Friday, July 1, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Ideas - Make Your Relationship Work!

Is your boyfriend or partner millions of miles away? Do you wish to keep your relationship with stronger? Do you think that long distance relationships don't work? Well, think twice before concluding. Long distance relationships do work. It may seem hard to stay connected but it can actually work. Despite the limitation like phone calls, emails and tests, many couples have managed to survive long distance relationships. Here are some long distance relationship ideas that you can follow.

1. Write hand-written love letters.

Writing emails is so easy. Make an effort to write letters with your pen. It's much more romantic and your partner would surely appreciate it. You can write some cheesy comments and write your heart out. As he sees your handwriting, he will surely miss you too. Show him your sensitive side. Ever watched the movie, Dear John? The movie evolved on writing love letters. You can get your inspiration from that movie.

2. Watch a movie simultaneously.

That's what Elle Woods and her partner did in the movie Legally Blonde 2. They watched the movie simultaneously even if they were miles apart. It's the next best thing to actually seeing the movie together. Set a date night, prepare the popcorn and soda. Jump into your bed and turn the DVD player and TV on.

3. Send him some surprises.

Just because he is miles away doesn't mean that you can't surprise him. You can send him flowers to his workplace. There are so many websites that delivers flowers. If you want, you can send a package to him. Put inside the box his favorite things. You can put in his favorite chocolates, movie, book and perfume. You'll surely surprise him with this.

4. Get digital.

You can send him digital photo albums, scrapbooks, post cards, photos and e-cards. There's a website that offers a program that you can download for free. It allows you to create different things from the photos that you have. You can make a slide show, digital scrapbook, e-cards and such. Once you're done with your project, you can send it by email to your partner. Don't worry because there are plenty of designs and layouts that you can use.

5. Get a webcam.

You can do a lot of things if you have a webcam. You can chat with your guy and you get to see his face and what he's doing. It's the best way to stay connected with your man you don't have to worry about your phone call bills!

6. Have a star gazing date.

Just because you guys are miles away doesn't mean that you don't get to have a date. If you want something romantic, head outside and bring a bottle of wine and your telephone. Setup a blanket or sleeping bag on the ground. Tell your partner to do likewise. Lie down and call him up. You can talk about anything under the stars and it feels like he's just beside you. It's a romantic date that you can do any evening.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Beak Up With Your Long-Distance Girlfriend or Boyfriend

I love being in love and having someone dependable in my corner. However, it seems so much easier to be supportive when you are farther away. You love talking about them and you love the the time together when they come visit you. Now listen you need to break-up right away and not take this any longer. You know it and you've thought about it before and that hard part is when is the right time to do it. Here is how to do it and then why this is the right thing to do.

I Need help Breaking up With your Long-Distance Girlfriend/Boyfriend

Get your strategy tight, very tight. Think about your X-in-the-making behavior and use it against them. Pick a date to do this and start creating your list of why this relationship needs to end. You do not even have to worry about them popping by your place. The long distance is your advantage point. Don't take any calls or text from them at all until you have finally decided you are ending it (very important)!

Set aside a block of time with them and set aside a generous amount of time to have this talk. If they do not answer, then leave a message with a specific time and date. Whatever time you pick make it a time that offers a lot of privacy. Don't answer any communication from them at all before then. They will call at the given time. When it is time for the call don't have any distractions at all. Do it in a quiet place with good reception and bring your list with you.

Pack their stuff in a box, kindly and gently because that is the least you could do. After all, you're a good person but you've got to move on. Do not wait until the next visit to break-up, not after they've spent money to see you.

The Reasons Why You are Breaking Up:

You've cheated and the truth is so have they. Even if you don't want that picture in your head its true. You've done it long-term with some or one and you still enjoy them.

You're really only in it because you feel obligated. Do you really want to know who it feels to be the one who let a relationship carry on only to watch them move to year and start over (Oh, they are moving to you right, you're not taking any chances).

It just easier to be in a long-distance relationship isn't it. You get to be dependable, sweet, loving, and there, without the pressure of a person who is "really there".

Oh and don't forget that just like you, she/he has a nice sexy bodied, shoulder to cry on and have their back. Just like you. If you don't believe me then send out a text or better yet call your local friend, they always answer your calls. So don't worry you've both got a few, local, willing and available, shoulders to curl-up under.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Deployment - Part 2 - Adjusting to Life on Your Own

By Keri E Smith Keri E Smith
Level: Basic PLUS

Keri Smith is a writer, mother of two, wife of an army soldier with a background in Human Resources and Recruitment. She writes her humorous ...

As I said in Part 1, I moved home to live with my parents during our first deployment. If you have thoughts about moving in with your family or even a friend, be forewarned...any drama they have in their lives WILL spill over in to yours. Do you need even more stress? Do you get along with this person even when you are in bad moods? These are valid questions to ask yourself. Don't let people talk you in to doing something you are unsure of. A year is a long time to be stuck somewhere. The second deployment, I stayed put, although this is when my dad moved in with me, which, as you will read, was a darn good thing. I had help when I needed it, but he stayed out of the way when I didn't. Plus, it was my house and my terms, which helped the control-freak that I am.

Communication: Make sure you and your spouse are prepared for the fact that you might be able to talk daily, or not for weeks at a time. It can make you a little crazy when you don't know if he is okay, but you need to stay calm and remember that no news is good news. I guarantee you that he is more upset at not being able to reach you. He's in the desert..not out bar-hopping. Chances are, he will have the opportunity to get in far less trouble than you would....not that you would. But you have to remember he will hear all kinds of stories about what is happening back home, as will you, and this may cause some tension. Cell phones are a bad idea and very dangerous. Use this as a time to get to know each other again. You are going to be doing a lot of talking, so you might discover some things you didn't know. We paid about $60 a month for Andy to have internet in his "room" and we talked on Yahoo IM webcam every night about 10pm. Another source is Skype. This was a nice option because then we could see each other. As it can make you crazy to NOT talk to each other, it can have the same effect if you talk TOO much. You run out of things to say about your day when you have already told him the day before. And it makes time go entirely too slow. Every three days is a good rule of thumb, if he is available. Don't ever discuss locations, etc...over the internet or the phone. Always assume that someone is listening in, and that someone might be a threat.

Speaking of threats...don't advertise the fact you are home alone by putting a Service Star Flag on your house. A yellow ribbon is general enough to blend in, yet not announcing to be robbed or attacked. Likewise, don't put the "Half my heart is in Iraq" bumper-stickers on your car for the same reason. We can support our soldiers in all the other things we do, but the most important thing you can do for your husband is be safe.

Have a talk with your husband about how to handle any bad news with the family or other friends while he is deployed. Does he want to know while he is gone, or wait until he comes home? We were tested with this several time. During the first deployment, I was in 4 car accidents and Taylor was hospitalized. During the second deployment, our dog killed our cat and I had to have the dog put to sleep. This was a horrific day, and had my dad not been there to shield me from seeing it, then the kids and I would have walked in to that scene after work/school. We also got news that Andy's stepfather was terminally ill and might not make it until he redeployed home. Make sure you have the information for the Red Cross, because chances are that you might very well have to get a message to him.

The last thing is that you want to stay as busy as possible during the deployment. Use this time to explore your interests. Is there somewhere you want to travel that he doesn't? Go visit a girlfriend or family member. Take a class or lesson. You can also look forward to your mid-way point, which is R&R for two weeks. This will be a fun break. Ask your spouse what they want to do...don't just plan a big party or trip. They may just want to sit on the sofa with you, and not do anything. You need to keep in mind, they may be a little jumpy. It's not a good idea to drink too much during this break either. Have an enjoyable time with him, and when he leaves to go back, know that you are almost done!

Keri Smith is a writer, mother of two, wife of an army soldier and full-time government employee. She writes her humorous blog, "The Glamorous Life of An Army Wife", telling her stories about raising children, giving tips to other military spouses, and general insights on motherhood and parenting a child with Asperger's Syndrome. She also contributes to DivineCaroline, and discusses her great loves, food and traveling.

Article Source:

This article has been viewed 35 time(s).
Article Submitted On: November 29, 2010

Friday, June 24, 2011

Helpful Tips for Surviving Away From Family and Friends

Living abroad, whether to study, work, volunteer, or just experience life in a foreign land is undoubtedly an enriching endeavour. Encountering new cultures, languages, food, and friends is all exciting but you still might find yourself dialing internationally to connect with those you miss.

Keeping in touch with friends and family is a good thing, and you shouldn't be discouraged from keeping loved ones updated, but it's easy to feel detached whilst spending time abroad. As an expat myself, I can definitely offer some tips to feel connected in a foreign country.

