partner do not take the time to talk, email, instant message, text, meet in person, etc, then your relationship will face difficulties.

It is important for each of you to feel appreciated, and the best way for the two of you to do that is to make time for each other.

Lastly, lets look at the final factor I want to mention for long distance relationship motivation.

3. Be honest with each other about what each of you wants out of the relationship, including plans for the future.

Are you both going to continue the relationship for several years? Or, is there a point in time in the future when the two of you will settle down with each other and move in with each other (or at least closer to each other).

In conclusion, make sure to remember that there are countless couples, including me and my partner that have made long distance relationships work for them. All you have to do is find the motivating factors that lead you both toward making things work, and making them last.

For more great long distance relationship ideas that work, please see my resource box below.

For more long distance relationship ideas, please visit my website, which will link you to Dr. Leslie Karsner's page that offers more FREE tips for your long distance relationship, as well as an OPTIONAL FREE MEMBERSHIP to "Go Romance eZine!", please Click Here!

Article Source:

Anthony E Miner - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, March 4, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Couples

For a successive long distance relationship couples need important aspects to make their relationship a happy one. Whether they are separated by cities or by continents their relationship is very demanding. Here are some of effective advices to assist them.

Setting time that you will be together without any interruptions irrespective of any distractions that may arise is a very important thing.

What would the above entail? It would entail spending time together when you meet and also scheduling time for talking on the phone with each other. This shows how committed a partner is by his or her willingness to pay attention to the other partner. And also setting the plans for the other personal date is also advised.

This serves as a source of motivation and drive to push one through his or her personal life and attend t o his daily chore while they are apart.

While you are undertaking your day to day activities like working having time for your hobby, taking care of your pet and socialising with your friends it gives you the calmness of the mind that is necessary.

Take the time to explain to your partner your needs whether long terms or immediate needs. Go into deep and explain to them what you term as the best approach to long term plans such as marriage and children. Also remember the short terms such as a need to receive an email message or a phone text message from your partner daily or an urge to see him or her next week.

As we have seen that you need to communicate either through the mobile or the internet it would be better if you got to know in depth how to use the computer and the internet tools such as my space or any instant messaging, voice or video conferencing.

In this kind of a relationship having an eternal presence in your partner's life can be very helpful and this can be built by diversifying on the communications channels.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Don't Fret Just Yet - Here's How You Can Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

People end up in long distance relationships for a variety of reasons. We have all heard of the stories, or maybe even loved through them ourselves. You know exactly how it goes. At first boy meets girl. Then boy quickly falls in love with girl. Just when the relationship is progressing, the boy gets accepted to one school in another part of the country, while the girl has to stay put for her dream job. This sounds all too familiar right? Well if you find yourself in a similar situation, don't look at your long distance relationship as a romantic death sentence. There are some steps you can definitely take to increase the chances of relationship success, even with the overwhelming distance.

As soon as you make the conscious decision to commit to a long distance relationship, you will need to give yourself something to look forward to. That's why it's important that you and your partner look at the calendar and select dates when you can meet up. Even if you can only see each other a few times per year, realize that it is better than nothing at all. Being in a long distance relationship can be incredibly tough, by having specific dates set, it will be easier to make it through the days when you are going through heavy withdrawal symptoms.

After you sit down together and pick out dates, it's vital that you have a serious conversation about your relationship. Take some time and really be honest with each other. Talk about where you want you want to be a year later. You may even want to set a five year relationship goal. After all, if you are not really in love, and you can't see yourself being with someone in the long term, then why would you sign up for a long distance relationship in the first place?

Okay, so once all of the discussion is done, you need to find a way to stay in touch once you part ways. Regardless of whether you are in school or you are a young professional, try to have daily contact with your other half. Even if you are in a position where you can't use the phone for most of the day, you can send messages via instant messenger. Programs such as the modern marvel Skype, takes the invention of the web cam to another level. Not only can you see each other, but you will be able to talk with crisp, clear voice quality.

Even after you stomp out all of the different ways to maintain contact, you have to find a balance of how often you use those resources. Sometimes you may feel like infatuation is leading you to contact professional movers and head back home. But remember the reason why you separated in the fist place and be strong. To some, this point may seem redundant, but even in a long distance relationship you have to learn to give each other space! Just because you are in another country and you miss someone doesn't mean its okay to send them 50 text messages while they are trying to work.

The final point on our list is arguably the most difficult one. In order to make a long distance relationship work you have to be smart and avoid situations that may lead to infidelity. If you know that you have a girlfriend, then don't hang out with incredibly attractive girls unless it is part of a group date. Don't go out on dates. Do not convince yourself that it's okay if all you do is kiss! Stay clear of all temptation by any means necessary. is your ticket to finding trustworthy, professional movers for all of your relocation needs. Each of the moving services that our team of moving companies provides is customized and individually planned to be stress-free.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Long Distance Relationship: 5 Killer Tips To Making Yours Work

Long distance relationships can test the strength of even the most faithful relationship. It's hard enough that you have to deal with staying away from your partner for a long time -- but you also have to deal with deep loneliness and painful jealousy. Being able to keep the relationship passionate, loving and intimate though challenging, is ultimately very rewarding, because in the end, you can return to your partner and love them again!

One problem with long distance relationships is that you lose intimacy, because you don't do anything together anymore. Instead, what you find is that both people are talking about what they did in their respective locations, but you don't share any common experiences that allow you to bond, laugh, and reminisce.

Luckily, in this day and age, there's a lot you can do with your partner over skype or the phone. Here are three things you can do together so that you keep your intimacy strong in your long distance relationships.

1. Watch movies together. It's fun, it's something to do, and you spend less time miserably reflecting on how you miss each other and more time enjoy each other's company. Synchronize the same movie in both locations, and then have a video call going on skype to see each other's reactions...

2. Find a great book that the two of you would enjoy, and read it at the same time. This is great because you both will have a shared experience on a long term basis. This is different from watching movies together because after the movie is done you probably won't want to talk about what happened in the movie days later. When you read a book together, you can talk about the book again and again. You will feel like you are present in your partner's life even while you are in a long distance relationship.

3. Don't just talk, but DO something together when you talk. My girlfriend spent a year in Spain, and while she was away, she taught me Spanish over the phone!

4. Ofcourse, have masturbation sessions on video calls together. I'm joking... but no I'm totally serious ?

5. Frequently have honest and sincere to talks so that you know how each other is feeling during the whole long distance relationship. If one person feels jealous because of the fear of cheating, it's important to discuss it. This is also true for any other negative feelings about the long distance relationship. An open and honest discussion about the long distance relationship prevents you from getting closed off from your partner, and intimacy stays strong.

Caleb Clayton is a professional dating coach and social circle expert. He is the author of, "Social Circle Game: A Guide To Dating And Social Mastery," He consults guys one on one and helps them build a large social circle, make more friends, and date more women. Learn more about social circle game at

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