1. Study the local language as often as possible - This includes studying language books, listening to recorded lessons in the language of your adoptive country, and practicing your skills in public. There are many language programmes available online if you don't have time to attend a classroom-based course. Try to learn the names of the foods so that you can practice interacting in restaurants and supermarkets.

2. Join a group for expats - While it's not a good idea to only mix socially with expats, it's nice to have a group of people who share common concerns and experiences relating to your new country. There are many expat groups in major cities around the world that can be found through an internet search. While many expat groups are 'online only' forums you should be able to find a group that meets regularly in the 'real world'. Such groups will make you feel less alone and you're likely to meet new friends from an array of countries.

3. Immerse yourself in local culture - Try new food, attend local festivals (even if you don't understand the language!), travel around your host country in order to learn more about society, and visit local historical museums.

4. Call home even if you have to dial internationally - Email and instant messaging are great ways to keep in touch with loved ones back home but nothing beats good old-fashioned on-to-one personal international calls.

5. Visit your native country's embassy - Embassies aren't just the places you go to if your passport has been stolen! They are great resources which have been put in place to assist expats with everything from finding a doctor who speaks your language to social networking. Keep in mind, however, that not all embassies are created equal - some will offer more services than others.

Adapting to life in a new country can be exciting yet challenging. The key to settling in comfortably lies in a balance between keeping in touch with loved ones abroad and assimilating as best as possible to your new surroundings. If you follow these tried and tested tips you'll adapt to your new surroundings without the urge to make expensive international calls home every night!

If you're looking to make cheap international calls to Bangladesh, India or Pakistan you should look for an international call provider that offers cheap local rates. Services like SimpleCall will help you save lots of cash - even if you're roaming!

Article Source:

Marie Field - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Long Distance Relationships - Can They Really Work?

Having been a previous member of the 'long distance relationship club' myself and currently living a long distance relationship vicariously through my best friend it made me wonder - can long distance relationships really work?

My personal experience with long distance relationships was mostly unfavourable. Firstly I only got to see my now ex boyfriend once a month as we lived at opposite ends of the country. Although I spoke to him every day on the phone I soon found out that phone relationships and 'real' relationships are two entirely different things. On the phone it was all 'I love you' and 'I miss you' and you would think face to face those feelings would be ten times stronger, after all absence makes the heart grow fonder right? In my case wrong. So wrong. In fact I seem to remember more often than not our supposed romantic rendezvous' often involved arguing usually about insignificant things. Towards the end of the relationship it got to the point where a small part of me actually dreaded these meetings because of the bickering I knew was bound to ensue at some point over the weekend.

I suppose looking back you could put our altercations down to the fact we never really got the chance to know each other, what with only seeing each other for a few days every month. Talking on the phone is one thing but nothing is as valuable as getting face to face time. Being in someone's company, being up close and personal and learning the little things about them such as their cute little mannerisms. Quality time is crucial.

Also another negative factor for me was not being able to be there when those unpredictable events that life seems to throw at us sometimes occur. One such incident is when a friend of my ex boyfriend suddenly died I hated the fact I couldn't be with him immediately to give him a hug and comfort him.

However, on the flip side of things my best friend is happily enjoying a long distance relationship. She sees her boyfriend every week and they manage to keep their relationship exciting and fresh. So much so in fact they decided to go to Paris one weekend just for a change, as you do! They are a couple who adore each other, are devoted to each other and so in love. It is almost like there is no distance between them and they both work hard to keep the spark alive. They believe they are destined soul mates and do not let the distance stop them maintaining a great relationship.

I believe it all comes down to your own personal preference. Are you someone who prefers physical intimacy and spending quality time with a loved one? Or maybe you prefer having your own space and having more quality time to spend with your friends and pursuing you own hobbies?

So whether you are in, or ever decide to have a long distance relationship is up to the individual. Long distances relationships are not for everyone but just remember the key to any successful relationship is strong foundations of understanding, trust, compromise, honesty, communication, determination to make it work and most importantly a whole lot of love.

By Anthonia Okoro

Monday, June 20, 2011

Why Is He Scared of A Long Distance Relationship?

Are you ready to commit to long distance love and your man has cold feet? This is a tough situation, but I think that my experience can provide the right kind of advice for your long distance relationship to flourish. There are some very basic questions you need to ask yourself if he is afraid to get into the relationship. I think my advice below will not only help you identify the issue, but also find a remedy for it.

How well do you know each other? My girlfriend and I have been together for 10 months and we couldn't be happier. I think a lot of that has to do with the amount of work we do on building the actual bond between us. It began with a lot of old fashioned "getting to know each other". We really went from A to B to C in a stereotypical relationship. What do you do? Where did you go to college? Where are you from? Simple things like that go a long way in learning about person. Not only that but they segue into other conversations and subjects that will build even more links between you. Perhaps your man has some cold feet because he has reservations because his heart isn't convinced that he knows you well enough to commit. I think a great place to start if your man isn't interested is asking if your foundations are well built.

Physical Connection - Another place to look if your man is afraid to commit to a long distance relationship is the strength of your physical connection, and more specifically, his needs. This can be a tough one to "feel out" but men need a physical connection with their mate and the very definition of a long distance relationship makes that difficult.

Try to find out his physical needs without asking directly. You can pick up on his signals by the amount of touching he does while you two are together. Is he constantly holding your hand or twirling your hair? How often does he kiss you? How frequent are sexual interactions? I think you can get a pretty good idea of his needs by just reading the clues he is leaving, but if not than perhaps it is best to just come out and ask.

Be cognizant of the fact that these types of things can be difficult to talk about if you aren't used to it so tread lightly. Frame the conversation with smaller talk and then just come out with it. Say something like, "We both have needs from a physical standpoint and I just want to make sure you feel open to talk about yours." That will ease any awkwardness and hopefully he'll be able to express what is going on from that standpoint. If you don't think it is a lack of physical connection, nor you two not knowing each other well enough than lets look to his other options for some more reasons he is afraid to commit.

The third thing would be What are his other options? Think about this one long and hard because he might not be giving you the full story on why he isn't interested in jumping into a long distance relationship. My honest advice is that he may just be saying he is scared to commit to a LDR when in reality he just has other options. His other options might include other love interests or wanting to be single.

I think the hardest to spot is the latter: wanting to be single. This would be basically him saying to you, "I'd rather go it alone than commit myself to a long distance relationship". That is a very difficult thing to say if he cares about you, though, especially if he cares about your feelings being hurt. You must realize that the prospects of a long distance relationship are fairly grim so the long term gain must outweigh the difficult that is inherent in a LDR.

He might also have another love interest in mind. This could be difficult to compete with especially if that other person lives in the same area. If you suspect this is the case than you had better bring it up. "Are you afraid to enter into our relationship because there is someone else that is a closer distance to you?", is a great question to ask. If you don't ask and you suspect there is something like this than you'll regret it because you'll always wonder what is going on. You'll be beating yourself up checking his Facebook everyday to see whether he is in a relationship or if there are pictures of him with someone else. My advice is to just be honest with yourself and analyze his situation; he may have other options that he feels are better routes.

Conclusively, the best long distance relationship advice is to just be really be honest in your evaluation of where your relationship is at in regards to how well you two know each other. He isn't going to commit to something that already has the odds stacked against him if he doesn't feel he knows you that well. Also, think about his other options and weigh the physical connection he will demand.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Six Commandments Of A Successful Long Distance Relationship

Almost every one at one point or another has experienced a long distance relationship. Most people have come out it scarred, some for life. Very few people actually get to have a successful long distance relationship....have you ever wondered why it is so.

Well I'm here to tell you it is possible, I mean very possible to have a successful long distance relationship

Long distance relationships have a way of sneaking up on you sometimes....sometimes when you least expect it. It can occur for a lot reasons, for example you met someone in a chat room and before you know it you guys connected somehow and you hit it off from there, but by the time you two realized you were thousands of miles was already too were already in love.

Or it could be that you have just been promoted at work and it will require that you be moved to another city or another country entirely

So the question now is...WHAT DO YOU DO. Well I happen to have the answer to that question. Yes long distance relationships have advantages and disadvantages but that does not mean that it is entirely out of the options.

One of the advantages of a long distance relationship is it gives time to slowly open up the relationship, there is time to get to know one another, slowly build and develop a solid foundation. You don't to get be around the person all the time and see all their habits and routines that can get pretty repetitive

However, a major disadvantage of a long distance relationship is that there won't be the hugging and kissing, you may not be able to connect like you would want to because you don't have eye contact and you can't touch. At first it might be difficult but I promise you will find a balance, have genuine interest in each other and you are on your way to happiness.

Now here are a number of rules that can help you have a healthy long distance relationship

First things first, know what you both want, know where you are headed. Be sure to plan and make sure you both know what you want out of the relationship. It will make absolutely no sense if you both go into a relationship that you know deep down in your heart that you have no intention whatsoever of going anywhere with it. So be sure you both want the same thing.

Try as much as you can to see each least once every month, always make sure that you plan this ahead and be sure to include a lot of activities, visit lots of fun museums, parks, the movies, have a weekend at a fancy hotel and try as much as possible to make every second count because....believe does...and soon you will learn to look forward to these will live for these meetings.

Open your self up completely, write what you really feel in your emails, be sure not to leave anything out, use email communication to really express yourself, reason is that writing is more intense and it allows you to be more intimate, that way you can really bond, and of course don't forget to be honest, do not pretend to be who you are not, long distance relationships thrives only on honesty.

Be sure to have the latest modes of communication, get an email account if you do not already have one.

Get Skype, that way you can actually get to see each other and even see a movie together if you want.

You can also use the instant messenger system

You can also get a webcam if you do not have one

All these communication tools will make your relationship a lot less like what it seems...a long distance relationship where you don't get to see one another.

Be sure to send your partner something personal every once in a while, it could be a anything from a gift to a written letter, but send something that will prove to your partner that you truly exist and that your indeed a living breathing person, that way you both will feel more intimate

Of course people are going to tell you that long distance relationships are no good...

Don't you believe it. Have faith in yourself and have faith in your partner, believe in your heart that you can make it work.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Don't Let The Long Distance Break You

What if you fell in love with someone who lived hundreds of miles away? What if there were no dates, goodnight kisses, or trial sex before the relationship began? What if you couldn't keep tabs on them every day and make sure they were being faithful? I'm guessing you'd probably lose your mind! Long Distance relationships really aren't that bad though. I honestly think that starting a relationship that is long distance can be better than beginning it while close together. I say that because you really do get the opportunity to get to know and love the person with all the complications that dates, sex, and other people bring into the mix. You get the chance to know their insides and really build your relationship on a deeper connection that looks way beyond the physical.

If you can't survive being apart for long periods of time, then your relationship won't last anyways. Of course it's nice to go out and have fun together and cuddle up to watch movies but how well do you really know your boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you trust them with no questions asked? Most couples, especially nowadays, have a lot of trouble staying committed and trusting one another. Why is it like that though? Trust is such a huge factor because you spent so much time having "horizontal fellowship" (sex) instead of really getting to know each other for who you are.

Those of you already in long distance relationships just know that I have a lot of respect for you because I know what it takes. You have to almost over communicate with each other for things to go smoothly and you have to have confidence in yourself and faith in your partner. Please don't waste time wondering what they're doing and who they're with. If they've communicated it to you already you have to believe that and not let your friends or thoughts make you think any different. I make reference to my own relationship a lot because it had a lot go into to be the force that it is now. My boyfriend and I actually started dating over the phone. Granted we were best friends prior to him moving and us falling in love but we made it work. Going to high school together and knowing a lot of the same people. You can only imagine the haters we had, and we didn't even start talking on a level like that until college. People don't like to see the impossible work so just know that there's always going to be someone trying to get in your head and steer you away from what you two have going. I saved money and visited when I could and eventually God made it possible for me to move to Albuquerque. Trust for us is a non-issue; for the sole reason that our long distance period was so successful due to our over communication. No one was able to be like, "Hey I saw Jazmine at this place with this person" and he wasn't already aware. Everyone has someone out there for them. If you've started a long distance relationship with someone then they must mean a great deal to you because that's a hard decision to make. Don't let other people' and reckless thoughts break you guys up. Be strong and let me be an example to you that it DOES work! "True love doesn't mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes."

This article has been viewed 137 time(s).
Article Submitted On: September 22, 2010

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How To Survive A Long Distance Relationship - Advice On Feeling Lonesome

I was lonely when he went to another place for two years but it did not mean that I was alone because I had friends and family who had been there for me to get through with these tough times. It was a long distance love, but I overcame the feeling of loneliness because of some long distance relationship advice from friends.

Instead of crying and wasting my time, I sought for ways on how to make a long distance relationship work better than those times when we were still together. I did some extracurricular activities and participated in volunteered projects to make my time more productive and worthwhile. We cannot dwell forever on this ugly feeling of sadness.

One of the things that I did to release all emotions inside me was shouting aloud in a place where no one could hear me. It did help me so much that I actually equated it to a 30-minute crying moment. It was far better than crying because I saved my heart from any complications. It is the best long distance relationship advice that we could all learn from.

It all depends on our attitude as to how we deal with it. It is recommended to share our feelings to someone who we can trust because we can be more open to accept suggestions and advises; rather than sharing it to the whole world because it does not help that much but we only hurt ourselves even more. Thinking of it in a different perspective would make us move further in our lives.

Enduring a long distance love is a painful task that cannot be settled in a long distance relationship advice alone. Learning and accepting is part of recognition and transition of the changes in our life.

We will all be sad and that is the truth, but we are not separated emotionally. It is only physical separation but we are never separated from this special relationship. It is we who think that being apart is being alone again.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What To Do When Your Partner Is Far Away

Hi everyone, Anthony here!

Today, I want to talk to you all about what to do when your partner is far away.

More specifically, I'm talking about long distance relationships.

It's so hard sometimes when you can't just reach over and hug/kiss your partner because they are hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

The best advice I can give is to make the most of your time apart.

Something has brought you two together, but you are going to have to work at it if you want it to continue.

So, the main idea behind this article is to remind everyone in a long distance relationship to devote as much time to your partner as you can.

Even though they are far, it is no exception. In fact, some people may say that you have to work twice as hard to let your partner know that you are thinking about them, and often.

For those of you in one of these relationships, when was the last time that you contacted your partner? Was it more than a few hours ago? Maybe it's time to reach out again...

I have been in several long distance relationships, but the last one was the charm. I have been with my partner now for several years and we started out 1 year living far apart.

Luckily for us, it was only a 2-3 hour drive. So, each weekend, we would take turns driving over to see the other. We had the basic idea of what to do when your partner is far away, and we wanted to make it work for the long haul.

But that wasn't all...

Each and every day, the two of us would talk via text and phone calls, multiple times per day.

It was the best thing we knew how to do, because we wanted to make things work. (Plus, it also helped that we were, and still are, completely into each other!)

The main point of this article is to make time for your partner. Let them know that you love them. Let them know that they are worth that time and effort.

For other ideas on what to do when your partner is far away, please see my resource box below.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tips to Maintain Long Distance Relationship

There is no need to rake up high phone bills or overuse the internet for chatting. Still how is it possible to be in a long distance relationship with poles apart?

The first rule for a lasting relationship over a long distance is to gain someone's trust. You will be aiming in thin air if there is no trust between you and your partner. Otherwise, it will just be a simple relation that lasted as long as the bubble on the water.

Communication is very important. It makes no difference if you are using a webcam to see the person physically. In long distance relations, the physical attraction comes in the second part when you two decide to meet. The first part is gaining the trust which comes only through communication like chatting or voice calling.

They say attitude is everything. Your attitude too matters a lot. Are you with your boyfriend or girlfriend just casually or are you serious? Some are there just to pass their time while some are really serious. Once this is ascertained then you know where you stand and also how far to pursue this long distance relationship. Obviously if things work out, it's the bonus.

There are some people who have never met the person but entered a very healthy long distance relationship. You may wonder how all this evolved. It may be hard to understand but it's true. It's the positive approach that makes the difference.

Remember, a long distance relationship is never boring. There is always the excitement of visualizing your partner (if you haven't seen him or her on webcam). The suggestion is, even if you have the facility don't use the webcam in your early days. Let the excitement remain and see how beautiful the world is.

Take up tasks and visualize what you are doing it with each other. Enter a world of virtual reality. Watch TV, go to the movies, talk about the day's happenings and see what magic this sort of interaction does to your relationship.

It needs no mentioning that sending gifts is another great idea. But bring excitement by sending gifts to postage addresses if possible and use normal paper letters.

Small things will take your long distance relationship to a higher level.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Long Distance Love Poems

Long distance love is sometimes seen as a modern phenomenon, in part caused by our increasing mobility, globalised working, and the rise of internet-driven relationships.

Today the traditional view of the long distance relationship (ldr) is one conducted almost exclusively over the web. Obviously this has its advantages and disadvantages. The immediacy of email and instant messaging, plus VOIP phone and video calls, can all bring our loved ones tantalisingly close. And that is the disadvantage - tantalisingly close and yet physically distant.

Long distance love poems can help separated lovers bridge that gap and articulate their feelings, not only to their distant partners, but also and equally importantly, to themselves.

However, for many people poetry is something they had to study at school and was probably some classical poet like Donne, or Byron, or of course Shakespeare. No doubt precisely because it was compulsory in the classroom, and also thanks to the often archaic language and obscure classical allusions, generations of people were put off poetry for life.

This is a real shame. Even some of those "stuffy old poets" of yesteryear wrote poems of real modernity, clarity and relevance to the 21st century. You have to hunt them out though. And even the more up-to-date looking ones may well need the occasional footnote of explanation to today's reader. It helps as well to understand how a poem achieves its effect on us. (As one poet said, poetry is "the best words in the best order".) Hopefully this will re-engage those people who never dreamed they would return to reading and enjoying poetry.

The easiest poems to start with are love poems. They talk to everyone, because everyone has at some stage in their life, whether consciously or not, felt love. Maybe not for another human being, (it might have been for example a pet), but nevertheless the feeling of love has been there.

And when we were young this love often came with the problem of separation: sometimes we were at different schools; in other towns or villages;? perhaps our families kept us apart...! For whatever reason this idea of distance keeping them apart is a common theme for lovers - think back to your own first experiences. So 'long distance love' is not just a phenomenon of today's global and mobile society. It's always been there, and that's why some of the older long distance love poems communicate directly with us today.

So, for everyone in a long distance relationship there are two main benefits to finding, reading, understanding, and above all experiencing long distance love poems:

Firstly they can offer us comfort, solace and inspiration in our enforced separation, and secondly they can put in to words far more succinctly and eloquently than we ever could, our thoughts, feelings and sensations. The long distance love poems which speak to us will also speak to our distant loved one, and say more than a hundred emails.

The author is a big fan of poetry, both classical and modern, and is keen to promote a greater readership of poetry in general, especially love poems and in particular long distance love poems.

His blog Long Distance Love Poems is there for anyone to enjoy, and hopefully to post their own favourites.

Article Source:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How to Survive A Long Distance Relationship - Advice On Jealousy

Trust is one of the foundations of a long-lasting relationship. It is also long distance relationship advice given to me when I had a distant love. I was assured of her love even though she was away from me. She did not make any promises that she would do this, and she would do that, but she made me feel that I can be a man that she wanted to share her whole life with.

Trust is the evidence of a true love. She did not demand letters regularly neither did I demand her to do likewise. Sending her distance relationship gifts was not even a sign that I wanted her to return the favor to the things that I did.

A long list of long distance relationship advice was not enough not until I understood that my confidence for her and her confidence in me were the result of love.

It is normal to be jealous at times because it is also a manifestation of concern. Yet, it can also ruin any relationship if it is based on malice and prejudice. How to make a distance relationship work is not founded on promises but on trust.

A long distance relationship advice did work for us. However, in some cases, confidence still works far better than any advice. Jealousy has never been a sign of love but it is the result of insecurity and fear.

My love for her grew each day. I trusted her even more despite that it was a distance love. I focused on her strengths and abilities rather than her weaknesses. On the other hand, jealousy would always result to anger, bitterness, and lack of self-esteem.

There will be no misunderstandings, fights, disagreements, and tensions if trust is based on love and not the other way around. If love were based on trust, no relationship would last a lifetime but if trust is based on love, it is unconditional and honest, and can forgive and forget, despite of imperfections.

This is a factual long distance relationship advice that cannot be seen and learned if jealousy exists. Restriction or control is one sign of jealousy because freedom is being taken away. She did not dictate me on the choices that I had made in the past but she influenced me how to choose what is right. And that is what trust means to me and that jealousy is based on selfishness.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dealing With Long Distance Relationships

You begin to cry as the plane starts to leave the asphalt. Memories of the wonderful weekend just happened to your friend, again and again in his head. As you close your eyes you can actually feel in your arms and feel his arms around you. Through the tears fill your heart with all the emotions he felt while wonderful laugh together, make wonderful conversation, love in match dating agency.

But to hear the loudspeaker announces the next flight, pulled back to reality, realizing that it's over and it could be a while before the reunion. Soon I will be thousands of miles away from you. And when I see it again, you know maybe for a few days.

A long distance relationship can be an emotional roller coaster ride full of ups and downs. Sometimes you wonder why I never go into this relationship to begin with. Or say it can not be continued longer. It is too difficult. But then you are with the amount you how overwhelmed. How can you give?

If you love someone deeply and be separated from them for a certain period of time is frightening. Perhaps your friend is a soldier's career or to separate them. Whatever the reason, long-distance relationships often do with much pain and joy.

So what a person in a long distance relationship is to be done? The only thing you can do is just your attitude and your way of thinking every day.

Start by assessing the reasons for removal. Therefore, we do not live in the same city because of an opportunity to better your partner? If so, then you know that when couples realize their goals and improve as a person, the benefits of the relationship on match dating agency.

Do not let painful feelings rule his days and nights. You know what to expect when they expect. You know you're not loneliness and pain. It is much easier to handle if you know it finished and ready. You have two options: wallow in your pain and walk with a heavy heart, most of the day, or you can, how happy are you that your partner ever in their career or who serve their country focuses. You know, for the next two weeks perhaps, three half-hour phone call with your partner. Instead of viewing the situation as "All you get is a conversation," he said, "I can not wait to call."

Make every effort to meet the challenges of overcoming come with a long distance relationship. Get involved themselves, be happy and to melt miles.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Does Absence Make The Heart Grow Fonder?

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" is a popular saying which means that the lack of something increases the desire for it. Does it really work this way in a love relationship? Well it depends on how involved or committed you are in the relationship. Lets talk in a bit more detail.

A long distance relationship has so many pitfalls and that's why it is so hard to preserve one. There can be so much pain, stress and frustration in such a relationship. But then here comes the saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". There is so much debate on whether this is really true. Does absence increase the love between the you two or does it gives you (or your partner) an opportunity to wander? There are two different sides of the story!

The first side:

If you are seriously rooted in your love relationship, the your love is neither affected by time nor by distance. No matter how long have you been apart and no matter how distantly you dwell, your hearts will be closer. And, of course you can connect and become closer with latest technology.

When you are not together, you miss the person everyday. Something that is easy to reach is less attractive or wanted for than compared to something that cannot be easily reached. That works here! You cannot see your guy or girl and cannot show up often at his/her place when you are at a distance. This makes it not so easy to get closer. You cannot be intimate (I just don't mean sex here!), you cannot share things in life face to face, you cannot of course, enjoy so many other benefits while you are at a distance.

This results in pain, lots of it. It does hurt your heart but certainly not the relationship. When you guys are apart, the love between you is fresh everyday. Every phone call or an IM feels like the first of it ever. You feel the love as fresh as it is. There is very less room for boredom. When you actually miss your guy or the girl there is more time and room for the feelings to grow and hence there is very less chance to get bored while you are together everyday.

You talk/chat/meet at some intervals and this is not everyday. So you (hopefully) have new/interesting things to talk as opposed to couple who meet everyday or who are always together. When there is less room for boredom, your love stays fresh.

When you go out to places that remind you of your love, that is an excellent feeling! It makes you realize how important your partner is to you.

The second side:

If you (or your partner) are (is) not seriously rooted in the relationship things are just the opposite. Guess what works in this case? The 'out of sight, out of mind' thing works well. Especially for flirting persons, this is a great deal. They can simply be free flirting with other guys or girls because their partner is not watching them.

The absence of the partner means less or no intimacy and the hormones come to play. Since the person is not well rooted in the relationship, the hormones win and the love loses the battle.

It will be very hard to establish trust in the relationship. A guy or girl who wanders (instead of fonder) cannot be trusted and yet even bitter is the fact that these kind of people don't trust others. You know why? Since the cheating chip is inside them, they have the same eye on their partner as well. So while they are happily and busily flirting their way at the distance, they would always think what their partner will be doing? Will he/she be with someone else just like me? Hypocrites!

Since there is no trust and no honesty, the commitment part is almost impossible. The absence in this case has facilitated a good wander.

So yes, it is really your heart's perspective. You can choose to fonder or wander in the absence. It all depends on how you value the relationship. I would say true love will fonder and the rest will wander!

What do you think?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Exciting

Handling a relationship is never an easy thing to do. It requires a lot of things for it to work and to survive. Imagine doing these things far from each other? Do you think it's possible to keep a long distance relationship work? Nothing is impossible. But, is this relationship can be as exciting as when the two of you is together? It can be. Here are some ways on how to keep a long distance exciting.

1. Use all the possible communication ways to be with each other. May it be snail mail, e-mail, or even chat; you need to continuously communicate. Make it a habit to send text massages as if you just live a few blocks away. Cyberspace is now the new place for people to stay close. You have to take advantage of that and I'm sure that you will feel like she just lives next door. Chat for hours and talk face to face by using a web cam. You can always make things fun and exciting using the web cam. Play some online games, like hangman and make it more interesting by making it a strip hangman. The one that loses has to remove an item of clothing. It will not only be fun it will also make both your evenings steamy. Internet makes everything close so, use it to continuously be in each other's side even when you are miles apart.

2. Send each other gifts. It will make your girl feel appreciated once she receives something from you. It doesn't have to be expensive. Simple things can make your girl feel that you are just a phone call away. Make it romantic by sending intimate gifts like lingerie that you would love to see her wear. You can add a message that you will be looking forward to seeing it on her. She will have something to look forward to and it will make her feel better even if she is a thousand miles away. How to keep a long distance relationship exciting is not easy but there are always creative ways to make everything plausible and bearable.

3. Have something to look forward to. Plan a get together that both of you will definitely enjoy. It could be a vacation on a different country or you can have a weekend getaway on a beach or a mountain longhouse. This will definitely help replenish the relationship. If you have something to look forward to, time tends to fly. Plan this together, and make everything as memorable as possible. This will definitely help you pass the rough times.

4. Do things together. It doesn't mean that since you no longer live near each other, you can't have a good time together, right? So why not go out with your friends for an evening of fun. Keep each other posted of what is happening and compare notes on what the latest news are on each other's side of fun. You can plan on what you will do once you or your girl visits. You can also try watching the same program while discussing about its good and bad points on the phone.

Being far from each other doesn't mean that you can no longer do what you usually enjoy together. You just have to be more enthusiastic in doing things. Distance might make others forget. But all of these depend on how much you want your relationship to work. How to keep a long distance relationship exciting? I believe that you just have to make the best of what you have and exert some more efforts and make everything a wee bit creative.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Is Long Distance Relationship Possible to Live Through?

Having a long distance relationship is stressful at times, it requires patience. When you have decided that you're going to keep it in place and that you'll be there for each other no matter how far apart you're, then you should congratulate yourself for being mature enough to handle it and all that comes with it.

There are many turns and twists and you must practice to be patient while you wait for your time to be together once again. You may spend a great deal of time missing your beloved and thinking about what that beloved person is doing each moment of the day. You'll have to go through moments in your life that are memorable.

You'll spend time stressing over the list of "what if's." Like I said, having a long distance relationship is never an easy task. Remember that if you're both able to work through the difficult obstacles, then you'll find the happiness that you deserve. When you're able to finally reunite, all of the pain and struggle will fade away. The pain that you experienced when you said good bye will always be there as well.

For couples that are involved in long distance relationships, every single minute of time spent with their love is stunning. There are several people that are living wonderful lives together after spending time in long distance relationships. There are certain things that must be considered when building on a healthy long distance relationships. They are:

1. Having Mutual Feelings: The most important thing is that both parties involved in this kind of relationships must have feelings that are mutual. That is the basic requirement. If both parties are not willing to commit completely, then they're just living a lie and it will not work in the end.

2. Strong Commitment: Love must also be paired with a strong commitment. Both parties must be committed to one another so that love can bond them together of the miles that separate them so that they can work through the obstacles that may arise.

3. Having Great Faith And Trust: They must also have a great deal of faith and trust in the relationship, and this is the most important factor of them all. They may find themselves worrying because they're so far apart. One partner may begin to be depressed about what the other partner is doing, and this is not healthy. If they can trust each other and if they have faith in their relationship, then the long distance relationships will be worth the effort.

4. Being Mature: Maturity is the last factor to consider. Both partners must be mature to deal with being in long distance relationships. When one or both of the parties are childish in their thoughts and behavior, then the relationships will not work. They'll simply drive each other crazy.

While long distance relationships have been compared to dreams, those that have gone through it can tell you some of their very own stories. The majority of them have proven that it is possible to overcome the difficult times that come along. As the old phrase goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Long distance is no longer an excuse why you shouldn't keep in touch with friends and family members. Click this link free family and friend search to learn more about the paid and free searching services. While on that page you'll discover how Americans from different origins frequently use these services researching genealogy of their families.

Article Source:

Joshua Nyamache - EzineArticles Expert Author

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Long Distance Relationship - Important Considerations to Make It Work

You often hear some people say, "Life is simple". At some point, it really is and it should be. However, this is not always the case especially if you are in a relationship; either married or in a boyfriend-girlfriend situation. There will always come a time when priorities are bound to change brought about by some developments in the environment they exist in. People are expected to reach the point when they need to decide between a relationship and their career. This is not easy but in the event that one chooses the latter, this would put them to a test related to how they can make their long distance relationship work.

There is no doubt; long distance relationship is not easy seeing that it would be totally challenging to keep the closeness or intimacy if you are not seeing each other. However, just like all other questions, there will always be something that you can do to provide answer for this need as long as you are willing to exert sufficient effort to keep the fire of intimacy and love burning with flame. With the introduction of innovative creations like the internet and mobile phones, you can easily communicate with your husband or boyfriend, whichever the case might be.

The first important ingredient that can make any relationship work is honesty. When both are honest in whatever they communicate and reveal, it builds trust and there is tiny room for doubts and suspicion to sneak in. You need to combine it with constant communication because it is vital that they talk with each other sharing everything that is happening in their lives. In doing so, both would feel involved as if they are not far from each other. This would not break their bond but instead link them closer.

Needless to say fidelity or faithfulness should never be compromised. Also, emotional fidelity should not be taken aside for in the present situation of the society wherein social networking sites are usually avenues for infidelity. However, if you made it a promise and committed yourself to fortifying your emotional attachment while you are far from each other, this would be one way to firing up the romance in your relationship even if you are thousands of miles away from each other.

Long span of time spent away from each other may cause one party to feel disheartened reaching to the point that he wants to give up. This is when encouragement would be useful and elemental to keeping your relationship alive. Always keep in mind that showing your support and giving him confidence that everything will be fine would do wonders. These are the times when your partner would need your words of encouragement that you are willing to wait for his return. It would be helpful if you work on ways to revitalize the connection through chatting or sending love messages by means of letters or cards.

With effort and your love for each other, long distance relationship is bound to work after all. Always keep in mind that tough times will eventually last and your patience would bring back its rewards later on. Soon, you would both be near each other again and enjoying the moment together proving the saying that "absence makes the heart grow fonder!"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Gifts: Gifts That Will Make Him Smile

Thinking of what would be the appropriate long distance relationship gifts to give your guy on your anniversary? Still going at it for the past two weeks but still could not come up with a list? How about asking him directly what he wants, would that be okay?

In looking for long distance relationship gifts, many find it hard on what to specifically choose. Shall they go for the more lavish ones or are the more practical ones fine already? Knowing what to look for is important in order not to waste your money. If you are still in a dilemma over what to buy then you can choose from the following list on ideal long distance relationship gifts that will surely make your guy smile.

Gift #1: Love Letter: Who says sending love letters no longer exists? Guys would never admit it but they do love receiving and reading love letters from their girlfriends. Sending love letters as snail mail just like the old times will make it even more romantic. Your guy will definitely love it when he arrives at his place with your love letter waiting for him. This example of long distance relationship gifts will surely put a smile on his face.

Gift #2: Sports memorabilia: Guys love sports. They can spend the whole day watching sports and still crave for more sports action. There are now a lot of sports memorabilia up for grabs for sports enthusiasts. As an ideal gift for your guy, giving sports memorabilia will let him know that you value his interests as well.

Gift #3: Tour Tickets: Has he been talking about wanting to go on a trip with you? Then make it real for him. Search the net for tours that you can both enjoy. If you are into historical places then choose tours that can take you to such places. As one of the ideal long distance relationship gifts, going on a tour will give you and your guy the chance to bond with each other and spend quality time while enjoying your interests.

Gift #4: Bake Something Special: Does your guy love your blueberry cheese cake? Why not bake him one and send it to him? Your guy will definitely like the effort you put into it and will love you even more for it. If you have your own specialty that you have been wanting him to try, then now is the time to share it with him. Take out that special recipe you cherish and bake something delicious out of it to share to your guy.

Gift #5: Share his Hobbies: If your guy is into collecting stuffs like key chains or CDs, then why not join him and collect some for him as well? The effort will surely make him love you even more. Such gesture will mean that you like being a part of his life and love making him happy. Sharing his hobbies as one of your long distance relationship gifts to him definitely earns you a warm smile from him.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Tips - Stay in Touch

While a long distant relationship is unsavory to most couples, many couples succeed at it every day. Anybody who has lived a military life knows this, and one of the first long distance relationship tips they offer is to stay in touch. They will tell you that it is not only possible, but that it has some distinct advantages over traditional relationships. Do you find yourself facing the prospect of being separated from your partner for long periods of time? Would you like some experience for the long distance relationship tips from couples who have prospered from such an arrangement? Then the following tips and advice will help you approach this growing issue between couples.

Trusting soul mates

One of the biggest concerns in long distance relationships is the issue of trust. The truth of the matter is that if the relationship is a strong one, the issue of trust would not be a concern. After all, if a partner is going to stray from a monogamous relationship, does it matter whether it is with the next door neighbor or co-worker 1000 miles away? The obvious answer is no, if your partner is not a trusting soul mate, it really doesn't matter the distance between you. All strong relations are built on the solid foundation of unwavering trust.

Open the lines of communication

Before the internet, with all of its "bells and whistles" of web cams and Skype, letter writing was the main source of communication in long distance relationships. The military learned early on that letters from love ones was as important to the troops as the ammunition they needed to carry into war. Letter writing is still one of the most important long distance relationship tips, and is a great way to communicate with your partner during long separations. Letter writing helps lonely partners reflect and think about the issues that bonds the relationship. The lines of communication are even better today with the internet, and any long distance relationship stands an even better chance when both partners have access to computers.

Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder

People who have been in a successful relationship for long periods of time all agree that every partnership needs a little separation from time to time. Some will argue that couples who see too much of each other is just as dangerous as long separations. As one military spouse who has been married for years once said to me, "I couldn't stand it if he was around all the time." The simple truth is that abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. When partners are reunited after a long period of time, the intimate relations they share are very intense and intoxicating. It is no great wonder that there is usually a rise in birth rates when soldiers return home from war.

Keep yourself busy

Some long distance relationship tips include keeping yourself busy while you're separated. Again this tip comes from the advice of military spouses that have an in-depth knowledge of surviving long separations. Without exception, they advise the "stay at home" partner to volunteer to their community or return to school to keep them from the "stinking thinking" that tends to depress people with a lot of time on their hands. Other long distance relationship tips include reminding yourself that there is light at the end of the tunnel and eventually your partner will return home, and you can enjoy each others time together more passionately.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today: Love Triggers Revealed

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Article Source:

Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to Connect With Long Distant Family Members

How can a person really connect with long distant family members? There are many of us out there that have many family members all over the world. In fact there are many of us that have quite a few different members of our families living in quite a few different countries. No matter how close they are it can become increasingly difficult to maintain a long distant relationship. It is hard work but as we all know anything worth working for is always worth it. This is especially true when it comes to family.

So step one that you need to take is to make sure that you are in regular contact with these people that you want to connect with. You must phone them, Skype them, or email them, whatever you like but you must do so at least once a month. Once a month is the least amount of time that you need to really be able to keep the fire going between you and your family. It is a great way for you to be able to share stories and going on's without you feeling like its a massive burden on you. You must really try to do this once a week.

Step number two is to make sure that you pay them a visit at least once every few years. Having phone or Skype conversations is great but it only works out for a temporary basis. You both need to make a great effort toward really visiting each other so that you can keep that connection alive. Nothing is like being visited by the family that you love.

The next step after this is to make sure that you remember you family on all the special occasions. This means that if you have an uncle in a country who has a birthday in September then you should really make the effort to give them a phone call and wish them a happy birthday. These are small things but if you really focus your attention you can keep the connection alive.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to Survive a Long-Distance Relationship

For those who think that love is enough to make any relationship work are possible victims to one of the biggest deceptions in the world. Any type of relationship, most especially romantic, requires a lot of efforts. One has to be on toes all the time, alert for any kind of issue that should be discussed before it's going to be too late. You want to look and feel good for your partner.

That's why it seems too hard to maintain a long-distance relationship. According to studies, commonly a romantic relationship dissolves around six months after the physical separation. This information, though, should not stop you from pursuing this. There are also others who succeed simply because they follow these tips:

Lay down the rules. Rules are important in any relationship, more so when you're going to be separated for quite some time. As much as possible, you want to limit the possibilities of issues such as jealousy. Determine if both of you are allowed to see other people, the modes of communication, how often should each other communicate, so on and so forth.

Identify the possible problems. No one will really know what types of challenges are going to come along the way, but both of you can at least be more prepared. You don't want to find the issues too overwhelming to handle.

For example, the move to another country may create communication issues considering the time differences. There will be fewer technologies available, which means you really cannot expect the person to be available all the time.

Build up on the trust. Trust is one of the things that truly matters in a relationship, especially long distance. This is the value that will make you feel more secure, less jealous or insecure, and more independent.

Not everyone tend to have a high level of trust. You may want to work on it. To help you, you can make use of subliminal messages. Subliminal messages, sometimes called affirmations, can assist you in changing your present negative mind-set to something more optimistic or positive. You can try the following phrases:

I trust my loved one a lot.

I have enough trust to allow somebody to be on his own.

I am confident of this relationship.

I have enough trust to give away.

I am confident of my own personality.

I am a blessed person.

These subliminal messages can be repeated most especially at times when you seem to be in doubt even if there's really nothing to be worried about.

Be more open. Make sure you can share your thoughts and feelings, particularly if you want to feel assured by your loved one. Besides, there's no such thing as a mind reader. Your partner will not know something is already bothering you or an issue is on the rise unless you are willing to talk about it.

Keep the romance on high. The more you are apart, the more you have to put a lot of effort to keep the passion and love burning. Surprise each other once in a while, leave inspiring messages on the inboxes, make yourself look good all the time.

Friday, May 13, 2011

How To Coax A Russian Woman Into Your Life!

Russian women are the new fascination for men in the West. They have a beauty that is quite exceptional, wonderful eyes and a good sense of style. Many men are interested in Russian women because they value the qualities that these women have as part of their culture.

Let me explain. Russian women under the Soviet regime were treated as equals to men. Therefore they were required to do hard physical work, as much as men were. But in the home they were definitely not treated as equals; they have to do all the housework and care of the home. The men however are very dominating. They really do "rule the roost" and are very limited in their sensitivity to women's needs.

So, in Russian, women are used to being submissive and docile, working hard, and they are also very maternal. In Russia if a husband and wife divorce, then the children will always go with the mother. Because Russian moms have 100% of the care of the children when the couples are together, they have a very close bond with the children.

So, culturally they have many attributes that Western men are interested in. Another thing is, they tend to take care of themselves very well. High heels, hair done, beautiful clothes - this is just an ordinary day for a Russian girl. Style is vitally important to them and they love to look good. No surprise then, that they attract the attention of Western men.

But what's in it for the Russian women?

Russian women see that life in the West means more freedom. They want to be treated as equals. They want to be loved and respected - well what woman doesn't want that? But in the west, women are treated much better than in Russia.

There are fairly strict cultural rules for marriage in Russia, girls should be married at an early age. If a Russian girl is out of her teens then she is considerably less attractive to Russian men. The same is true if she has had a previous relationship and has children; Russian men look down on providing for another mans child.

However in the West it is common for women in their twenties to get married for the first time. Western men do not think twice about taking on another mans child, particularly in the man is totally out of the picture and has no contact with the child or mom.

Overall, Russian women have the entire package for Western men, and they bring light and love to many a mans heart.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Tips - 5 Tips For Making It Work

Are you involved in a long distance relationship? Are you concerned about how you can make it work? Are you looking for tips that can help to make your relationship work? Long distance relationships are becoming more common now that online dating has become so popular. However, with all of that distance between you, it can be easy to drift apart. These tips can help you make it work.

Long distance relationship tips #1

Talk about and define your relationship. This may be a bit difficult to do, but it is extremely important. Defining it can help both of you to know just how in depth your relationship is. Are you just dating or are you boyfriend and girlfriend? Will you be monogamous, or will the two of you have the freedom to date other people? Talk openly about your feelings and what you need from your partner and encourage your significant other to do the same.

Long distance relationship tips #2

Send e-mails, e-cards, and instant messages to each other regularly. If you don't already have a webcam, purchase one. This can give you face to face contact, at least in the digital sense. Additionally, the iPhone 4 allows for face to face conversations. Use programs like Skye to talk to each other for free. Send pictures of your day via e-mail. Technology can really help to bridge the distance gap.

Long distance relationship tips #3

Couples who see each other regularly do things together. You should do things with your long distance partner as well. However, because you can't do them in person, do them online or on the phone. Watch a movie together, play truth or dare over the phone or webcam, or play an online game. You can even choose a book that both of you are interested in and read it together so that you can talk about what you read later.

Long distance relationship tips #4

Take the time to send a hand written letter once a month. Sending a hand written letter is exciting. It gives you a chance to see each other's handwriting. It is also much more romantic than an email. This tip has been long forgotten but has many wonderful benefits.

Long distance relationship tips #5

It is important to stay positive and trust your partner. Avoid indulging yourself in negative thought patterns. If you want your relationship to work, then you will have to give your partner the benefit of the doubt. Never lose hope that the two of you can make it work. If you read something in an email or letter that upsets you, don't read too much into it. Studies have shown that we read more of a statement from body language than any other form of communication. Without body language, messages can sometimes be misinterpreted. Instead of allowing yourself to get upset, talk to your partner about what they said and ask them what they really meant. Odds are you just misunderstood.

Long distance relationships can work. Many couples have gone before you to prove it. If you follow the advice of those that have made it work, your relationship will have a better chance of making it. Love knows no distance. Never forget that.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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Tina L. Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Top 3 Tips to Consider When Buying Long Distance Relationships Reading Books

How many of you have bought a long distance relationships reading book? I'm in the business of helping people and have a degree myself. I've read many books on relationships and know many different techniques.

So, the question is, what books are worth reading? Well, I'm here to help you to decide.

Not all of the books in the bookstore are valid. Quite in fact, some of them are downright false!

I'm writing this article to help you decide which books to buy and to help you to watch out for the bad ones that are only out to get your money.

I will not provide names of books here; this article is meant to help you gain a general knowledge of what books are worth your time.

So, without beating around the bush any further, here are my top 3 tips when buying long distance relationships book:

Tip 1: Who wrote the book? Do they have at least a Master's Degree or Doctorate? A doctorate has several different incarnations. The most memorable one is Ph.D. I myself have a Psy.D., others have Ed.D.. There are several different ones. First and foremost just look to see if they have any credentials whatsoever.

Now, I'm not trying to say that all authors that lack initials behind their names are hacks. Some of them have little formal education, but several years of experience. Well, experience gives you knowledge too, which is something to consider.

Tip 2: Read the author's bio page to find out what their specialty is. For the purpose of this article, we would want them to specialize in long distance relationships. They could even have been in several ones themselves, and would be able to give you some insight into making long distance relationships easier for you.

Tip 3: Know that books will not solve all of your problems. They may help us in our relationships and other self-help areas, but they are not the end-all method. There is always formal counseling, etc. Don't rule out all of your options. Then again, sometimes education is key to relationship success.

Okay, I hope these tips help you when buying long distance relationships reading books.

For additional reading, please check out my resource box below.

For more help hen Buying Long Distance Relationships Reading Books, please visit my website, which will link you to Dr. Leslie Karsner's page that offers more FREE tips for your long distance relationship, as well as an OPTIONAL FREE MEMBERSHIP to "Go Romance eZine!", please Click Here!

Article Source:

Anthony E Miner - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, May 6, 2011

Why Connecting With Family Is Very Important

Family is the most important thing that a person can ever have. It is something that can't be replaced, and it for sure can't be bought. Family is there when you are sad and they are there when you are happy. They were the reason that you were are in this world in the first place. They are the reason that you are able to do the things that you do in the first place. They are the reason that you have been able to go to school. They are the reason for all the great things that have happened in your life. Granted its a fact that sometimes you just do not like being among your family, but these situations are few and far between. Your love for your family is never going to die. So you should never forget them.

The best way that you can remain in good contact with your family is to make sure that you are in constant contact with them. It is very important that you spend good time with your family. It is also very important that you focus all your efforts on your family. You must, and it does not matter how busy your life gets ever forget to stay in touch with your family, no matter how busy or hectic your life gets.

Another great way to connect with family is to come together during holiday season. Or just spend some good time connecting with the people that you really love. You really have to just spend time with them.

So start today and begin to connect with your close family. Never forget them for they are the reason that you are in this world in the first place.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Making a Long Distance Relationship Work for the Long Term

Have you heard repeatedly that long distance relations don't work? Are you currently in a relationship where miles separate the both of you from being together? Want some of the best advice on how to make your long distance relationship work? With some practical advice and a willing to commit you can make any relationship work, even those where space separates you.

There is no denying that relationships carried over a considerable time and space can be extremely difficult. Its human nature to want to spend as much time as possible together and the fact of the matter is that there is only so much a letter, email, phone call can do. If you happen to be in a long distance relationship or are intending to get involved in one then there are a few important points to consider. What do you intend for the both of you in the future? How often will you get to see your partner? Questions like these need to be answered as early as possible to give yourself the best chance of having success in a relationship for the both of you.

Read on for some top tips on getting a through a relationship separated by distance.

Rule number 1 - Know what you both want in the end

With a relationship separated by space and time it's important to know where you are heading. Having a partner that lives locally is totally different to that of one half ways across the world. What's the point in having a relationship if you don't know where it's going? This is especially true of distant relationships. If you can't answer this simple question then what's the point of carrying on? Simply take things less seriously and see it as a fling, that's your only choice.

Stay involved in the real world

New partners like to spend every waking hour talking and spending time together. With a long distance relationship this is reflected in phone calls, video chat, MSN and other social services. Having a relationship like this can sometimes lead you to being unsociable in the long-term which isn't good for your wellbeing or health. Remember that you have a social life before you get involved in such a relationship and if you are already in one and fail to pay attention to those around you then it's time you made a change, don't you think? Strike a balance and everything will be well.

Spend quality time together

Couples that are in a relationship sometimes tend to take for granted the time they spend together as they live so near to each other. Whenever the both of you meet make sure the time spent is worthwhile and memorable, and don't forget to share with each other how you feel as well as discuss what you both want in the future.

Everything in life needs a plan, without one you are setting yourself up for doom and gloom.

Those were my top tips on succeeding with a long distance relationship. Follow them closely and stick to the plan and everything will work out fine. Trust me!

Monday, May 2, 2011

How to Date From a Distance

We've all heard it before; long distance relationships just don't work out. Well that is not the case, nowadays. The ability to communicate with those around the world has gotten simpler, less expensive and more advanced. I am currently in a relationship with a man who lives 1200 miles away from me! How do we keep our connection alive a thousand miles away? There are six tools I recommend to stay close from a distance, but first, let's talk a little about why some of this technology is so popular starting with online dating.

Online dating: Almost half of Americans that are looking for love turn to the World Wide Web. Why not? It opens your dating pool to a wider array of prospects that you can match to your specific preferences. I didn't meet my boyfriend online; however it has led to dates, some of which turned into relationships.

Web cams: Visual cues such as facial expressions are important in long distance relationships as well. Web cams enable you to see that your partner is engaged and enjoying your conversations. At first, I wasn't comfortable using a webcam, but at this stage in my relationship, the web cam is a great way to see my boyfriend between visits. Web cameras do not have to be expensive. Check vendors like eBay and Craigslist for bargains.

Skype: Skype works with your computer's camera to allow you to video conference with your love interest. Another option is to leave out the camera and just communicate using your computer's microphone like a telephone. With Skype, you won't rack up a lot of long distance phone charges. My boyfriend and I utilize the camera feature. It enhances our Bible studies, TV watching, web surfing and playing online games together.

Text and picture messaging: Texting and picture messaging are a quick convenient way to keep in touch. Let's face it. We have work and other responsibilities throughout the day and there is not always the time or the place to talk on the phone or over the computer so texting is a great alternative.

Instant messaging: When you can't talk, but have Internet access, instant messaging is a good way to communicate with your partner. AOL, Google, MSN and Yahoo are some of the most popular instant messaging services. These are all free and reliable. Instant messaging is a way to send text based messages, pictures and text based files to your partner over the computer in real time.

Email: My boyfriend and I email each other virtual greeting cards, which you can get for free at, on special occasions or just to say "I'm thinking about you." You can also be romantic by randomly sending poems, photos or videos.

Voicemail: Like email, you can use voicemail to deliver romantic messages such as "I just called to say I love you." Voicemail is also a good tool to use to remind your lover about important information, for example your flight plans or to get specifics about your upcoming date.

We've explored through this article, many ways to maintain a relationship when living hundreds or even thousands of miles away from your love interest. So the next time someone says, "Long distance relationships don't work," tell them to read this article.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Long Distance Relationship - 5 Simple Ways to Succeed

"Failure" - the word that comes into the minds of many when they hear about a long distance relationship. It's true that many long distance relationship end in failure. However, failure is not imminent. I have survived a long distance relationship, and I have personally witness many successful long distance relationship. How did we do it? Here are 5 simple ways to help your long distance relationship be as successful as ours.

1) Communication

Communication is the key to a successful relationship. Since your partner and you are far away from each other, the best way to feel connected is to communicate with your partner. With the aid of modern online communication software like Skype and MSN Messenger, it won't cost you a lot. You don't have to call your partner for hours daily. Just a simple email about your day or about how you miss them is all it takes. This would certainly bridge the distance gap and make their day.

2) Hobby

Have a common hobby. Despite the miles that separate you and your partner, when engaging on the hobby, both of you will feel connected with each other. A hobby would also create a common topic. Always asking each other "how is your day?" may result in a boring, mundane conversation. When conversations get boring, you or your partner may not look forward to it. Potentially leading to a communication breakdown.

3) Blog

An interesting way to share your thoughts and feelings with your partner. Adding pictures and videos to the blog entry would make it more lively and interesting. Create a personnel blog where only both of you have access to. This way, you can share how you truly feel about your partner with privacy. Blogging is better than writing a nice long email, because the blog would have an archive. It can help refresh your memory about your relationship, and also serve as a refuge at times when you really miss your partner but they are unable to be reached.

4) Surprises

The best method to keep your relationship interesting. Send a bouquet of flowers to your partner's school / workplace. Send a hand-written card. Or surprise him/her with a simple jewelery on your anniversary. You get my point? Being away from each other does not mean that your relationship would be dull, and that all occasions would go uncelebrated. Go online and get the contact details of their local florist! Or get your partner's friend to secretly help you get a present for him/her. Accompanied with a hand-written card that is mailed over. That would certainly make his/her day.

5) Truthful and Open

Needless to say, trust is essential for your relationship. To facilitate trust, both parties must be open to each other. No lies about their feelings for each other. No lies about the company they are with. A friendly relationship with a person of the opposite gender, if kept a secret, may be misunderstood as a clandestine affair. This would result in friction, misunderstanding and the lost of trust. Adversely affecting your relationship.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Alive

If they tell you that long distance relationship does not work is maybe because it doesn't work for them. Long distance relationship works for some people and to others do not. As I can say, it really works for me.

There are major keys to keep a long distance relationship going.

Trust and Faith -If you have faith that it will work, then it will be fine, just continue. If trust is not an issue, time will. For the first couple of months, it would be very bumpy and is hard to keep especially when you miss each other.

Physical Contact is important but in a long distance relationship. If it is just 2 to 3 hours away, then make an effort to travel. Make the alternate rule. If you have time, go to her/his place, If the other have, then maybe he/she can go to your place. Or if this doesn't work, then meet the half way. This can be beneficial to both of you because you get to spend more time to each other.

But then again, what if this doesn't work? The reason is when you are far because one of you must work abroad? Communication will play a major role.

A long distance relationship can work when you have great communication. Minimum of twice a day would do. There lots of ways make contact. A couple of text messages, e-mails, chat and even snail mail. A simple note saying I love you would do.

Blogging is also a great way to have communication. Online blogging is like making an online diary about your self or what you are doing or anything that you want to share to your love one abroad. You can even put pictures and videos so that your love one will be updated. You could both do this. You can start by registering at This is the easiest way to start a blog.

Long distance relationship takes a lot of work. Think of it as positive and don't lose hope. Take in consideration your feelings. If you truly love each other, it will definitely work. I am now married and have our 9 months old daughter. After a month of relationship, my wife traveled abroad and works for a year. And when she returns, we get married. It works for me, how about you?

Monday, April 25, 2011

So Close, So Far - Tips to Maintain Your Long Distance Relationships

Everybody knows that keeping a relationship is so hard, not to mention adding hundreds of miles on top of one which will add much more strain.

Imagine the continuous spending of airplane tickets or gas, the increasing moments of silence when making phone calls and those embarrassing emails, text messages and IMs without reply. You may start asking yourself, "How much could you know the person about his or her day?"

How long will you go to make the tough and sweet relationship work? In fact, it could stay much longer than you imagine if the following things are done.

1. Communicate at regular intervals

It is undoubted that communication is the most significant part in any relationship. If you and your partner keep in touch with each other frequently, then nothing will break it. Do not conceal anything from your partner. Even if you have different ideas on some issues, just let him know.

2. Do something together

Make sure that you two could do some things together, in spite of the long distance between you two. Make a phone call and get his or her schedule. If he plans to go out for shopping in a particular time then you do it too. This method will make you feel a bit closer.

3. Don't control your relationship

Don't ask your partner whom he will talk to or when to meet. Don't call him repeatedly to ask what time he will back home. Don't make him feel that he has being controlled.

4. Live your own life

Both of you are separate individuals. One of the critical elements to surviving a long-distance relationship is to maintain your own life, interests and friendships when your partner is not aside you. Maintaining a long-distance relationship brings a magnificent benefit that a physically close relationship doesn't: you could both carry on growing and enriching your life independently while still being in a partnership. If your relationship is handles properly, each of you could become quite well-developed and productive, and will have more to dispose the relationship to the end.

5. Keep it sexy and spicy.

Time together is short, when you do company with each other, utilize your ability as much advantage as possible to get lovey-dovey with each other. Send an email and tell him that you had got a set of marvelous sexy lingerie and then just let your roommates know that your partner is coming and keep the Do Not Disturb sign up!

The achievement of your long-distance relationship usually depends on you and your partners' efforts. Some people could do it, while some other could not. The relationship will always end up with what you make and what you choose to do.

Summary: You can make a long-distance relationship thrive. Before you give up on fanning the flames of your long-distance romance, consider employing these strategies to keep your long-distance love hot.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Long Distance Relationship Advice - 3 Ways to Build Trust

I think we can all agree that trust in a standard relationship is crucial, but in a long distance relationship it can become the single most important factor in determining long term success. My long distance love advice is fairly unassuming: I have a pretty open approach to Trust in my relationship as I knew early on that all of the effort and love I put in could be destroyed by a single moment of mistrust. I built trust in the beginning stages and I think its important to share all the ways I did...

Three great ways to build trust from the beginning of you long distance relationship are:

Reliability. If you say you're going to call at 9pm call at 9pm. If you say your going to travel to see your partner the second weekend in May you had better clear your schedule to go see your partner the second weekend in May. Be very careful with your promises. Make sure you have free time to call your partner or have planned out other promises you make. Punctuality and being reliable are incredibly important. Your partner needs to know that you are dedicated and will always do what you say you will do.

Communication. Speak openly about building trust. It isn't a bad thing to tell you partner up front that, "I think building trust will be one of the most important parts of our relationship.". I have openly told my partner that ex's have called me or texted me and then said, "I just wanted you to know that it isn't an issue and you're the only thing on my mind". Routine communication will build strong bound between you and your partner.

Be expressive. Being expressive will let your partner know what is on your mind. Your thoughts and feelings should be openly shared with your partner. The more expressive you are the more in tune your partner will be with where you are at in your relationship and the less they will worry. So let you partner know how you are feeling. Be open. Let them know your ups and downs. It will lead to better communication as well as a more loving and trusting relationship.

I really hope this will help in your LDR's. I can't stress how important the trust part of your relationship will be. I think it is best to get out in front and get all of this out of the way early. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Keep a Long Distance Love Alive

Whether you are using online dating to meet and flirt with someone attractive or are more interested in building a lasting relationship of love, romance or marriage, you and your partner will need to know how to keep a long distance love alive.

Relationships are hard work whether in a dating situation or not.This is especially true when you add the factor of a long distance between the two of you. Things can become even more complicated. However, with the use of the internet the distance is bridged a bit better. Worldwide online dating is becoming more popular.

Long distance relationships can be challenging whether you are a single looking for someone special or single parents miles away from one another connecting on a more intimate level. These types of relationships take a bit more work when it comes to communication, understanding and compromise more so than traditional relationships. Some people do not think it will work. However, this is true of many local relationships as well.

However, with some well thought out planning and a little extra effort on both parts, long distance romances can work. There are of course, benefits of having such a relationship, since you know that you are lucky to have someone on the other end of the line who is willing to go the distance with you. This prevents you from feeling all alone in the world without a companion.

Your long distance relationships should involve two people though miles apart find interest in one another and deeply care about each other. Love can grow in such situations. However, it is the type of relationship that can test the level of love from either of the couple. Using the only tools available to you which are your word you can keep the lines of communication open. You can create the type of relationship you want to build and then work to maintain it.

The hardest part is dealing with the distance between you. However, there are some things you can do together. For instance, you can play cards and other online games together. You can both rent the same movie and start it at the same time, while talking on the phone and discussing it or discussing it later by phone or email. You can create a list of things to do together as well as making and sending each other gifts or posting cards and sending e-Cards to one another.

Communication is the most important factor in making a long distance relationship successful. You both need to feel like you are a part of each others life. You can do this by using emails, webcams and digital camera photos. There is a measure of intimacy and seduction in hearing the voice of the one you care for. No communication means, no relationship whether you are talking with family and friends or searching for foreign brides.

You and your partner can make long distance relationships work by committing yourselves to it. Whether it is by hand written letters, emails or telephone you need to commit to communicating. This is the key to making any relationship work.

Any relationship is on the verge of crumbling if there is no honesty or trust. When you consider an online long distance relationship, you and your partner must be committed to keeping promises even if you are miles apart.